69 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: Generalized spatial modulation (GSM) maps its information to the index of the transmit antenna combination, making simultaneous transmission of multiple symbol possible. However, SM outperform GSM scheme in terms of error performance of the same data rate, due to average power effect. Transmit and receive diversity or the combination of both allow huge improvement in mimo systems in  terms of error performance. In this paper, we investigate a near optimal low-complexity Euclidean distance antenna selection (LC-EDAS) technique in GSM system, to further improve the performance of the conventional GSM system. The LC-EDAS technique independently search across signal and spatial dimension to eliminate the worse channel prior to transmission. Secondly, we investigate a sub-optimal low-complexity transmit antenna selection (LCTAS) in the GSM system to further reduce the computational complexity (CC) imposed by LC-EDAS. The Monte Carlo simulation results obtained reveals a trade-off between the GSM scheme with LC-EDAS and GSM scheme with sub-optimal transmit antenna selection in terms of error performance and CC. ABSTRAK: Modulasi Spatial Keseluruhan (GSM) menghubung informasi kepada indeks kombinasi antena yang dipancarkan, membuatkan pemancaran keseluruhan simbol dapat dilakukan. Walau bagaimanapun, SM lebih bagus daripada skim GSM pada prestasi kesilapan pada kadar data yang sama, kerana kesan purata kuasa. Kepelbagaian penghantaran dan penerimaan ataupun kombinasi keduanya memberi pembaharuan yang lebih besar dalam sistem mimo pada prestasi kesalahan. Penyelidikan ini akan mengkaji optima terdekat Euclidean kurang rumit, melalui teknik (LC-EDAS) pilihan jarak antenna dalam sistem GSM, bagi menambah prestasi sistem GSM sedia ada. Teknik LC-EDAS secara sendiri mencari signal dan dimensi separa bagi mengurangkan saluran lebih teruk semasa penghantaran. Kedua, kami mengkaji sub-optima proses pemilihan kurang rumit penyebaran antena (LCTAS) dalam sistem GSM bagi mengurangkan kerumitan pengiraan (CC) yang dikenakan oleh LC-EDAS. Keputusan simulasi Monte Carlo yang diperoleh menunjukkan timbangan antara skim GSM dan LC-EDAS dan skim GSM bersama sub-optima proses pemilihan penyebaran antena berdasarkan kesilapan prestasi dan CC

    Transmit antenna selection for multiple-input multiple-output spatial modulation systems

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    The benefits of transmit antenna selection (TAS) invoked for spatial modulation (SM) aided multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are investigated. Specifically, we commence with a brief review of the existing TAS algorithms and focus on the recently proposed Euclidean distance-based TAS (ED-TAS) schemes due to their high diversity gain. Then, a pair of novel ED-TAS algorithms, termed as the improved QR decomposition (QRD)-based TAS (QRD-TAS) and the error-vector magnitude-based TAS (EVM-TAS) are proposed, which exhibit an attractive system performance at low complexity. Moreover, the proposed ED-TAS algorithms are amalgamated with the low-complexity yet efficient power allocation (PA) technique, termed as TAS-PA, for the sake of further improving the system's performance. Our simulation results show that the proposed TAS-PA algorithms achieve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains of up to 9 dB over the conventional TAS algorithms and up to 6 dB over the TAS-PA algorithm designed for spatial multiplexing systems

    Index modulation for next generation radio communications.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban.Man’s insatiable desire for swift and more efficient internet service, a wide range of connectivity and increased data rate of transmission necessitated the need for further research to improve the efficiency of the existing systems. The development and evolution of the next-generation communication systems can be ascribed to the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques implemented. The fundamental founding block of the MIMO systems is the spatial modulation (SM) which interestingly was able to attain high spectral efficiency as the receiver maintained significantly lower complexity. However, even with the feat achieved by the SM scheme, there was still a need improve on the performance of the SM scheme which meant an increase in the spectral efficiency was required, this prompted further research and a new scheme was introduced. The quadrature SM (QSM) scheme was introduced to better the performance of the conventional SM. QSM retains all the good benefits the SM scheme offers, while still enhancing the spectral efficiency and improving overall throughput. However, the demand for increased reliability, i.e., improving the QSM scheme’s error performance led to a new scheme being introduced. Space-time QSM (ST-QSM) improves the QSM scheme’s error performance by achieving second-order diversity gain for QSM. This scheme combines both the spatial dimension and diversity to the QSM scheme, bringing about a new and improved scheme. In this dissertation, a scheme was introduced to fix the high computational complexity (CC) that affects MIMO systems transmitting at high data rates. Signal orthogonal projection (OP) was employed to decrease the CC of the space-time block coded spatial modulation (STBC-SM). The proposed scheme is called STBC-SM-OP and its results were investigated by comparing it with the STBC-SM with maximum likelihood detection (STBC-SM-ML). The proposed STBC-SM-OP scheme’s error performance matched that of STBC-SM-ML tightly down to low BER whilst maintaining a low CC

