298 research outputs found

    Full abstraction for PCF

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    Full Abstraction for PCF

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    An intensional model for the programming language PCF is described, in which the types of PCF are interpreted by games, and the terms by certain "history-free" strategies. This model is shown to capture definability in PCF. More precisely, every compact strategy in the model is definable in a certain simple extension of PCF. We then introduce an intrinsic preorder on strategies, and show that it satisfies some striking properties, such that the intrinsic preorder on function types coincides with the pointwise preorder. We then obtain an order-extensional fully abstract model of PCF by quotienting the intensional model by the intrinsic preorder. This is the first syntax-independent description of the fully abstract model for PCF. (Hyland and Ong have obtained very similar results by a somewhat different route, independently and at the same time). We then consider the effective version of our model, and prove a Universality Theorem: every element of the effective extensional model is definable in PCF. Equivalently, every recursive strategy is definable up to observational equivalence.Comment: 50 page

    Focusing in Asynchronous Games

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    Game semantics provides an interactive point of view on proofs, which enables one to describe precisely their dynamical behavior during cut elimination, by considering formulas as games on which proofs induce strategies. We are specifically interested here in relating two such semantics of linear logic, of very different flavor, which both take in account concurrent features of the proofs: asynchronous games and concurrent games. Interestingly, we show that associating a concurrent strategy to an asynchronous strategy can be seen as a semantical counterpart of the focusing property of linear logic

    Extensional Collapse Situations I: non-termination and unrecoverable errors

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    We consider a simple model of higher order, functional computation over the booleans. Then, we enrich the model in order to encompass non-termination and unrecoverable errors, taken separately or jointly. We show that the models so defined form a lattice when ordered by the extensional collapse situation relation, introduced in order to compare models with respect to the amount of "intensional information" that they provide on computation. The proofs are carried out by exhibiting suitable applied {\lambda}-calculi, and by exploiting the fundamental lemma of logical relations