957 research outputs found

    Glottal Spectral Separation for Speech Synthesis

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    Analysis of a Modern Voice Morphing Approach using Gaussian Mixture Models for Laryngectomees

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    This paper proposes a voice morphing system for people suffering from Laryngectomy, which is the surgical removal of all or part of the larynx or the voice box, particularly performed in cases of laryngeal cancer. A primitive method of achieving voice morphing is by extracting the source's vocal coefficients and then converting them into the target speaker's vocal parameters. In this paper, we deploy Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) for mapping the coefficients from source to destination. However, the use of the traditional/conventional GMM-based mapping approach results in the problem of over-smoothening of the converted voice. Thus, we hereby propose a unique method to perform efficient voice morphing and conversion based on GMM,which overcomes the traditional-method effects of over-smoothening. It uses a technique of glottal waveform separation and prediction of excitations and hence the result shows that not only over-smoothening is eliminated but also the transformed vocal tract parameters match with the target. Moreover, the synthesized speech thus obtained is found to be of a sufficiently high quality. Thus, voice morphing based on a unique GMM approach has been proposed and also critically evaluated based on various subjective and objective evaluation parameters. Further, an application of voice morphing for Laryngectomees which deploys this unique approach has been recommended by this paper.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables; International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 49, Number 21, July 201

    Phase-Distortion-Robust Voice-Source Analysis

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    This work concerns itself with the analysis of voiced speech signals, in particular the analysis of the glottal source signal. Following the source-filter theory of speech, the glottal signal is produced by the vibratory behaviour of the vocal folds and is modulated by the resonances of the vocal tract and radiation characteristic of the lips to form the speech signal. As it is thought that the glottal source signal contributes much of the non-linguistic and prosodical information to speech, it is useful to develop techniques which can estimate and parameterise this signal accurately. Because of vocal tract modulation, estimating the glottal source waveform from the speech signal is a blind deconvolution problem which necessarily makes assumptions about the characteristics of both the glottal source and vocal tract. A common assumption is that the glottal signal and/or vocal tract can be approximated by a parametric model. Other assumptions include the causality of the speech signal: the vocal tract is assumed to be a minimum phase system while the glottal source is assumed to exhibit mixed phase characteristics. However, as the literature review within this thesis will show, the error criteria utilised to determine the parameters are not robust to the conditions under which the speech signal is recorded, and are particularly degraded in the common scenario where low frequency phase distortion is introduced. Those that are robust to this type of distortion are not well suited to the analysis of real-world signals. This research proposes a voice-source estimation and parameterisation technique, called the Power-spectrum-based determination of the Rd parameter (PowRd) method. Illustrated by theory and demonstrated by experiment, the new technique is robust to the time placement of the analysis frame and phase issues that are generally encountered during recording. The method assumes that the derivative glottal flow signal is approximated by the transformed Liljencrants-Fant model and that the vocal tract can be represented by an all-pole filter. Unlike many existing glottal source estimation methods, the PowRd method employs a new error criterion to optimise the parameters which is also suitable to determine the optimal vocal-tract filter order. In addition to the issue of glottal source parameterisation, nonlinear phase recording conditions can also adversely affect the results of other speech processing tasks such as the estimation of the instant of glottal closure. In this thesis, a new glottal closing instant estimation algorithm is proposed which incorporates elements from the state-of-the-art techniques and is specifically designed for operation upon speech recorded under nonlinear phase conditions. The new method, called the Fundamental RESidual Search or FRESS algorithm, is shown to estimate the glottal closing instant of voiced speech with superior precision and comparable accuracy as other existing methods over a large database of real speech signals under real and simulated recording conditions. An application of the proposed glottal source parameterisation method and glottal closing instant detection algorithm is a system which can analyse and re-synthesise voiced speech signals. This thesis describes perceptual experiments which show that, iunder linear and nonlinear recording conditions, the system produces synthetic speech which is generally preferred to speech synthesised based upon a state-of-the-art timedomain- based parameterisation technique. In sum, this work represents a movement towards flexible and robust voice-source analysis, with potential for a wide range of applications including speech analysis, modification and synthesis

    Estimation of glottal closure instants in voiced speech using the DYPSA algorithm

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    An investigation into glottal waveform based speech coding

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    Coding of voiced speech by extraction of the glottal waveform has shown promise in improving the efficiency of speech coding systems. This thesis describes an investigation into the performance of such a system. The effect of reverberation on the radiation impedance at the lips is shown to be negligible under normal conditions. Also, the accuracy of the Image Method for adding artificial reverberation to anechoic speech recordings is established. A new algorithm, Pre-emphasised Maximum Likelihood Epoch Detection (PMLED), for Glottal Closure Instant detection is proposed. The algorithm is tested on natural speech and is shown to be both accurate and robust. Two techniques for giottai waveform estimation, Closed Phase Inverse Filtering (CPIF) and Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering (IAIF), are compared. In tandem with an LF model fitting procedure, both techniques display a high degree of accuracy However, IAIF is found to be slightly more robust. Based on these results, a Glottal Excited Linear Predictive (GELP) coding system for voiced speech is proposed and tested. Using a differential LF parameter quantisation scheme, the system achieves speech quality similar to that of U S Federal Standard 1016 CELP at a lower mean bit rate while incurring no extra delay

    A modulation property of time-frequency derivatives of filtered phase and its application to aperiodicity and fo estimation

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    We introduce a simple and linear SNR (strictly speaking, periodic to random power ratio) estimator (0dB to 80dB without additional calibration/linearization) for providing reliable descriptions of aperiodicity in speech corpus. The main idea of this method is to estimate the background random noise level without directly extracting the background noise. The proposed method is applicable to a wide variety of time windowing functions with very low sidelobe levels. The estimate combines the frequency derivative and the time-frequency derivative of the mapping from filter center frequency to the output instantaneous frequency. This procedure can replace the periodicity detection and aperiodicity estimation subsystems of recently introduced open source vocoder, YANG vocoder. Source code of MATLAB implementation of this method will also be open sourced.Comment: 8 pages 9 figures, Submitted and accepted in Interspeech201