20,151 research outputs found

    Alternating register automata on finite words and trees

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    We study alternating register automata on data words and data trees in relation to logics. A data word (resp. data tree) is a word (resp. tree) whose every position carries a label from a finite alphabet and a data value from an infinite domain. We investigate one-way automata with alternating control over data words or trees, with one register for storing data and comparing them for equality. This is a continuation of the study started by Demri, Lazic and Jurdzinski. From the standpoint of register automata models, this work aims at two objectives: (1) simplifying the existent decidability proofs for the emptiness problem for alternating register automata; and (2) exhibiting decidable extensions for these models. From the logical perspective, we show that (a) in the case of data words, satisfiability of LTL with one register and quantification over data values is decidable; and (b) the satisfiability problem for the so-called forward fragment of XPath on XML documents is decidable, even in the presence of DTDs and even of key constraints. The decidability is obtained through a reduction to the automata model introduced. This fragment contains the child, descendant, next-sibling and following-sibling axes, as well as data equality and inequality tests

    Fair Simulation for Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Buechi Automata: a Coalgebraic Perspective

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    Notions of simulation, among other uses, provide a computationally tractable and sound (but not necessarily complete) proof method for language inclusion. They have been comprehensively studied by Lynch and Vaandrager for nondeterministic and timed systems; for B\"{u}chi automata the notion of fair simulation has been introduced by Henzinger, Kupferman and Rajamani. We contribute to a generalization of fair simulation in two different directions: one for nondeterministic tree automata previously studied by Bomhard; and the other for probabilistic word automata with finite state spaces, both under the B\"{u}chi acceptance condition. The former nondeterministic definition is formulated in terms of systems of fixed-point equations, hence is readily translated to parity games and is then amenable to Jurdzi\'{n}ski's algorithm; the latter probabilistic definition bears a strong ranking-function flavor. These two different-looking definitions are derived from one source, namely our coalgebraic modeling of B\"{u}chi automata. Based on these coalgebraic observations, we also prove their soundness: a simulation indeed witnesses language inclusion

    Nondeterminism in the Presence of a Diverse or Unknown Future

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    Choices made by nondeterministic word automata depend on both the past (the prefix of the word read so far) and the future (the suffix yet to be read). In several applications, most notably synthesis, the future is diverse or unknown, leading to algorithms that are based on deterministic automata. Hoping to retain some of the advantages of nondeterministic automata, researchers have studied restricted classes of nondeterministic automata. Three such classes are nondeterministic automata that are good for trees (GFT; i.e., ones that can be expanded to tree automata accepting the derived tree languages, thus whose choices should satisfy diverse futures), good for games (GFG; i.e., ones whose choices depend only on the past), and determinizable by pruning (DBP; i.e., ones that embody equivalent deterministic automata). The theoretical properties and relative merits of the different classes are still open, having vagueness on whether they really differ from deterministic automata. In particular, while DBP ⊆ GFG ⊆ GFT, it is not known whether every GFT automaton is GFG and whether every GFG automaton is DBP. Also open is the possible succinctness of GFG and GFT automata compared to deterministic automata. We study these problems for ω-regular automata with all common acceptance conditions. We show that GFT=GFG⊃DBP, and describe a determinization construction for GFG automata

