5 research outputs found

    From oblivious AES to efficient and secure database join in the multiparty setting

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    AES block cipher is an important cryptographic primitive with many applications. In this work, we describe how to efficiently implement the AES-128 block cipher in the multiparty setting where the key and the plaintext are both in a secret-shared form. In particular, we study several approaches for AES S-box substitution based on oblivious table lookup and circuit evaluation. Given this secure AES implementation, we build a universally composable database join operation for secret shared tables. The resulting protocol scales almost linearly with the database size and can join medium sized databases with 100,000 rows in few minutes, which makes many privacy-preserving data mining algorithms feasible in practice. All the practical implementations and performance measurements are done on the Sharemind secure multi-party computation platform

    Applying Secure Multi-party Computation in Practice

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    In this work, we present solutions for technical difficulties in deploying secure multi-party computation in real-world applications. We will first give a brief overview of the current state of the art, bring out several shortcomings and address them. The main contribution of this work is an end-to-end process description of deploying secure multi-party computation for the first large-scale registry-based statistical study on linked databases. Involving large stakeholders like government institutions introduces also some non-technical requirements like signing contracts and negotiating with the Data Protection Agency