2 research outputs found

    Instrumented sensor system architecture

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    Journal ArticleSensor systems are becoming ubiquitous throughout society, yet their design, construction and operation are still more of an art than a science. In this paper, we define, develop, and apply a formal semantics for sensor systems that provides a theoretical framework for an integrated software architecture for modeling sensor-based control systems. Our goal is to develop a design framework which allows the user to model, analyze and experiment with different versions of a sensor system. This includes the ability to build and modify multisensor systems and to monitor and debug both the output of the system and the affect of any modification in terms of robustness, efficiency, and error measures. The notion of Instrumented Logical Sensor Systems (ILSS) that are derived from this modeling and design methodology is introduced. The instrumented sensor approach is based on a sensori-computational model which defines the components of the sensor system in terms of their functionality, accuracy, robustness and efficiency. This approach provides a uniform specification language to define sensor systems as a composition of smaller, predefined components. From a software engineering standpoint, this addresses the issues of modularity, reusability, and reliability for building complex systems. An example is given which compares vision and sonar techniques for the recovery of wall pose

    Bounds on Multiple Sensor Fusion

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    We consider the problem of fusing measurements from multiple sensors, where the sensing regions overlap and data are non-negative---possibly resulting from a count of indistinguishable discrete entities. Because of overlaps, it is, in general, impossible to fuse this information to arrive at an accurate estimate of the overall amount or count of material present in the union of the sensing regions. Here we study the range of overall values consistent with the data. Posed as a linear programming problem, this leads to interesting questions associated with the geometry of the sensor regions, specifically, the arrangement of their non-empty intersections. We define a computational tool called the fusion polytope and derive a condition for this to be in the positive orthant thus simplifying calculations. We show that, in two dimensions, inflated tiling schemes based on rectangular regions fail to satisfy this condition, whereas inflated tiling schemes based on hexagons do.Comment: 23 page