3 research outputs found

    Construction of rational expression from tree automata using a generalization of Arden's Lemma

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    Arden's Lemma is a classical result in language theory allowing the computation of a rational expression denoting the language recognized by a finite string automaton. In this paper we generalize this important lemma to the rational tree languages. Moreover, we propose also a construction of a rational tree expression which denotes the accepted tree language of a finite tree automaton

    Tree pattern matching from regular tree expressions

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    summary:In this work we deal with tree pattern matching over ranked trees, where the pattern set to be matched against is defined by a regular tree expression. We present a new method that uses a tree automaton constructed inductively from a regular tree expression. First we construct a special tree automaton for the regular tree expression of the pattern EE, which is somehow a generalization of Thompson automaton for strings. Then we run the constructed automaton on the subject tree tt. The pattern matching algorithm requires an O(∣t∣∣E∣)\mathcal{O}(\vert t\vert\vert E\vert) time complexity, where ∣t∣\vert t\vert is the number of nodes of tt and ∣E∣\vert E\vert is the size of the regular tree expression EE. The novelty of this contribution besides the low time complexity is that the set of patterns can be infinite, since we use regular tree expressions to represent patterns