    Link adaptation for quadrature spatial modulation.

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    Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2016.Abstract available in PDF file

    Index modulation for next-generation wireless networks.

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    Doctoral Degree, University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban.The desirability of high throughput and superior system performance for multimedia services requires schemes that can achieve high spectral efficiency. However, this imposes high system/hardware complexity due to the large number of antennas required at the transmitter. This led to the development of several innovative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques in the research community, such as generalized spatial modulation (GSM). GSM is a spatial modulation (SM) based scheme, which employs transmit antenna combinations coupled with identical symbols to convey additional information. This made the use of multiple transmit antennas possible in index modulation, improving the setback/limitation of hardware complexity experienced in the conventional MIMO and SM schemes. Furthermore, in the literature, an improved spectral efficient quadrature spatial modulation (QSM) based scheme termed generalized quadrature spatial modulation (GQSM) is proposed. In GQSM, the antennas at the transmitter are divided into groups and a unique symbol is employed across multi-active transmit antenna groups. Hence, GQSM requires less transmit antennas to achieve a high data rate when compared to its counterparts. However, GQSM requires multiple radio frequency (RF) chains, considering unique symbols are employed in each transmit antenna group. This motivates us to investigate single-symbol GQSM (SS-GQSM), which employs identical symbols across each group requiring a single RF chain. Recently, the application of RF mirrors termed media-based modulation (MBM) was introduced to the research community as a technique to enhance the spectral efficiency at a reduced hardware complexity. This motivates us to investigate MBM with single-symbol GSM to enhance its error performance and to mitigate the drawback of the requirement of multiple RF chains. In addition, link adaptation has been stated in literature as a technique, which can enhance the performance of a single-input multiple-output (SIMO)/MIMO scheme. MBM achieves a high data rate coupled with enhanced system performance. However, to the author's best knowledge, link adaptation has not been investigated with MBM. This motivates us to propose an adaptive algorithm that employs different candidate transmission modes to enhance the reliability of the SIMO system. The proposed scheme is called adaptive SIMOMBM (ASIMOMBM). Lately, two-way cooperative relaying has been proven as a spectral efficient relaying system. This technique employs two or more source nodes, which transmit information to the relay node simultaneously. Considering the advantages of GQSM stated earlier, this motivates us to investigate two-way decode-and-forward relaying for the GQSM scheme to improve the error performance of the conventional GQSM system

