2,282 research outputs found

    Examination of the relationship between essential genes in PPI network and hub proteins in reverse nearest neighbor topology

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    Abstract Background In many protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, densely connected hub proteins are more likely to be essential proteins. This is referred to as the "centrality-lethality rule", which indicates that the topological placement of a protein in PPI network is connected with its biological essentiality. Though such connections are observed in many PPI networks, the underlying topological properties for these connections are not yet clearly understood. Some suggested putative connections are the involvement of essential proteins in the maintenance of overall network connections, or that they play a role in essential protein clusters. In this work, we have attempted to examine the placement of essential proteins and the network topology from a different perspective by determining the correlation of protein essentiality and reverse nearest neighbor topology (RNN). Results The RNN topology is a weighted directed graph derived from PPI network, and it is a natural representation of the topological dependences between proteins within the PPI network. Similar to the original PPI network, we have observed that essential proteins tend to be hub proteins in RNN topology. Additionally, essential genes are enriched in clusters containing many hub proteins in RNN topology (RNN protein clusters). Based on these two properties of essential genes in RNN topology, we have proposed a new measure; the RNN cluster centrality. Results from a variety of PPI networks demonstrate that RNN cluster centrality outperforms other centrality measures with regard to the proportion of selected proteins that are essential proteins. We also investigated the biological importance of RNN clusters. Conclusions This study reveals that RNN cluster centrality provides the best correlation of protein essentiality and placement of proteins in PPI network. Additionally, merged RNN clusters were found to be topologically important in that essential proteins are significantly enriched in RNN clusters, and biologically important because they play an important role in many Gene Ontology (GO) processes.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78257/1/1471-2105-11-505.xmlhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78257/2/1471-2105-11-505-S1.DOChttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78257/3/1471-2105-11-505.pdfPeer Reviewe

    Methods for protein complex prediction and their contributions towards understanding the organization, function and dynamics of complexes

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    Complexes of physically interacting proteins constitute fundamental functional units responsible for driving biological processes within cells. A faithful reconstruction of the entire set of complexes is therefore essential to understand the functional organization of cells. In this review, we discuss the key contributions of computational methods developed till date (approximately between 2003 and 2015) for identifying complexes from the network of interacting proteins (PPI network). We evaluate in depth the performance of these methods on PPI datasets from yeast, and highlight challenges faced by these methods, in particular detection of sparse and small or sub- complexes and discerning of overlapping complexes. We describe methods for integrating diverse information including expression profiles and 3D structures of proteins with PPI networks to understand the dynamics of complex formation, for instance, of time-based assembly of complex subunits and formation of fuzzy complexes from intrinsically disordered proteins. Finally, we discuss methods for identifying dysfunctional complexes in human diseases, an application that is proving invaluable to understand disease mechanisms and to discover novel therapeutic targets. We hope this review aptly commemorates a decade of research on computational prediction of complexes and constitutes a valuable reference for further advancements in this exciting area.Comment: 1 Tabl

    Revisiting Date and Party Hubs: Novel Approaches to Role Assignment in Protein Interaction Networks

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    The idea of 'date' and 'party' hubs has been influential in the study of protein-protein interaction networks. Date hubs display low co-expression with their partners, whilst party hubs have high co-expression. It was proposed that party hubs are local coordinators whereas date hubs are global connectors. Here we show that the reported importance of date hubs to network connectivity can in fact be attributed to a tiny subset of them. Crucially, these few, extremely central, hubs do not display particularly low expression correlation, undermining the idea of a link between this quantity and hub function. The date/party distinction was originally motivated by an approximately bimodal distribution of hub co-expression; we show that this feature is not always robust to methodological changes. Additionally, topological properties of hubs do not in general correlate with co-expression. Thus, we suggest that a date/party dichotomy is not meaningful and it might be more useful to conceive of roles for protein-protein interactions rather than individual proteins. We find significant correlations between interaction centrality and the functional similarity of the interacting proteins.Comment: 27 pages, 5 main figures, 4 supplementary figure

    Computational methods in cancer gene networking

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    In the past few years, many high-throughput techniques have been developed and applied to biological studies. These techniques such as “next generation” genome sequencing, chip-on-chip, microarray and so on can be used to measure gene expression and gene regulatory elements in a genome-wide scale. Moreover, as these technologies become more affordable and accessible, they have become a driving force in modern biology. As a result, huge amount biological data have been produced, with the expectation of increasing number of such datasets to be generated in the future. High-throughput data are more comprehensive and unbiased, but ‘real signals’ or biological insights, molecular mechanisms and biological principles are buried in the flood of data. In current biological studies, the bottleneck is no longer a lack of data, but the lack of ingenuity and computational means to extract biological insights and principles by integrating knowledge and high-throughput data. 

