89,534 research outputs found

    PotLLL: A Polynomial Time Version of LLL With Deep Insertions

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    Lattice reduction algorithms have numerous applications in number theory, algebra, as well as in cryptanalysis. The most famous algorithm for lattice reduction is the LLL algorithm. In polynomial time it computes a reduced basis with provable output quality. One early improvement of the LLL algorithm was LLL with deep insertions (DeepLLL). The output of this version of LLL has higher quality in practice but the running time seems to explode. Weaker variants of DeepLLL, where the insertions are restricted to blocks, behave nicely in practice concerning the running time. However no proof of polynomial running time is known. In this paper PotLLL, a new variant of DeepLLL with provably polynomial running time, is presented. We compare the practical behavior of the new algorithm to classical LLL, BKZ as well as blockwise variants of DeepLLL regarding both the output quality and running time.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; extended version of arXiv:1212.5100 [cs.CR

    Certified lattice reduction

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    Quadratic form reduction and lattice reduction are fundamental tools in computational number theory and in computer science, especially in cryptography. The celebrated Lenstra-Lenstra-Lov\'asz reduction algorithm (so-called LLL) has been improved in many ways through the past decades and remains one of the central methods used for reducing integral lattice basis. In particular, its floating-point variants-where the rational arithmetic required by Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is replaced by floating-point arithmetic-are now the fastest known. However, the systematic study of the reduction theory of real quadratic forms or, more generally, of real lattices is not widely represented in the literature. When the problem arises, the lattice is usually replaced by an integral approximation of (a multiple of) the original lattice, which is then reduced. While practically useful and proven in some special cases, this method doesn't offer any guarantee of success in general. In this work, we present an adaptive-precision version of a generalized LLL algorithm that covers this case in all generality. In particular, we replace floating-point arithmetic by Interval Arithmetic to certify the behavior of the algorithm. We conclude by giving a typical application of the result in algebraic number theory for the reduction of ideal lattices in number fields.Comment: 23 page

    Dual-lattice ordering and partial lattice reduction for SIC-based MIMO detection

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, we propose low-complexity lattice detection algorithms for successive interference cancelation (SIC) in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communications. First, we present a dual-lattice view of the vertical Bell Labs Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) detection. We show that V-BLAST ordering is equivalent to applying sorted QR decomposition to the dual basis, or equivalently, applying sorted Cholesky decomposition to the associated Gram matrix. This new view results in lower detection complexity and allows simultaneous ordering and detection. Second, we propose a partial reduction algorithm that only performs lattice reduction for the last several, weak substreams, whose implementation is also facilitated by the dual-lattice view. By tuning the block size of the partial reduction (hence the complexity), it can achieve a variable diversity order, hence offering a graceful tradeoff between performance and complexity for SIC-based MIMO detection. Numerical results are presented to compare the computational costs and to verify the achieved diversity order

    Geodesic continued fractions and LLL

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    We discuss a proposal for a continued fraction-like algorithm to determine simultaneous rational approximations to dd real numbers α1,
,αd\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_d. It combines an algorithm of Hermite and Lagarias with ideas from LLL-reduction. We dynamically LLL-reduce a quadratic form with parameter tt as t↓0t\downarrow0. The new idea in this paper is that checking the LLL-conditions consists of solving linear equations in tt
