192 research outputs found

    Data comparison schemes for Pattern Recognition in Digital Images using Fractals

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    Pattern recognition in digital images is a common problem with application in remote sensing, electron microscopy, medical imaging, seismic imaging and astrophysics for example. Although this subject has been researched for over twenty years there is still no general solution which can be compared with the human cognitive system in which a pattern can be recognised subject to arbitrary orientation and scale. The application of Artificial Neural Networks can in principle provide a very general solution providing suitable training schemes are implemented. However, this approach raises some major issues in practice. First, the CPU time required to train an ANN for a grey level or colour image can be very large especially if the object has a complex structure with no clear geometrical features such as those that arise in remote sensing applications. Secondly, both the core and file space memory required to represent large images and their associated data tasks leads to a number of problems in which the use of virtual memory is paramount. The primary goal of this research has been to assess methods of image data compression for pattern recognition using a range of different compression methods. In particular, this research has resulted in the design and implementation of a new algorithm for general pattern recognition based on the use of fractal image compression. This approach has for the first time allowed the pattern recognition problem to be solved in a way that is invariant of rotation and scale. It allows both ANNs and correlation to be used subject to appropriate pre-and post-processing techniques for digital image processing on aspect for which a dedicated programmer's work bench has been developed using X-Designer

    Vibrational modes in nanocrystalline iron under high pressure

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    The phonon density of states (DOS) of nanocrystalline 57Fe was measured using nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS) at pressures up to 28 GPa in a diamond anvil cell. The nanocrystalline material exhibited an enhancement in its DOS at low energies by a factor of 2.2. This enhancement persisted throughout the entire pressure range, although it was reduced to about 1.7 after decompression. The low-energy regions of the spectra were fitted to the function AEn, giving values of n close to 2 for both the bulk control sample and the nanocrystalline material, indicative of nearly three-dimensional vibrational dynamics. At higher energies, the van Hove singularities observed in both samples were coincident in energy and remained so at all pressures, indicating that the forces conjugate to the normal coordinates of the nanocrystalline materials are similar to the interatomic potentials of bulk crystals


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    This work deals with the restoration of lossy compressed image by the use of a metaheuristic which is the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. This algorithm was designed and adopted by the introduction of the Search Efficiency Function for the blind restoration of blurred images and has given excellent results. So, in the present paper we try to apply it in the enhancement of lossy decompressed images, and this application constitutes the contribution of this work. Images used have been compressed by two different compression methods, fractal and JPEG, and with different compression rates. The experimental results obtained were excellent

    Comparative analysis of various Image compression techniques for Quasi Fractal lossless compression

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    The most important Entity to be considered in Image Compression methods are Paek to signal noise ratio and Compression ratio. These two parameters are considered to judge the quality of any Image.and they a play vital role in any Image processing applications. Biomedical domain is one of the critical areas where more image datasets are involved for analysis and biomedical image compression is very, much essential. Basically, compression techniques are classified into lossless and lossy. As the name indicates, in the lossless technique the image is compressed without any loss of data. But in the lossy, some information may loss. Here both lossy & lossless techniques for an image compression are used. In this research different compression approaches of these two categories are discussed and brain images for compression techniques are highlighted. Both lossy and lossless techniques are implemented by studying it’s advantages and disadvantages. For this research two important quality parameters i.e. CR & PSNR are calculated. Here existing techniques DCT, DFT, DWT & Fractal are implemented and introduced new techniques i.e Oscillation Concept method, BTC-SPIHT & Hybrid technique using adaptive threshold & Quasi Fractal Algorithm

    Maximum Energy Subsampling: A General Scheme For Multi-resolution Image Representation And Analysis

