178,724 research outputs found

    Fractal Tube Formulas for Compact Sets and Relative Fractal Drums: Oscillations, Complex Dimensions and Fractality

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    We establish pointwise and distributional fractal tube formulas for a large class of relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimensions. A relative fractal drum (or RFD, in short) is an ordered pair (A,Ω)(A,\Omega) of subsets of the Euclidean space (under some mild assumptions) which generalizes the notion of a (compact) subset and that of a fractal string. By a fractal tube formula for an RFD (A,Ω)(A,\Omega), we mean an explicit expression for the volume of the tt-neighborhood of AA intersected by Ω\Omega as a sum of residues of a suitable meromorphic function (here, a fractal zeta function) over the complex dimensions of the RFD (A,Ω)(A,\Omega). The complex dimensions of an RFD are defined as the poles of its meromorphically continued fractal zeta function (namely, the distance or the tube zeta function), which generalizes the well-known geometric zeta function for fractal strings. These fractal tube formulas generalize in a significant way to higher dimensions the corresponding ones previously obtained for fractal strings by the first author and van Frankenhuijsen and later on, by the first author, Pearse and Winter in the case of fractal sprays. They are illustrated by several interesting examples. These examples include fractal strings, the Sierpi\'nski gasket and the 3-dimensional carpet, fractal nests and geometric chirps, as well as self-similar fractal sprays. We also propose a new definition of fractality according to which a bounded set (or RFD) is considered to be fractal if it possesses at least one nonreal complex dimension or if its fractal zeta function possesses a natural boundary. This definition, which extends to RFDs and arbitrary bounded subsets of RN\mathbb{R}^N the previous one introduced in the context of fractal strings, is illustrated by the Cantor graph (or devil's staircase) RFD, which is shown to be `subcritically fractal'.Comment: 90 pages (because of different style file), 5 figures, corrected typos, updated reference

    Multi-fractal analysis of weighted networks

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    In many real complex networks, the fractal and self-similarity properties have been found. The fractal dimension is a useful method to describe fractal property of complex networks. Fractal analysis is inadequate if only taking one fractal dimension to study complex networks. In this case, multifractal analysis of complex networks are concerned. However, multifractal dimension of weighted networks are less involved. In this paper, multifractal dimension of weighted networks is proposed based on box-covering algorithm for fractal dimension of weighted networks (BCANw). The proposed method is applied to calculate the fractal dimensions of some real networks. Our numerical results indicate that the proposed method is efficient for analysis fractal property of weighted networks

    Classical Liquids in Fractal Dimension

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    We introduce fractal liquids by generalizing classical liquids of integer dimensions d=1,2,3d = 1, 2, 3 to a fractal dimension dfd_f. The particles composing the liquid are fractal objects and their configuration space is also fractal, with the same non-integer dimension. Realizations of our generic model system include microphase separated binary liquids in porous media, and highly branched liquid droplets confined to a fractal polymer backbone in a gel. Here we study the thermodynamics and pair correlations of fractal liquids by computer simulation and semi-analytical statistical mechanics. Our results are based on a model where fractal hard spheres move on a near-critical percolating lattice cluster. The predictions of the fractal Percus-Yevick liquid integral equation compare well with our simulation results.Comment: Changed titl

    Betweenness Centrality of Fractal and Non-Fractal Scale-Free Model Networks and Tests on Real Networks

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    We study the betweenness centrality of fractal and non-fractal scale-free network models as well as real networks. We show that the correlation between degree and betweenness centrality CC of nodes is much weaker in fractal network models compared to non-fractal models. We also show that nodes of both fractal and non-fractal scale-free networks have power law betweenness centrality distribution P(C)∼C−δP(C)\sim C^{-\delta}. We find that for non-fractal scale-free networks δ=2\delta = 2, and for fractal scale-free networks δ=2−1/dB\delta = 2-1/d_{B}, where dBd_{B} is the dimension of the fractal network. We support these results by explicit calculations on four real networks: pharmaceutical firms (N=6776), yeast (N=1458), WWW (N=2526), and a sample of Internet network at AS level (N=20566), where NN is the number of nodes in the largest connected component of a network. We also study the crossover phenomenon from fractal to non-fractal networks upon adding random edges to a fractal network. We show that the crossover length ℓ∗\ell^{*}, separating fractal and non-fractal regimes, scales with dimension dBd_{B} of the network as p−1/dBp^{-1/d_{B}}, where pp is the density of random edges added to the network. We find that the correlation between degree and betweenness centrality increases with pp.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to PR

    The scattering from generalized Cantor fractals

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    We consider a fractal with a variable fractal dimension, which is a generalization of the well known triadic Cantor set. In contrast with the usual Cantor set, the fractal dimension is controlled using a scaling factor, and can vary from zero to one in one dimension and from zero to three in three dimensions. The intensity profile of small-angle scattering from the generalized Cantor fractal in three dimensions is calculated. The system is generated by a set of iterative rules, each iteration corresponding to a certain fractal generation. Small-angle scattering is considered from monodispersive sets, which are randomly oriented and placed. The scattering intensities represent minima and maxima superimposed on a power law decay, with the exponent equal to the fractal dimension of the scatterer, but the minima and maxima are damped with increasing polydispersity of the fractal sets. It is shown that for a finite generation of the fractal, the exponent changes at sufficiently large wave vectors from the fractal dimension to four, the value given by the usual Porod law. It is shown that the number of particles of which the fractal is composed can be estimated from the value of the boundary between the fractal and Porod regions. The radius of gyration of the fractal is calculated analytically.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Appl. Crys
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