1 research outputs found

    Null detection using low resolution A/D converter

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    U tezi je rešavan centralni problem – detekcija nule dvobitnom stohastičkom digitalnom mernom metodom (SDMM). Formulisane su dve metode detekcije nule primenom dvobitne SDMM. Po prvoj metodi dinamička rezerva je oko 100 dB a po drugoj ne manje od 160 dB. Obe metode su proverene teorijski, simulaciono i eksperimentalno. Pored rešenja centralnog problema, dato je i nekoliko rešenja problema koji su sa njim vezani. Hipoteza ove teze – „dvobitna SDMM je u opsegu 0 % - 10% FS bolja od standardne sempling metode (SSM)“ – je potpuno potvrđena u svim razmatranim slučajevima.The main goal of this thesis was null-detection using a two-bit stochastic digital measurement method (SDMM). Two methods of null-detection, using two-bit SDMM, were formulated. Using the first method around 100 dB of dynamic reserve was achieved and using the second one no less than 160 dB. Both methods were theoretically, using simulation and experimentally confirmed. In addition to the solution of the main problem, several other related problems were also solved. The hypothesis of this thesis – “two-bit SDMM in range from 0 % - 10 % FS is better than the standard sampling method (SSM)” has been fully confirmed in all considered cases