13 research outputs found

    Ntyft/ntyxt rules reduce to ntree rules

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    Groote and Vaandrager introduced the tyft/tyxt format for Transition System Specifications (TSSs), and established that for each TSS in this format that is well-founded, the bisimulation equivalence it induces is a congruence. In this paper, we construct for each TSS in tyft/tyxt format an equivalent TSS that consists of tree rules only. As a corollary we can give an affirmative answer to an open question, namely whether the well-foundedness condition in the congruence theorem for tyft/tyxt can be dropped. These results extend to tyft/tyxt with negative premises and predicates

    On the Meaning of Transition System Specifications

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    Transition System Specifications provide programming and specification languages with a semantics. They provide the meaning of a closed term as a process graph: a state in a labelled transition system. At the same time they provide the meaning of an n-ary operator, or more generally an open term with n free variables, as an n-ary operation on process graphs. The classical way of doing this, the closed-term semantics, reduces the meaning of an open term to the meaning of its closed instantiations. It makes the meaning of an operator dependent on the context in which it is employed. Here I propose an alternative process graph semantics of TSSs that does not suffer from this drawback. Semantic equivalences on process graphs can be lifted to open terms conform either the closed-term or the process graph semantics. For pure TSSs the latter is more discriminating. I consider five sanity requirements on the semantics of programming and specification languages equipped with a recursion construct: compositionality, applied to n-ary operators, recursion and variables, invariance under α\alpha-conversion, and the recursive definition principle, saying that the meaning of a recursive call should be a solution of the corresponding recursion equations. I establish that the satisfaction of four of these requirements under the closed-term semantics of a TSS implies their satisfaction under the process graph semantics.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2019, arXiv:1908.0821

    On the Meaning of Transition System Specifications

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    Precongruence Formats with Lookahead through Modal Decomposition

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    Bloom, Fokkink & van Glabbeek (2004) presented a method to decompose formulas from Hennessy-Milner logic with regard to a structural operational semantics specification. A term in the corresponding process algebra satisfies a Hennessy-Milner formula if and only if its subterms satisfy certain formulas, obtained by decomposing the original formula. They used this decomposition method to derive congruence formats in the realm of structural operational semantics. In this paper it is shown how this framework can be extended to specifications that include bounded lookahead in their premises. This extension is used in the derivation of a congruence format for the partial trace preorder

    Abstract Congruence Criteria for Weak Bisimilarity

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    We introduce three general compositionality criteria over operational semantics and prove that, when all three are satisfied together, they guarantee weak bisimulation being a congruence. Our work is founded upon Turi and Plotkin's mathematical operational semantics and the coalgebraic approach to weak bisimulation by Brengos. We demonstrate each criterion with various examples of success and failure and establish a formal connection with the simply WB cool rule format of Bloom and van Glabbeek. In addition, we show that the three criteria induce lax models in the sense of Bonchi et al

    On the Axiomatisability of Parallel Composition: A Journey in the Spectrum

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    On the Axiomatisability of Parallel Composition

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    This paper studies the existence of finite equational axiomatisations of the interleaving parallel composition operator modulo the behavioural equivalences in van Glabbeek's linear time-branching time spectrum. In the setting of the process algebra BCCSP over a finite set of actions, we provide finite, ground-complete axiomatisations for various simulation and (decorated) trace semantics. We also show that no congruence over BCCSP that includes bisimilarity and is included in possible futures equivalence has a finite, ground-complete axiomatisation; this negative result applies to all the nested trace and nested simulation semantics