419,197 research outputs found

    Value-Oriented Design of Service Coordination Processes: Correctness and Trust

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    The rapid growth of service coordination languages creates a need for methodological support for coordination design. Coordination design differs from workflow design because a coordination process connects different businesses that can each make design decisions independently from the others, and no business is interested in supporting the business processes of others. In multi-business cooperative design, design decisions are only supported by all businesses if they contribute to the profitability of each participating business. So in order to make coordination design decisions supported by all participating businesses, requirements for a coordination process should be derived from the business model that makes the coordination profitable for each participating business. We claim that this business model is essentially a model of intended value exchanges. We model the intended value exchanges of a business model as e3 -value value models and coordination processes as UML activity diagrams. The contribution of the paper is then to propose and discuss a criterion according to which a service coordination process must be correct with respect to a value exchange model. This correctness is necessary to gain business support for the process. Finally, we discuss methodological consequences of this approach for service coordination process design

    Business Modeling Needs Process-Orientation - Framework Development and Testing

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    Organizations have to continuously align their value propositions with changing market requirements. Business modeling is an established approach for capturing new business ideas that deliver value to customers. Business model frameworks are an instrument for structuring business models. However, existent frameworks disregard the process as central element of business models. Process-orientation in business modeling is potentially useful, since information from the business model may be seamlessly transformed to business operations. Furthermore, views of different organizational stakeholders may be naturally integrated in the process perspective. Hence, we propose the process-oriented business model framework Octoproz. We present its iterative development and apply Octoproz to a real-life scenario to exemplify and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Results suggest that the application of Octoproz leads to a better understanding of the expected business process, more efficient project coordination, and improved alignment of stakeholder expectations

    Refinement of SDBC Business Process Models Using ISDL

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    Aiming at aligning business process modeling and software specification, the SDBC approach considers a multi-viewpoint modeling where static, dynamic, and data business process aspect models have to be mapped adequately to corresponding static, dynamic, and data software specification aspect models. Next to that, the approach considers also a business process modeling viewpoint which concerns real-life communication and coordination issues, such as meanings, intentions, negotiations, commitments, and obligations. Hence, in order to adequately align communication and dynamic aspect models, SDBC should use at least two modeling techniques. However, the transformation between two techniques unnecessarily complicates the modeling process. Next to that, different techniques use different modeling formalisms whose reflection sometimes causes limitations. For this reason, we explore in the current paper the value which the (modeling) language ISDL could bring to SDBC in the alignment of communication and behavioral (dynamic) business process aspect models; ISDL can usefully refine dynamic process models. Thus, it is feasible to expect that ISDL can complement the SDBC approach, allowing refinement of dynamic business process aspect models, by adding communication and coordination actions. Furthermore, SDBC could benefit from ISDL-related methods assessing whether a realized refinement conforms to the original process model. Our studies in the paper are supported by an illustrative example

    Bridging business model and inter-organizational coordination mechanisms in the Italian wine industry

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    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to interpret the concept of a business model from the pattern of coordination mechanisms used by an Italian wine cooperative to manage its inter-organizational relationships. Design/methodology/approach – The business model is taken as the structure and governance of the relationships between the focal firm and its exchange partners. The empirical analysis is based on a qualitative investigation, analyzing material collected at the Farming Cooperative Gran Cru. Findings – Several different coordination mechanisms were used to rethink the firm customer value proposition, showing a very complex and dynamic inter-organizational system: process control mechanisms, knowledge suppliers and clan control mechanisms. The combination of mechanisms enables the firm to govern the extreme complexity of external complementarities and interdependence among activities and resources. Practical implications – The study is particularly helpful to managers because wine entrepreneurs and managers can influence their networks’ features and strategies, as well as the mechanisms for governance of the relationships and extracting customer value. Originality/value – The study seeks to enrich the debate on the strategy/structure fit by shifting the focus from the organizational to inter-organizational level of analysis. The analysis centers on boundary-spanning relationships between one wine firm and its partners and knowledge suppliers. This perspective brings business model analysis and inter-organizational design closer because variables of the business model – such as customer value – can be seen as combinations of inter-organizational coordination mechanisms

    Agri-Food Value Chain Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study of Chu-mango Business Linkages in Dong Thap, Vietnam

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    This study aims to identify important factors that directly influence value chain performance (quality, responsiveness, flexibility and efficiency), which are explained by value chain integration (collaboration, commitment, coordination and joint decision-making) in the case of unexpected risk (the COVID-19 pandemic). This study contributes to maintaining the business linkage model among farmers – cooperatives – enterprises in the caseof the COVID-19 pandemic and quickly recovering after the COVID-19 pandemic. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used for data analysis following an iterative process based on theoretical and empirical analyses toobtain a structural model fit and test the research hypothesis. The findings indicate that the VCI positively influenced the VCP of Chu-mango business linkages at the 1% significance level through coordination (Beta = 0.345;construct reliability (CR) = 3.272), collaboration (Beta = 0.289; CR = 3.128), and joint decision-making (Beta = 0.324; CR = 3.245). This study provides empirical data on the relationship between VCI and VCP through the Chu -mango value chain in Dong Thap Province during the COVID-19 pandemic to raise awareness from stakeholders and encourage value chain thinking to improve performance. This result may pave the way for relevant policymakers to look for policies and strategies for better inclusiveness of stakeholders to show the importance of the VCI in improving the performance. Moreover, the study is an empirical case contributing to the agribusiness value chain in a developing country; it applies the agribusiness value chain of the tropical fruit domain and can be used for otheragricultural products in other cases of unexpected risks