    Characterisation Theorems for Weighted Tree Automaton Models

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    In this thesis, we investigate different theoretical questions concerning weighted automata models over tree-like input structures. First, we study exact and approximated determinisation and then, we turn to Kleene-like and Büchi-like characterisations. We consider multiple weighted automata models, including weighted tree automata over semirings (Chapters 3 and 4), weighted forest automata over M-monoids (Chapter 5), and rational weighted tree languages with storage (Chapter 6). For an explanation as to why the last class can be considered as a weighted automaton model, we refer to page 188 of the thesis. We will now summarise the main contributions of the thesis. In Chapter 3, we focus on the determinisation of weighted tree automata and present our determinisation framework, called M-sequentialisation, which can model different notions of determinisation from the existing literature. Then, we provide a positive M-sequentialisation result for the case of additively idempotent semirings or finitely M-ambiguous weighted tree automata. Another important contribution of Chapter 3 is Theorem 77, where we provide a blueprint theorem that can be used to find determini- sation results for more classes of semirings and weighted tree automata easily. In fact, instead of repeating an entire determinisation construction, Theorem 77 allows us to prove a determinisation result by finding certain finite equivalence relations. This is a very potent tool for future research in the area of determinisation. In Chapter 4, we move from exact determinisation towards approximate determini- sation. We lift the formalisms and the main results from one approach from the literature from the word case to the tree case. This successfully results in an approximated determinisation construction for weighted tree automata over the tropical semiring. We provide a formal mathematical description of the approximated determinisation construction, rather than an algorithmic description as found in the related approach from the literature. In Chapter 5, we turn away from determinisation and instead consider Kleene-like and Büchi-like characterisations of weighted recognisability. We introduce weighted forest automata over M-monoids, which are a generalisation of weighted tree automata over M-monoids and weighted forest automata over semirings. Then, we prove that our recognisable weighted forest languages can be decomposed into a finite product of recognisable weighted tree languages. We also prove that the initial algebra semantic and the run semantic for weighted forest automata are equivalent under certain conditions. Lastly, we define rational forest expressions and forest M-expressions and and prove that the classes of languages generated by these formalisms coincide with recognisable weighted forest languages under certain conditions. In Chapter 6, we consider rational weighted tree languages with storage, where the storage is introduced by composing rational weighted tree languages without storage with a storage map. It has been proven in the literature that rational weighted tree languages with storage are closed under the rational operations. In Chapter 6, we provide alternative proofs of these closure properties. In fact, we prove that our way of introducing storage to rational weighted tree languages preserves the closure properties from rational weighted tree languages without storage.:1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Languages 2.2 WeightedLanguages 2.3 Weighted Tree Automata 3 A Unifying Framework for the Determinisation of Weighted Tree Automata 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Preliminaries 3.3 Factorisation in Monoids 3.3.1 Ordering Multisets over Monoids 3.3.2 Cayley Graph and Cayley Distance 3.3.3 Divisors and Rests 3.3.4 Factorisation Properties 3.4 Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) and the Twinning Property 3.4.1 Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) 3.4.2 The Twinning Property 3.5 Sequentialisation of Weighted Tree Automata over M_fin(M) 3.5.1 The Sequentialisation Construction 3.5.2 The Finitely R-Ambiguous Case 3.6 Relating WTA over M_fin(M) and WTA over S 3.7 M-Sequentialisation of Weighted Tree Automata 3.7.1 Accumulation of D_B 3.7.2 M-Sequentialisation Results 3.8 Comparison of our Results to the Literature 3.8.1 Determinisation of Unweighted Tree Automata 3.8.2 The Free Monoid Case 3.8.3 The Group Case 3.8.4 The Extremal Case 3.9 Conclusion 4 Approximated Determinisation of Weighted Tree Automata 125 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Preliminaries 4.3 Approximated Determinisation 4.3.1 The Approximated Determinisation Construction 4.3.2 Correctness of the Construction 4.4 The Approximated Twinning Property 4.4.1 Implications for Approximated Determinisability 4.4.2 Decidability of the Twinning Property 4.5 Conclusion 5 Kleene and Büchi Theorems for Weighted Forest Languages over M-Monoids 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Preliminaries 5.3 WeightedForestAutomata 5.3.1 Forests 5.3.2 WeightedForestAutomata 5.3.3 Rectangularity 5.3.4 I-recognisable is R-recognisable 5.4 Kleene’s Theorem 5.4.1 Kleene’s Theorem for Trees 5.4.2 Kleene’s Theorem for Forests 5.4.3 An Inductive Approach 5.5 Büchi’s Theorem 5.5.1 Büchi’s Theorem for Trees 5.5.2 Büchi’s Theorem for Forests 5.6 Conclusion 6 Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Preliminaries 6.3 Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage 6.4 The Kleene-Goldstine Theorem 6.5 Closure of Rat(S¢,Σ,S) under Rational Operations 6.5.1 Top-Concatenation, Scalar Multiplication, and Sum 6.5.2 α-Concatenation 6.5.3 α-Kleene Star 6.6 Conclusion 7 Outlook Reference

    Minimisation of Multiplicity Tree Automata

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    We consider the problem of minimising the number of states in a multiplicity tree automaton over the field of rational numbers. We give a minimisation algorithm that runs in polynomial time assuming unit-cost arithmetic. We also show that a polynomial bound in the standard Turing model would require a breakthrough in the complexity of polynomial identity testing by proving that the latter problem is logspace equivalent to the decision version of minimisation. The developed techniques also improve the state of the art in multiplicity word automata: we give an NC algorithm for minimising multiplicity word automata. Finally, we consider the minimal consistency problem: does there exist an automaton with nn states that is consistent with a given finite sample of weight-labelled words or trees? We show that this decision problem is complete for the existential theory of the rationals, both for words and for trees of a fixed alphabet rank.Comment: Paper to be published in Logical Methods in Computer Science. Minor editing changes from previous versio

    Operational State Complexity of Deterministic Unranked Tree Automata

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    We consider the state complexity of basic operations on tree languages recognized by deterministic unranked tree automata. For the operations of union and intersection the upper and lower bounds of both weakly and strongly deterministic tree automata are obtained. For tree concatenation we establish a tight upper bound that is of a different order than the known state complexity of concatenation of regular string languages. We show that (n+1) ( (m+1)2^n-2^(n-1) )-1 vertical states are sufficient, and necessary in the worst case, to recognize the concatenation of tree languages recognized by (strongly or weakly) deterministic automata with, respectively, m and n vertical states.Comment: In Proceedings DCFS 2010, arXiv:1008.127
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