5,352 research outputs found

    Optimal Control of Transient Flow in Natural Gas Networks

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    We outline a new control system model for the distributed dynamics of compressible gas flow through large-scale pipeline networks with time-varying injections, withdrawals, and control actions of compressors and regulators. The gas dynamics PDE equations over the pipelines, together with boundary conditions at junctions, are reduced using lumped elements to a sparse nonlinear ODE system expressed in vector-matrix form using graph theoretic notation. This system, which we call the reduced network flow (RNF) model, is a consistent discretization of the PDE equations for gas flow. The RNF forms the dynamic constraints for optimal control problems for pipeline systems with known time-varying withdrawals and injections and gas pressure limits throughout the network. The objectives include economic transient compression (ETC) and minimum load shedding (MLS), which involve minimizing compression costs or, if that is infeasible, minimizing the unfulfilled deliveries, respectively. These continuous functional optimization problems are approximated using the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) pseudospectral collocation scheme to yield a family of nonlinear programs, whose solutions approach the optima with finer discretization. Simulation and optimization of time-varying scenarios on an example natural gas transmission network demonstrate the gains in security and efficiency over methods that assume steady-state behavior

    Fast Mesh Refinement in Pseudospectral Optimal Control

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    Mesh refinement in pseudospectral (PS) optimal control is embarrassingly easy --- simply increase the order NN of the Lagrange interpolating polynomial and the mathematics of convergence automates the distribution of the grid points. Unfortunately, as NN increases, the condition number of the resulting linear algebra increases as N2N^2; hence, spectral efficiency and accuracy are lost in practice. In this paper, we advance Birkhoff interpolation concepts over an arbitrary grid to generate well-conditioned PS optimal control discretizations. We show that the condition number increases only as N\sqrt{N} in general, but is independent of NN for the special case of one of the boundary points being fixed. Hence, spectral accuracy and efficiency are maintained as NN increases. The effectiveness of the resulting fast mesh refinement strategy is demonstrated by using \underline{polynomials of over a thousandth order} to solve a low-thrust, long-duration orbit transfer problem.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, JGCD April 201
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