    Understanding Outsourcing Commitment—An Integrated Model Combining The Resoruce-Based View And Knowledge Management

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    The understanding on how a service provider’s (SP) process capabilities, in terms of aligning and adapting resources to deliver value to its service recipient (SR) in business process outsourcing (BPO), affect its commitment is limited. To address this, building on a strategic perspective and related theories such as the resource-based view and knowledge management, we develop a theoretical model and test it empirically. Specifically, we posit that a SP’s process capabilities, in terms of process alignment, offering flexibility, and partnering flexibility, positively affect its SR’s commitment and the above relationships is negatively moderated by the SR’s behavior control. Besides, we also examine the influence of interaction effect between antecedents of process capabilities on commitment, such as how does process alignment interact with its partnering flexibility and offering flexibility to affect commitment. Finally, we assess whether process capabilities are influenced by the SR’s absorptive capacity and the SP’s task-knowledge coordination. We test our model using survey data collected from 183 firms, supporting most proposed hypotheses. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of how to increase the value offered to a SR by levering resources, in terms of process capabilities and knowledge management

    Towards the Integration of Value and Coordination Models - Position Paper -

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    Cross-organizational collaborations have a high complexity.\ud Modelling these collaborations can be done from di®erent perspectives.\ud For example, the value perspective represents expected value exchanges\ud in a collaboration while the coordination perspective represents the order\ud in which these exchanges occur. How to maintain consistency between\ud di®erent models during design time as well as runtime constitutes a chal-\ud lenging topic. De¯ning criteria and de¯nitions re°ecting the relation be-\ud tween these models during the entire life cycle is not straightforward.\ud Di®erent criteria are used for di®erent models since each model captures\ud a speci¯c aspect of the collaboration. In this paper we investigate the\ud challenges arising when addressing the problem of maintaining adequate\ud and consistent models of a collaboration during the entire life cycle of\ud a collaboration. We propose a framework in which we connect business\ud layer, process layer and implementation layer, presenting the direction\ud for solving this multifaceted problem. We will describe several challenges\ud we anticipate to encounter while implementing our framework

    Perancangan Model Pengukuran Kinerja Lean dan Green Rantai Pasok Semen Secara Terintegrasi

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    Abstract PT. Semen Padang is one of the reputable cement companies in Indonesia which is producing types of cement. Implementation of supply chain concept in PT. Semen Padang is very important to satisfy customers and stakeholders requirement. Performance measurement is a process to evaluate the supply chain effectiveness and efficiency in lean and green aspect. The problem is how to design performance measurement model which is integrating lean and green supply chain concepts. The objective of research is integrating lean and green supply chain concepts to design supply chain performance measurement of bag cement type. Integration of lean and green concept is designed by Balanced Scorecard (BSC) perspectives that consist of financial, customer, internal process business and learning and growth. Key performance indicators (KPI) are formulated and classified based on BSC perspectives. Next stage is pair wise comparison process to the weight value. Evaluation of KPI pair wise comparison based is conducted on expert opinion which is selected by consideration of their relevance knowledge and experience. The process of pair wise comparison is calculated to determine priority of the KPIs based on weight value by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The weight of KPI will be arrange by descending to determine the priority. Model of performance measurement is validated by face validity method. Research result is obtaining 25 KPIs that derived from integration of lean and green supply chain concept of bag cement type. Grouping is consisting of 3 KPIs of financial, 4 KPIs of customer, 11 KPI s of internal process business and 7 KPI s of learning & growth. Result is showing that customer is most prioritized element in supply chain of bag cement type. Implementation of proposing model is coordination of departments and employee in context of information accessibility.Keywords: Supply chain, lean, green, BSC, performance measuremen

    Policy-Implementation Process in the Establishment of BID Analyses by the Coordination Model

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    This article clarifies the collaborative relationships between business, government, and academia in the management of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). Such management includes all activities designed to maintain or enhance the value of the land and improve the attractiveness of city centres, such as clean-up activities, the hiring of security personnel, sightseeing guidance, and event management. There are many BIDs in North America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania. However, analyses from a policy-implementation perspective are few, and an analytical model has yet to be established. Therefore, this article aims to show an analytical model of the policy-implementation process from the results of a case study. To this end, we conducted both a literature review and semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders. We begin by describing the background of BID policy formation regarding BID in the United Kingdom and Japan. We then conducted an analysis on the city of Sheffield, focusing on the city council officials. A number of conclusions are drawn. First, that BID was legislated as a successor to regeneration programmes for the city centre. Second, the officials of Sheffield city council played roles as coordinators, encouraged the establishment of BID, and revealed to us how the programmes aims changed over time for the city centre. Finally, we explained the analytical model of coordination concept, which we used to analyse the policy-implementation processdepartmental bulletin pape