2 research outputs found

    Fractionally Spaced CMA Equalizers under Periodic and Correlated Inputs

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    CMA Fractionally Spaced Equalizers (CMA-FSEs) have been shown, under certain conditions, to be globally asymptotically convergent to a setting which provides perfect equalization. Such a result relies heavily on the assumptions of a white source and no channel noise (as is the case in much of the literature's analysis of CMA). Herein, we relax the white source assumption and examine the e#ect of source correlation on CMA. Analytic results are meshed with examples showing CMA-FSE source correlation e#ects. Techniques for finding all stationary and saddle points on the CMA-FSE error surface are presented using recent developments in the Algebraic-Geometry community. 1. INTRODUCTION "There are some aspects of blind deconvolution that do not fit easily into the theory presented in this chapter. The most important one is probably what happens if the input sequence is not white. Little work has been done on this matter." -Bellini[4] In the equalization problem for digital communication, a..