    Quadrature spatial modulation aided single-input multiple-output-media based modulation: application to cooperative network and golden code orthogonal super-symbol systems.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.SIMO-MBM (single-input multiple-output media-based modulation) overcomes the limitations of SIMO (single-input multiple-output) systems by reducing the number of antennas required to achieve a high data rate and improved error performance. In this thesis, the quadrature dimension of the spatial constellation is used to improve the overall error performance of the conventional SIMO-MBM and to achieve a higher data rate by decomposing the amplitude/phase modulation (APM) symbol into real and imaginary components, similar to quadrature spatial modulation (QSM). The average bit error probability of the proposed technique is expressed using a lower bound approach and validated using the results of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). The proposed system also investigates the effect of antenna correlation in combination with channel amplitude to select a sub-optimal mirror activation pattern. The results of MCS show a 3.5dB improvement at 10b/s/Hz with m =2 and a 7dB improvement at 12b/s/Hz with =2 over the traditional SIMO-MBM scheme. The effect of imperfect channel estimation on the proposed scheme is investigated, with a trade-off of 2dB in coding gain due to channel estimation errors. Cooperative Networking (CN) improves wireless network reliability, link quality, and spectrum efficiency by collaborating among nodes. The decode and forward relaying technique is used in this thesis to investigate the performance of QSM aided SIMO-MBM in a Cooperative Network (CN). This technique uses two source nodes that simultaneously transmit a unique message block on the same time slot to the relay node, which then decodes the received message block from both transmitting nodes before re-encoding and re-transmitting the decoded message block in the next time slot to the destinations in order to significantly improve the QSM aided SIMO-MBM’s error performance. Using network coding (NC) techniques, each Node can decode the data of the other Node. To enhance network performance, complexity, robustness, and minimize delays, data is encoded and decoded in NC; algebraic techniques are applied to the detected message to collect the various transmissions. The proposed scheme's theoretical average error probability was defined using a lower bound technique, and the results of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) validated the result. The MCS results achieved exhibit a significant improvement of 8 dB at 6 b/s/Hz and 12 dB at 8 b/s/Hz over the conventional QSM aided SIMO-MBM scheme. The media-based modulation (MBM) technique can achieve significant throughput, increase spectrum efficiency, and improve bit-error-rate performance (BER). In this thesis, the use of MBM in single-input multiple-output systems is examined using radio frequency (RF) mirrors and Golden code (GC-SIMO). The goal is to lower the system's hardware complexity by maximizing the linear relationship between RF mirrors and spectral efficiency in MBM in order to achieve a high data rate with less hardware complexity. The GC scheme's encoder uses orthogonal pairs of the super-symbol, each transmitted via a separate RF mirror at a different time slot to achieve full rate full diversity. In the results of MCS obtained, at a BER of 10−5, the GC-SIMO-MBM exhibits a significant performance of approximately 7dB and 6.5 dB SNR gain for 4 b/s/Hz and 6 b/s/Hz, respectively, compared to GC-SIMO. The proposed scheme's derived theoretical average error probability is validated by the results of the Monte Carlo simulation

    Chasing Astronomical Complex Organic Molecules: The Role of (Vibro-)Rotational Spectroscopy

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    Astrochemistry is a multidisciplinary field that embraces complex topics on different space-time scales, delving into the study of molecular speciesin the domain that is typically associated with astrophysics, i.e., the observable cosmos. As a matter of fact, the determination of the chemicalcomposition of the universe is crucial for understanding its evolution: molecules are excellent diagnostic probes for the derivation of physicalcharacteristics of astronomical objects. The existence of molecules in the interstellar medium has been established more than 80 years ago, and, sincethen, a huge number of molecular species has been detected. Indeed, the astronomical census now counts about 300 molecules, and ca. 90% of themhave been identified using radio astronomy techniques, which collect the cosmic emission of radiation in the microwave and radio domains. Inparticular, the recording of broadband large-scale surveys captures the rotational transitions of all the polar species present in the astronomicalobject under study. These features are exceptionally molecule-specific; moreover, thanks to the low energies involved, excited rotational states arepopulated even at extremely low temperatures. For these reasons, radio astronomical observations allow univocal identifications even from coldquiescent interstellar regions. On the other hand, the requirement for accuracy on the frequency of rotational transitions is very demanding,and it is achievable only resorting to experimental studies. Given these premises, this thesis is directed to the collection of necessary experimentalspectroscopic data on eight different proved or potential interstellar species (namely allenylacetylene, cyanovinylacetylene, phenylmethanimine,2- and 3-furonitrile, 3-aminoisoxazole, and iso- and n-propylamine), in order to guide their detection in the interstellar medium in the millimeter-and submillimeter-wave frequency ranges. To support and complement the experiment, accurate computations exploitingcomposite schemes rooted in coupled-cluster theory and density functional theory have been carried out for all species, thus providing precise structural information as well as reliable spectroscopic parameters and, in some cases, the energetic description of the system. For all the investigated species, the outcomes of both theoretical and experimental studies provide the fundamental and robust basis required for guiding the astronomical searches in the interstellar medium

    Calendar 2019-2020: Course Guide

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    The Academic Calendar includes the Academic Schedule, Admission Requirements and Fees, Course Descriptions, and other training opportunities. The web version is now the official Academic Calendar of Red Deer College.Universities and colleges--Alberta.Universities and colleges--Curricula--Catalogs
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