537 research outputs found

    Giving eyes to ICT!, or How does a computer recognize a cow?

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    Het door Schouten en andere onderzoekers op het CWI ontwikkelde systeem berust op het beschrijven van beelden met behulp van fractale meetkunde. De menselijke waarneming blijkt mede daardoor zo efficiënt omdat zij sterk werkt met gelijkenissen. Het ligt dus voor de hand het te zoeken in wiskundige methoden die dat ook doen. Schouten heeft daarom beeldcodering met behulp van 'fractals' onderzocht. Fractals zijn zelfgelijkende meetkundige figuren, opgebouwd door herhaalde transformatie (iteratie) van een eenvoudig basispatroon, dat zich daardoor op steeds kleinere schalen vertakt. Op elk niveau van detaillering lijkt een fractal op zichzelf (Droste-effect). Met fractals kan men vrij eenvoudig bedrieglijk echte natuurvoorstellingen maken. Fractale beeldcodering gaat ervan uit dat het omgekeerde ook geldt: een beeld effectief opslaan in de vorm van de basispatronen van een klein aantal fractals, samen met het voorschrift hoe het oorspronkelijke beeld daaruit te reconstrueren. Het op het CWI in samenwerking met onderzoekers uit Leuven ontwikkelde systeem is mede gebaseerd op deze methode. ISBN 906196502

    A Review of Wavelet Based Fingerprint Image Retrieval

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    A digital image is composed of pixels and information about brightness of image and RGB triples are used to encode color information. Image retrieval problem encountered when searching and retrieving images that is relevant to a user’s request from a database. In Content based image retrieval, input goes in the form of an image. In these images, different features are extracted and then the other images from database are retrieved accordingly. Biometric distinguishes the people by their physical or behavioral qualities. Fingerprints are viewed as a standout amongst the most solid for human distinguishment because of their uniqueness and ingenuity. To retrieve fingerprint images on the basis of their textural features,by using different wavelets. From the input fingerprint image, first of all center point area is selected and then its textural features are extracted and stored in database. When a query image comes then again its center point is selected and then its texture feature are extracted. Then these features are matched for similarity and then resultant image is displayed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15026

    Content-based image retrieval of museum images

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is becoming more and more important with the advance of multimedia and imaging technology. Among many retrieval features associated with CBIR, texture retrieval is one of the most difficult. This is mainly because no satisfactory quantitative definition of texture exists at this time, and also because of the complex nature of the texture itself. Another difficult problem in CBIR is query by low-quality images, which means attempts to retrieve images using a poor quality image as a query. Not many content-based retrieval systems have addressed the problem of query by low-quality images. Wavelet analysis is a relatively new and promising tool for signal and image analysis. Its time-scale representation provides both spatial and frequency information, thus giving extra information compared to other image representation schemes. This research aims to address some of the problems of query by texture and query by low quality images by exploiting all the advantages that wavelet analysis has to offer, particularly in the context of museum image collections. A novel query by low-quality images algorithm is presented as a solution to the problem of poor retrieval performance using conventional methods. In the query by texture problem, this thesis provides a comprehensive evaluation on wavelet-based texture method as well as comparison with other techniques. A novel automatic texture segmentation algorithm and an improved block oriented decomposition is proposed for use in query by texture. Finally all the proposed techniques are integrated in a content-based image retrieval application for museum image collections

    Feature Extraction Using Fractal Codes

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    Fast and successful searching for an object in a multimedia database is a highly desirable functionality. Several approaches to content based retrieval for multimedia databases can be found in the literature [9,10,12,14,17]. The approach we consider is feature extraction. A feature can be seen as a way to present simple information like the texture, color and spatial information of an image, or the pitch, frequency of a sound etc. In this paper we present a method for feature extraction on texture and spatial similarity, using fractal coding techniques. Our method is based upon the observation that the coefficients describing the fractal code of an image, contain very useful information about the structural content of the image. We apply simple statistics on information produced by fractal image coding. The statistics reveal features and require a small amount of storage. Several invariances are a consequence of the used methods: size, global contrast, orientation

    Texture analysis by multi-resolution fractal descriptors

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    This work proposes a texture descriptor based on fractal theory. The method is based on the Bouligand-Minkowski descriptors. We decompose the original image recursively into 4 equal parts. In each recursion step, we estimate the average and the deviation of the Bouligand-Minkowski descriptors computed over each part. Thus, we extract entropy features from both average and deviation. The proposed descriptors are provided by the concatenation of such measures. The method is tested in a classification experiment under well known datasets, that is, Brodatz and Vistex. The results demonstrate that the proposed technique achieves better results than classical and state-of-the-art texture descriptors, such as Gabor-wavelets and co-occurrence matrix.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Autoencoding the Retrieval Relevance of Medical Images

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) of medical images is a crucial task that can contribute to a more reliable diagnosis if applied to big data. Recent advances in feature extraction and classification have enormously improved CBIR results for digital images. However, considering the increasing accessibility of big data in medical imaging, we are still in need of reducing both memory requirements and computational expenses of image retrieval systems. This work proposes to exclude the features of image blocks that exhibit a low encoding error when learned by a n/p/nn/p/n autoencoder (p ⁣< ⁣np\!<\!n). We examine the histogram of autoendcoding errors of image blocks for each image class to facilitate the decision which image regions, or roughly what percentage of an image perhaps, shall be declared relevant for the retrieval task. This leads to reduction of feature dimensionality and speeds up the retrieval process. To validate the proposed scheme, we employ local binary patterns (LBP) and support vector machines (SVM) which are both well-established approaches in CBIR research community. As well, we use IRMA dataset with 14,410 x-ray images as test data. The results show that the dimensionality of annotated feature vectors can be reduced by up to 50% resulting in speedups greater than 27% at expense of less than 1% decrease in the accuracy of retrieval when validating the precision and recall of the top 20 hits.Comment: To appear in proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA'15), Nov 10-13, 2015, Orleans, Franc

    Image Acquisition, Storage and Retrieval

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    Image similarity using dynamic time warping of fractal features

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    Hashing algorithms such as MD/SHA variants have been used for years by forensic investigators to look for known artefacts of interest such as malicious files. However, such hashing algorithms are not effective when their hashes change with the slightest alteration in the file. Fuzzy hashing overcame this limitation to a certain extent by providing a close enough measure for slight modifications. As such, image forensics is an essential part of any digital crime investigation, especially in cases involving child pornography. Unfortunately such hashing algorithms can be thwarted easily by operations as simple as saving the original file in a different image format. This paper introduces a novel technique for measuring image similarity using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) of fractal features taken from the frequency domain. DTW has traditionally been used successfully for speech recognition. Our experiments have shown that it is also effective for measuring image similarity while tolerating minor modifications, which is currently not capable by state-of-the-art tools

    Plant image retrieval using color, shape and texture features

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    We present a content-based image retrieval system for plant image retrieval, intended especially for the house plant identification problem. A plant image consists of a collection of overlapping leaves and possibly flowers, which makes the problem challenging.We studied the suitability of various well-known color, shape and texture features for this problem, as well as introducing some new texture matching techniques and shape features. Feature extraction is applied after segmenting the plant region from the background using the max-flow min-cut technique. Results on a database of 380 plant images belonging to 78 different types of plants show promise of the proposed new techniques and the overall system: in 55% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results. Furthermore, the accuracy goes up to 73% when a 132-image subset of well-segmented plant images are considered

    The Application of Fractal Concept to Content-Based Image Retrieval

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