17,061 research outputs found

    Deterministic Fully Dynamic SSSP and More

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    We present the first non-trivial fully dynamic algorithm maintaining exact single-source distances in unweighted graphs. This resolves an open problem stated by Sankowski [COCOON 2005] and van den Brand and Nanongkai [FOCS 2019]. Previous fully dynamic single-source distances data structures were all approximate, but so far, non-trivial dynamic algorithms for the exact setting could only be ruled out for polynomially weighted graphs (Abboud and Vassilevska Williams, [FOCS 2014]). The exact unweighted case remained the main case for which neither a subquadratic dynamic algorithm nor a quadratic lower bound was known. Our dynamic algorithm works on directed graphs, is deterministic, and can report a single-source shortest paths tree in subquadratic time as well. Thus we also obtain the first deterministic fully dynamic data structure for reachability (transitive closure) with subquadratic update and query time. This answers an open problem of van den Brand, Nanongkai, and Saranurak [FOCS 2019]. Finally, using the same framework we obtain the first fully dynamic data structure maintaining all-pairs (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate distances within non-trivial sub-nωn^\omega worst-case update time while supporting optimal-time approximate shortest path reporting at the same time. This data structure is also deterministic and therefore implies the first known non-trivial deterministic worst-case bound for recomputing the transitive closure of a digraph.Comment: Extended abstract to appear in FOCS 202

    Dynamic Low-Stretch Trees via Dynamic Low-Diameter Decompositions

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    Spanning trees of low average stretch on the non-tree edges, as introduced by Alon et al. [SICOMP 1995], are a natural graph-theoretic object. In recent years, they have found significant applications in solvers for symmetric diagonally dominant (SDD) linear systems. In this work, we provide the first dynamic algorithm for maintaining such trees under edge insertions and deletions to the input graph. Our algorithm has update time n1/2+o(1) n^{1/2 + o(1)} and the average stretch of the maintained tree is no(1) n^{o(1)} , which matches the stretch in the seminal result of Alon et al. Similar to Alon et al., our dynamic low-stretch tree algorithm employs a dynamic hierarchy of low-diameter decompositions (LDDs). As a major building block we use a dynamic LDD that we obtain by adapting the random-shift clustering of Miller et al. [SPAA 2013] to the dynamic setting. The major technical challenge in our approach is to control the propagation of updates within our hierarchy of LDDs: each update to one level of the hierarchy could potentially induce several insertions and deletions to the next level of the hierarchy. We achieve this goal by a sophisticated amortization approach. We believe that the dynamic random-shift clustering might be useful for independent applications. One of these applications is the dynamic spanner problem. By combining the random-shift clustering with the recent spanner construction of Elkin and Neiman [SODA 2017]. We obtain a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining a spanner of stretch 2k1 2k - 1 and size O(n1+1/klogn) O (n^{1 + 1/k} \log{n}) with amortized update time O(klog2n) O (k \log^2 n) for any integer 2klogn 2 \leq k \leq \log n . Compared to the state-of-the art in this regime [Baswana et al. TALG '12], we improve upon the size of the spanner and the update time by a factor of k k .Comment: To be presented at the 51st Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2019); abstract shortened to respect the arXiv limit of 1920 character

    Fully dynamic all-pairs shortest paths with worst-case update-time revisited

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    We revisit the classic problem of dynamically maintaining shortest paths between all pairs of nodes of a directed weighted graph. The allowed updates are insertions and deletions of nodes and their incident edges. We give worst-case guarantees on the time needed to process a single update (in contrast to related results, the update time is not amortized over a sequence of updates). Our main result is a simple randomized algorithm that for any parameter c>1c>1 has a worst-case update time of O(cn2+2/3log4/3n)O(cn^{2+2/3} \log^{4/3}{n}) and answers distance queries correctly with probability 11/nc1-1/n^c, against an adaptive online adversary if the graph contains no negative cycle. The best deterministic algorithm is by Thorup [STOC 2005] with a worst-case update time of O~(n2+3/4)\tilde O(n^{2+3/4}) and assumes non-negative weights. This is the first improvement for this problem for more than a decade. Conceptually, our algorithm shows that randomization along with a more direct approach can provide better bounds.Comment: To be presented at the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 201

    Decremental Single-Source Reachability in Planar Digraphs

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    In this paper we show a new algorithm for the decremental single-source reachability problem in directed planar graphs. It processes any sequence of edge deletions in O(nlog2nloglogn)O(n\log^2{n}\log\log{n}) total time and explicitly maintains the set of vertices reachable from a fixed source vertex. Hence, if all edges are eventually deleted, the amortized time of processing each edge deletion is only O(log2nloglogn)O(\log^2 n \log \log n), which improves upon a previously known O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) solution. We also show an algorithm for decremental maintenance of strongly connected components in directed planar graphs with the same total update time. These results constitute the first almost optimal (up to polylogarithmic factors) algorithms for both problems. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first dynamic algorithms with polylogarithmic update times on general directed planar graphs for non-trivial reachability-type problems, for which only polynomial bounds are known in general graphs

    Distributed Approximation Algorithms for Weighted Shortest Paths

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    A distributed network is modeled by a graph having nn nodes (processors) and diameter DD. We study the time complexity of approximating {\em weighted} (undirected) shortest paths on distributed networks with a O(logn)O(\log n) {\em bandwidth restriction} on edges (the standard synchronous \congest model). The question whether approximation algorithms help speed up the shortest paths (more precisely distance computation) was raised since at least 2004 by Elkin (SIGACT News 2004). The unweighted case of this problem is well-understood while its weighted counterpart is fundamental problem in the area of distributed approximation algorithms and remains widely open. We present new algorithms for computing both single-source shortest paths (\sssp) and all-pairs shortest paths (\apsp) in the weighted case. Our main result is an algorithm for \sssp. Previous results are the classic O(n)O(n)-time Bellman-Ford algorithm and an O~(n1/2+1/2k+D)\tilde O(n^{1/2+1/2k}+D)-time (8klog(k+1)1)(8k\lceil \log (k+1) \rceil -1)-approximation algorithm, for any integer k1k\geq 1, which follows from the result of Lenzen and Patt-Shamir (STOC 2013). (Note that Lenzen and Patt-Shamir in fact solve a harder problem, and we use O~()\tilde O(\cdot) to hide the O(\poly\log n) term.) We present an O~(n1/2D1/4+D)\tilde O(n^{1/2}D^{1/4}+D)-time (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-approximation algorithm for \sssp. This algorithm is {\em sublinear-time} as long as DD is sublinear, thus yielding a sublinear-time algorithm with almost optimal solution. When DD is small, our running time matches the lower bound of Ω~(n1/2+D)\tilde \Omega(n^{1/2}+D) by Das Sarma et al. (SICOMP 2012), which holds even when D=Θ(logn)D=\Theta(\log n), up to a \poly\log n factor.Comment: Full version of STOC 201