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    Image descriptors play an important role in image representation and analysis. Multi-resolution image descriptors can effectively characterize complex images and extract their hidden information. Wavelets descriptors have been widely used in multi-resolution image analysis. However, making the wavelets transform shift and rotation invariant produces redundancy and requires complex matching processes. As to other multi-resolution descriptors, they usually depend on other theories or information, such as filtering function, prior-domain knowledge, etc.; that not only increases the computation complexity, but also generates errors. We propose a novel multi-resolution scheme that is capable of transforming any kind of image descriptor into its multi-resolution structure with high computation accuracy and efficiency. Our multi-resolution scheme is based on sub-sampling an image into an odd-even image tree. Through applying image descriptors to the odd-even image tree, we get the relative multi-resolution image descriptors. Multi-resolution analysis is based on downsampling expansion with maximum energy extraction followed by upsampling reconstruction. Since the maximum energy usually retained in the lowest frequency coefficients; we do maximum energy extraction through keeping the lowest coefficients from each resolution level. Our multi-resolution scheme can analyze images recursively and effectively without introducing artifacts or changes to the original images, produce multi-resolution representations, obtain higher resolution images only using information from lower resolutions, compress data, filter noise, extract effective image features and be implemented in parallel processing

    Optimization of Fractal Image Compression

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    Fractal encoding is a promising method of image compression. It is built on the basis of the forms found in the image and the generation of repetitive blocks based on mathematical translations. The technique seems to be moved theoretically and practically, but it requires enormous programming time due to the excessive resources required when compressing large volumes of data. On the other hand, metaheuristics represent all of the methods used to solve difficult optimization problems with less consumption of resources. They are marked by their rapid convergence and their lessening in research difficulties. In this chapter, we have tried to apply a new experience around the performance of organic metaheuristics inspired by nature, which are, respectively, the wolf pack algorithm (WPA) and the bat-inspired algorithm (BIA), as bioinspired techniques to optimize the fractal image compression (FIC). Experiments show the enhancement of diverse characteristics (coding time, compression rate (CR), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and mean square error (MSE)). In addition, an assessment of the proposed approaches via many other approaches highlights this improvement

    Lossless Hybrid Coding technique based on Quasi Fractal & Oscillation Concept Method for Medical Image Compression

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    The Image compression is the most important entity in various fields. Image compression plays vital role in many applications. Out of which biomedical is one of the challenging applications. In medical research, everyday there is fast development and advancement. Medical researchers are thinking about digital storage of data hence medical image compression has a crucial role in hospitals. Here Morphological filter & adaptive threshold are used for refinement and used Quasi Fractal & Oscillation concept for developing new hybrid algorithm. Oscillation concept is lossy image compression technique hence applied on Non-ROI. Quasi fractal is lossless image compression technique applied on ROI. The experimental results shows that better CR with acceptable PSNR has been achieved using hybrid technique based on Morphological band pass filter and Adaptive thresholding for ROI. Here, innovative hybrid technique gives the CR 24.61 which improves a lot than hybrid method using BTC-SPIHT is 5.65. Especially PSNR is also retained and bit improved i.e. 33.51. This hybrid technique gives better quality of an image

    Resolutıon Enhancement Based Image Compression Technique using Singular Value Decomposition and Wavelet Transforms

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    In this chapter, we propose a new lossy image compression technique that uses singular value decomposition (SVD) and wavelet difference reduction (WDR) technique followed by resolution enhancement using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and stationary wavelet transform (SWT). The input image is decomposed into four different frequency subbands by using DWT. The low-frequency subband is the being compressed by using DWR and in parallel the high-frequency subbands are being compressed by using SVD which reduces the rank by ignoring small singular values. The compression ratio is obtained by dividing the total number of bits required to represent the input image over the total bit numbers obtain by WDR and SVD. Reconstruction is carried out by using inverse of WDR to obtained low-frequency subband and reconstructing the high-frequency subbands by using matrix multiplications. The high-frequency subbands are being enhanced by incorporating the high-frequency subbands obtained by applying SWT on the reconstructed low-frequency subband. The reconstructed low-frequency subband and enhanced high-frequency subbands are being used to generate the reconstructed image by using inverse DWT. The visual and quantitative experimental results of the proposed image compression technique are shown and also compared with those of the WDR with arithmetic coding technique and JPEG2000. From the results of the comparison, the proposed image compression technique outperforms the WDR-AC and JPEG2000 techniques
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