6 research outputs found

    Fully-dynamic Planarity Testing in Polylogarithmic Time

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    Given a dynamic graph subject to insertions and deletions of edges, a natural question is whether the graph presently admits a planar embedding. We give a deterministic fully-dynamic algorithm for general graphs, running in amortized O(log3n)O(\log^3 n) time per edge insertion or deletion, that maintains a bit indicating whether or not the graph is presently planar. This is an exponential improvement over the previous best algorithm [Eppstein, Galil, Italiano, Spencer, 1996] which spends amortized O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) time per update.Comment: Updated version of paper submitted to STOC'20. This version features a complete rewrite of section 4.4 (do-separation-flips). The new version fixes an overlooked case in the previous version (the two fundamental cycles we find do not necessarily share an edge) and contains a detailed case-by-case proof of correctnes

    Simple Dynamic Spanners with Near-Optimal Recourse Against an Adaptive Adversary

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    Designing dynamic algorithms against an adaptive adversary whose performance match the ones assuming an oblivious adversary is a major research program in the field of dynamic graph algorithms. One of the prominent examples whose oblivious-vs-adaptive gap remains maximally large is the fully dynamic spanner problem; there exist algorithms assuming an oblivious adversary with near-optimal size-stretch trade-off using only polylog(n) update time [Baswana, Khurana, and Sarkar TALG\u2712; Forster and Goranci STOC\u2719; Bernstein, Forster, and Henzinger SODA\u2720], while against an adaptive adversary, even when we allow infinite time and only count recourse (i.e. the number of edge changes per update in the maintained spanner), all previous algorithms with stretch at most log?(n) require at least ?(n) amortized recourse [Ausiello, Franciosa, and Italiano ESA\u2705]. In this paper, we completely close this gap with respect to recourse by showing algorithms against an adaptive adversary with near-optimal size-stretch trade-off and recourse. More precisely, for any k ? 1, our algorithm maintains a (2k-1)-spanner of size O(n^{1+1/k}log n) with O(log n) amortized recourse, which is optimal in all parameters up to a O(log n) factor. As a step toward algorithms with small update time (not just recourse), we show another algorithm that maintains a 3-spanner of size O?(n^{1.5}) with polylog(n) amortized recourse and simultaneously O?(?n) worst-case update time

    Dynamic planar embedding is in DynFO

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    Planar Embedding is a drawing of a graph on the plane such that the edges do not intersect each other except at the vertices. We know that testing the planarity of a graph and computing its embedding (if it exists), can efficiently be computed, both sequentially [John E. Hopcroft and Robert Endre Tarjan, 1974] and in parallel [Vijaya Ramachandran and John H. Reif, 1994], when the entire graph is presented as input. In the dynamic setting, the input graph changes one edge at a time through insertion and deletions and planarity testing/embedding has to be updated after every change. By storing auxilliary information we can improve the complexity of dynamic planarity testing/embedding over the obvious recomputation from scratch. In the sequential dynamic setting, there has been a series of works [David Eppstein et al., 1996; Giuseppe F. Italiano et al., 1993; Jacob Holm et al., 2018; Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020], culminating in the breakthrough result of polylog(n) sequential time (amortized) planarity testing algorithm of Holm and Rotenberg [Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020]. In this paper we study planar embedding through the lens of DynFO, a parallel dynamic complexity class introduced by Patnaik et al [Sushant Patnaik and Neil Immerman, 1997] (also [Guozhu Dong et al., 1995]). We show that it is possible to dynamically maintain whether an edge can be inserted to a planar graph without causing non-planarity in DynFO. We extend this to show how to maintain an embedding of a planar graph under both edge insertions and deletions, while rejecting edge insertions that violate planarity. Our main idea is to maintain embeddings of only the triconnected components and a special two-colouring of separating pairs that enables us to side-step cascading flips when embedding of a biconnected planar graph changes, a major issue for sequential dynamic algorithms [Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020; Jacob Holm and Eva Rotenberg, 2020]

    Dynamic Geometric Independent Set

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    We present fully dynamic approximation algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set problem on several types of geometric objects: intervals on the real line, arbitrary axis-aligned squares in the plane and axis-aligned dd-dimensional hypercubes. It is known that a maximum independent set of a collection of nn intervals can be found in O(nlogn)O(n\log n) time, while it is already \textsf{NP}-hard for a set of unit squares. Moreover, the problem is inapproximable on many important graph families, but admits a \textsf{PTAS} for a set of arbitrary pseudo-disks. Therefore, a fundamental question in computational geometry is whether it is possible to maintain an approximate maximum independent set in a set of dynamic geometric objects, in truly sublinear time per insertion or deletion. In this work, we answer this question in the affirmative for intervals, squares and hypercubes. First, we show that for intervals a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximate maximum independent set can be maintained with logarithmic worst-case update time. This is achieved by maintaining a locally optimal solution using a constant number of constant-size exchanges per update. We then show how our interval structure can be used to design a data structure for maintaining an expected constant factor approximate maximum independent set of axis-aligned squares in the plane, with polylogarithmic amortized update time. Our approach generalizes to dd-dimensional hypercubes, providing a O(4d)O(4^d)-approximation with polylogarithmic update time. Those are the first approximation algorithms for any set of dynamic arbitrary size geometric objects; previous results required bounded size ratios to obtain polylogarithmic update time. Furthermore, it is known that our results for squares (and hypercubes) cannot be improved to a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation with the same update time

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum