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    Reconstrucci贸n digital no m茅trica de mosaicos romanos excavados en la ciudad de R谩vena (Italia)

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    [EN] During the excavations carried out in summer 2011 in Piazza Anita Garibaldi in Ravenna, during construction of the new underground waste containers, five rooms decorated with mosaic floors were found, probably dating back to the early Roman Empire (1st-2ndcentury AD). The mosaics were removed for restoration and musealisation, however 鈥揼iven the size of the large lacunae-it would not be possible to reintegrate them in a traditional restoration without creating arbitrary reconstructions. Therefore, we opted for a digital reconstruction of the lacunae, attempting virtual restoration hypotheses for the recovered mosaics. Subsequently, it was possible to grasp the trend of the figuration and how it could have appeared in the past. The characteristics of many mosaics, such as the symmetry and the repetition of geometric patterns, make them suitable for both a simulated integration and are construction by the analogies of the pattern. As a matter of fact, we used simple and easily accessible software to perform this work. The purpose of this digital workflow was to give an example of virtual processing useful for conservators and restorers, as well as for scholars (archaeologists, art historians, etc.) that can be carried out without specific information technology expertise and computer skills. After the images were acquired digitally, we were able to proceed with the reconstruction of the floor, by taking into account the geometric motifs that make up the mosaic assembly and that made the recomposition the most reliable. The virtual restoration also provides the opportunity of simulating the type of integration and the colour so that scholars, restorers and conservators may evaluate the final appearance of the work and the different aesthetic choices. The virtual restoration is finally considered an essential tool for the enhancement of cultural heritage.[ES] Durante las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el verano de 2011 en la Plaza Anita Garibaldi en R谩vena para la fabricaci贸n de nuevos contenedores soterrados, se encontraron cinco habitaciones decoradas con mosaicos en el piso, que probablemente datan de principios del imperio romano (siglo I-II d. C.). Los mosaicos fueron retirados para la restauraci贸n y musealizaci贸n, sin embargo 鈥揹ado el tama帽o de las lagunas grandes-no ser铆a posible reintegrarlos siguiendo una restauraci贸n tradicional sin crear reconstrucciones arbitrarias. Por esta raz贸n, hemos optado por una reconstrucci贸n digital de las lagunas, haciendo algunas hip贸tesis de restauraci贸n virtual delos mosaicos recuperados. De esta manera, es posible figurar c贸mo podr铆a haber sido en el pasado. Las caracter铆sticas de muchos mosaicos, como son la simetr铆a y la repetici贸n de los patrones geom茅tricos, los hacen adecuados tanto para una integraci贸n simulada como para la reconstrucci贸n por analog铆a del patr贸n geom茅trico. De hecho, utilizamos software muy simple para realizar este trabajo, ya que nuestro prop贸sito era dar un ejemplo de procesamiento virtual 煤til para conservadores y restauradores, as铆 como para acad茅micos (arque贸logos, historiadores del arte, etc.) que puede llevarse a cabo sin conocimientos espec铆ficos ni conocimientos inform谩ticos. Una vez adquiridas las im谩genes en formato digital, pudimos proceder a la reconstrucci贸n real del piso, teniendo en cuenta los motivos geom茅tricos que conforman el ensamblaje del mosaico y que hicieron la recomposici贸n m谩s fiable. La restauraci贸n virtual tambi茅n brinda la oportunidad de simular en la imagen digital el tipo de integraci贸n y el color para que los estudiosos puedan evaluar la apariencia final del trabajo y las diferentes elecciones est茅ticas. La restauraci贸n virtual se considera finalmente una herramienta esencial para la mejora del patrimonio cultural.We are grateful to the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Jos茅 Luis Lerma for useful suggestions. Pictures of the excavations were taken by RavennAntica Foundation and Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Virtual restorationswere carried out by Mariapaola Monti.Monti, M.; Maino, G. (2018). Non-metric digital reconstruction of Roman mosaics excavated in the city of Ravenna (Italy). Virtual Archaeology Review. 9(19):66-75. doi:10.4995/var.2018.7227SWORD6675919Bennardi, D., &Furferi, R. (2007). Il restauro virtuale. Tra ideologia e metodologia. Florence: Edifir.Biagi Maino, D., &Maino, G. (2017). 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