2 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la Implementación del Habilitador Servicios Ciudadanos Digitales de la política Gobierno Digital MinTIC en Entidades Territoriales Del Meta

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el estado actual de la implementación del componente ‘TIC para la Sociedad’ de la política Gobierno Digital del MinTIC en el Orden Territorial para establecer el avance del habilitador de ‘servicios ciudadanos digitales’ de las entidades del Departamento del Meta. El problema abordado está relacionado con la deficiencia en la aplicación objetiva de los mecanismos de evaluación de la política de Gobierno Digital. El tipo de diseño de la metodología es exploratorio secuencial comparativo y consta de tres fases: (1) revisión de los antecedentes conceptuales y teóricos, (2) revisión de las matrices de madurez de Gestión de Servicios de TI existentes y (3) diseñar y aplicar instrumentos y validar matriz de madurez propuesta. El proyecto diseña un instrumento de medición que incluye a servidores públicos y ciudadanos, mediante un modelo de evaluación de tres dimensiones: e-información, e-servicios y e-participación. Los resultados indican que la dimensión con mejores resultados es la de e-información y la más baja, la de e-servicios, a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados desde el gobierno nacional. Una de las conclusiones de este estudio está relacionada con el poco conocimiento que tienen los ciudadanos sobre las diferentes prestaciones con las que cuentan los municipios para acceder a información en línea, pero, además, la poca existencia de diversificación de e-servicios en dichos sitios web.The objective of this work is to evaluate the current state of implementation of the 'ICT for Society' component of the Government Digital Policy of the MinTIC in the Territorial Order in order to establish the progress of the 'digital citizen services' enabler of the entities of the Meta Department. The problem addressed is related to the deficiency in the objective application of the evaluation mechanisms of the Government Digital Policy. The methodology design type is exploratory sequential comparative and consists of three phases: (1) review of conceptual and theoretical backgrounds, (2) review of existing IT Service Management maturity matrices, and (3) design and application of instruments and validation of the proposed maturity matrix. The project designs a measurement instrument that includes public servants and citizens, through a three-dimensional evaluation model: e-information, e-services, and e-participation. The results indicate that the dimension with the best results is e-information, and the lowest is e-services, despite the efforts made by the national government. One of the conclusions of this study is related to the limited knowledge that citizens have about the different services available in municipalities to access online information, as well as the limited diversification of e-services on these websites

    User interactive service provisioning framework for enhancing citizens’ adoption of mobile enabled government services in Tanzania.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Mobile enabled government (m-government) services are trending due to the envisaged efficiencies in time, access, and freedom of movement that mobile and wireless technology accords public administration and service provision. These benefits are only attainable if citizens adopt m-government services. However, adoption of m-government services has persistently continued to be a challenge worldwide. Consequently, this study investigates the challenges associated with citizens’ adoption of m-government services and recommends a service-provisioning framework to mitigate the identified challenges. The framework is informed by a holistic examination of both provision and consumption perspectives towards m-government service adoption. The provision perspective focuses on unveiling the provisioning practices, while the consumption perspective focuses on identifying factors that influence citizens’ adoption decisions for m-government services. The study applied a mixed-methods approach in a two-phased research process, that is, the adoption challenges identification and the framework evaluation. It employed a questionnaire and interview approach to collect data in the adoption challenges identification phase, and a mix of open- and closed-ended questions for the framework evaluation phase. A total of 396 citizens constituted the sample for the quantitative part, and 16 employees from four participating government organisations constituted the sample for the qualitative part of the challenge identification phase. In the framework evaluation phase, a sample of 12 experts was consulted to assess the viability of the developed service-provisioning framework to mitigate the citizens’ adoption challenges for m-government services. The study used the structured equation modeling (SEM) technique for quantitative data analysis and a thematic analysis technique for the qualitative data. Findings indicate that while emotional and cognitive factors significantly affect citizens’ adoption decisions, they are negligibly addressed in the current provisioning practices for m-government services. Hence, the developed service-provisioning framework advocates for an interactive citizen-centric provisioning practice to facilitate mitigating the adoption challenge. Findings for the framework evaluation divulge that the framework is suitable in addressing citizens’ challenges in adopting m-government services. Thus, the constructed framework will assist government organisations in Tanzania to develop and provide highly adoptable m-government services. This study recommends ongoing IT skills building trainings for both citizens and public officers to facilitate awareness and acceptance of m-government services