Here I am reviewing the concepts and principles of network biology and the computational methods which can be applied to cancer research. Furthermore, I am providing a practical guide for computational analysis of cancer gene networks

    The tapeworm interactome: inferring confidence scored protein-protein interactions from the proteome of Hymenolepis microstoma

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    BACKGROUND: Reference genome and transcriptome assemblies of helminths have reached a level of completion whereby secondary analyses that rely on accurate gene estimation or syntenic relationships can be now conducted with a high level of confidence. Recent public release of the v.3 assembly of the mouse bile-duct tapeworm, Hymenolepis microstoma, provides chromosome-level characterisation of the genome and a stabilised set of protein coding gene models underpinned by bioinformatic and empirical data. However, interactome data have not been produced. Conserved protein-protein interactions in other organisms, termed interologs, can be used to transfer interactions between species, allowing systems-level analysis in non-model organisms. RESULTS: Here, we describe a probabilistic, integrated network of interologs for the H. microstoma proteome, based on conserved protein interactions found in eukaryote model species. Almost a third of the 10,139 gene models in the v.3 assembly could be assigned interaction data and assessment of the resulting network indicates that topologically-important proteins are related to essential cellular pathways, and that the network clusters into biologically meaningful components. Moreover, network parameters are similar to those of single-species interaction networks that we constructed in the same way for S. cerevisiae, C. elegans and H. sapiens, demonstrating that information-rich, system-level analyses can be conducted even on species separated by a large phylogenetic distance from the major model organisms from which most protein interaction evidence is based. Using the interolog network, we then focused on sub-networks of interactions assigned to discrete suites of genes of interest, including signalling components and transcription factors, germline multipotency genes, and genes differentially-expressed between larval and adult worms. Results show not only an expected bias toward highly-conserved proteins, such as components of intracellular signal transduction, but in some cases predicted interactions with transcription factors that aid in identifying their target genes. CONCLUSIONS: With key helminth genomes now complete, systems-level analyses can provide an important predictive framework to guide basic and applied research on helminths and will become increasingly informative as new protein-protein interaction data accumulate

    Evolution signatures in genome network properties

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    Genomes maybe organized as networks where protein-protein association plays the role of network links. The resulting networks are far from being random and their topological properties are a consequence of the underlying mechanisms for genome evolution. Considering data on protein-protein association networks from STRING database, we present experimental evidence that degree distribution is not scale free, presenting an increased probability for high degree nodes. We also show that the degree distribution approaches a scale invariant state as the number of genes in the network increases, although real genomes still present finite size effects. Based on the experimental evidence unveiled by these data analyses, we propose a simulation model for genome evolution, where genes in a network are either acquired de novo using a preferential attachment rule, or duplicated, with a duplication probability that linearly grows with gene degree and decreases with its clustering coefficient. The results show that topological distributions are better described than in previous genome evolution models. This model correctly predicts that, in order to produce protein-protein association networks with number of links and number of nodes in the observed range, it is necessary 90% of gene duplication and 10% of de novo gene acquisition. If this scenario is true, it implies a universal mechanism for genome evolution

    Global Functional Atlas of \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e Encompassing Previously Uncharacterized Proteins

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    One-third of the 4,225 protein-coding genes of Escherichia coli K-12 remain functionally unannotated (orphans). Many map to distant clades such as Archaea, suggesting involvement in basic prokaryotic traits, whereas others appear restricted to E. coli, including pathogenic strains. To elucidate the orphans’ biological roles, we performed an extensive proteomic survey using affinity-tagged E. coli strains and generated comprehensive genomic context inferences to derive a high-confidence compendium for virtually the entire proteome consisting of 5,993 putative physical interactions and 74,776 putative functional associations, most of which are novel. Clustering of the respective probabilistic networks revealed putative orphan membership in discrete multiprotein complexes and functional modules together with annotated gene products, whereas a machine-learning strategy based on network integration implicated the orphans in specific biological processes. We provide additional experimental evidence supporting orphan participation in protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism, biofilm formation, motility, and assembly of the bacterial cell envelope. This resource provides a “systems-wide” functional blueprint of a model microbe, with insights into the biological and evolutionary significance of previously uncharacterized proteins

    Biological Networks: Modeling and Structural Analysis

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    Biological networks are receiving increased attention due to their importance in understanding life at the cellular level. There exist many different kinds of biological networks, and different models have been proposed for them. In this dissertation we focus on suitable network models for representing experimental data on protein interaction networks and protein complex networks (protein complexes are groups of proteins that associate to accomplish some function in the cell), and to design algorithms for exploring such networks. Our goal is to enable biologists to identify the general principles that govern the organization of protein-protein interaction networks and protein complex networks. For protein complex networks, we propose a hypergraph model which more accurately represents the data than earlier models. We define the concept of k-cores in hypergraphs, which are highly connected subhypergraphs, and design an algorithm for computing k -cores in hypergraphs. A major challenge in computational systems biology is to understand the modular structure of biological networks. We construct computational models for predicting functional modules through the use of graph clustering techniques. The application of earlier graph clustering techniques to proteomic networks does not yield good results due to the high error rates present, and the small-world and power-law properties of these networks. We discuss the various requirements that clusterings of biological networks are required to satisfy, design an algorithm for computing a clustering, and show that our clustering approach is robust and scalable. Moreover, we design a new algorithm to compute overlapping clustering rather than exclusive clustering. Our approach identifies a set of clusters and a set of bridge proteins that form the overlap among the clusters. Finally we assess the quality of our proposed clusterings using different reference sets