10 research outputs found

    Equivalence of Systematic Linear Data Structures and Matrix Rigidity

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    Recently, Dvir, Golovnev, and Weinstein have shown that sufficiently strong lower bounds for linear data structures would imply new bounds for rigid matrices. However, their result utilizes an algorithm that requires an NPNP oracle, and hence, the rigid matrices are not explicit. In this work, we derive an equivalence between rigidity and the systematic linear model of data structures. For the nn-dimensional inner product problem with mm queries, we prove that lower bounds on the query time imply rigidity lower bounds for the query set itself. In particular, an explicit lower bound of ω(nrlogm)\omega\left(\frac{n}{r}\log m\right) for rr redundant storage bits would yield better rigidity parameters than the best bounds due to Alon, Panigrahy, and Yekhanin. We also prove a converse result, showing that rigid matrices directly correspond to hard query sets for the systematic linear model. As an application, we prove that the set of vectors obtained from rank one binary matrices is rigid with parameters matching the known results for explicit sets. This implies that the vector-matrix-vector problem requires query time Ω(n3/2/r)\Omega(n^{3/2}/r) for redundancy rnr \geq \sqrt{n} in the systematic linear model, improving a result of Chakraborty, Kamma, and Larsen. Finally, we prove a cell probe lower bound for the vector-matrix-vector problem in the high error regime, improving a result of Chattopadhyay, Kouck\'{y}, Loff, and Mukhopadhyay.Comment: 23 pages, 1 tabl

    Improved Upper Bounds for the Rigidity of Kronecker Products

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    The rigidity of a matrix AA for target rank rr is the minimum number of entries of AA that need to be changed in order to obtain a matrix of rank at most rr. At MFCS'77, Valiant introduced matrix rigidity as a tool to prove circuit lower bounds for linear functions and since then this notion received much attention and found applications in other areas of complexity theory. The problem of constructing an explicit family of matrices that are sufficiently rigid for Valiant's reduction (Valiant-rigid) still remains open. Moreover, since 2017 most of the long-studied candidates have been shown not to be Valiant-rigid. Some of those former candidates for rigidity are Kronecker products of small matrices. In a recent paper (STOC'21), Alman gave a general non-rigidity result for such matrices: he showed that if an n×nn\times n matrix AA (over any field) is a Kronecker product of d×dd\times d matrices M1,,MkM_1,\dots, M_k (so n=dkn=d^k) (d2)(d\ge 2) then changing only n1+εn^{1+\varepsilon} entries of AA one can reduce its rank to n1γ\le n^{1-\gamma}, where 1/γ1/\gamma is roughly 2d/ε22^d/\varepsilon^2. In this note we improve this result in two directions. First, we do not require the matrices MiM_i to have equal size. Second, we reduce 1/γ1/\gamma from exponential in dd to roughly d3/2/ε2d^{3/2}/\varepsilon^2 (where dd is the maximum size of the matrices MiM_i), and to nearly linear (roughly d/ε2d/\varepsilon^2) for matrices MiM_i of sizes within a constant factor of each other. As an application of our results we significantly expand the class of Hadamard matrices that are known not to be Valiant-rigid; these now include the Kronecker products of Paley-Hadamard matrices and Hadamard matrices of bounded size.Comment: To appear at MFCS'21. This version includes rigidity bounds for Hadamard matrices (Section 6), which were not present in the previous arxiv version. 20 page

    The (Generalized) Orthogonality Dimension of (Generalized) Kneser Graphs: Bounds and Applications

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    The orthogonality dimension of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) over a field F\mathbb{F} is the smallest integer tt for which there exists an assignment of a vector uvFtu_v \in \mathbb{F}^t with uv,uv0\langle u_v,u_v \rangle \neq 0 to every vertex vVv \in V, such that uv,uv=0\langle u_v, u_{v'} \rangle = 0 whenever vv and vv' are adjacent vertices in GG. The study of the orthogonality dimension of graphs is motivated by various application in information theory and in theoretical computer science. The contribution of the present work is two-folded. First, we prove that there exists a constant cc such that for every sufficiently large integer tt, it is NP\mathsf{NP}-hard to decide whether the orthogonality dimension of an input graph over R\mathbb{R} is at most tt or at least 3t/2c3t/2-c. At the heart of the proof lies a geometric result, which might be of independent interest, on a generalization of the orthogonality dimension parameter for the family of Kneser graphs, analogously to a long-standing conjecture of Stahl (J. Comb. Theo. Ser. B, 1976). Second, we study the smallest possible orthogonality dimension over finite fields of the complement of graphs that do not contain certain fixed subgraphs. In particular, we provide an explicit construction of triangle-free nn-vertex graphs whose complement has orthogonality dimension over the binary field at most n1δn^{1-\delta} for some constant δ>0\delta >0. Our results involve constructions from the family of generalized Kneser graphs and they are motivated by the rigidity approach to circuit lower bounds. We use them to answer a couple of questions raised by Codenotti, Pudl\'{a}k, and Resta (Theor. Comput. Sci., 2000), and in particular, to disprove their Odd Alternating Cycle Conjecture over every finite field.Comment: 19 page

    Lower Bounds for Matrix Factorization

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    We study the problem of constructing explicit families of matrices which cannot be expressed as a product of a few sparse matrices. In addition to being a natural mathematical question on its own, this problem appears in various incarnations in computer science; the most significant being in the context of lower bounds for algebraic circuits which compute linear transformations, matrix rigidity and data structure lower bounds. We first show, for every constant dd, a deterministic construction in subexponential time of a family {Mn}\{M_n\} of n×nn \times n matrices which cannot be expressed as a product Mn=A1AdM_n = A_1 \cdots A_d where the total sparsity of A1,,AdA_1,\ldots,A_d is less than n1+1/(2d)n^{1+1/(2d)}. In other words, any depth-dd linear circuit computing the linear transformation MnxM_n\cdot x has size at least n1+Ω(1/d)n^{1+\Omega(1/d)}. This improves upon the prior best lower bounds for this problem, which are barely super-linear, and were obtained by a long line of research based on the study of super-concentrators (albeit at the cost of a blow up in the time required to construct these matrices). We then outline an approach for proving improved lower bounds through a certain derandomization problem, and use this approach to prove asymptotically optimal quadratic lower bounds for natural special cases, which generalize many of the common matrix decompositions

    Matrix Rigidity Depends on the Target Field

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    The rigidity of a matrix A for target rank r is the minimum number of entries of A that need to be changed in order to obtain a matrix of rank at most r (Valiant, 1977). We study the dependence of rigidity on the target field. We consider especially two natural regimes: when one is allowed to make changes only from the field of definition of the matrix ("strict rigidity"), and when the changes are allowed to be in an arbitrary extension field ("absolute rigidity"). We demonstrate, apparently for the first time, a separation between these two concepts. We establish a gap of a factor of 3/2-o(1) between strict and absolute rigidities. The question seems especially timely because of recent results by Dvir and Liu (Theory of Computing, 2020) where important families of matrices, previously expected to be rigid, are shown not to be absolutely rigid, while their strict rigidity remains open. Our lower-bound method combines elementary arguments from algebraic geometry with "untouched minors" arguments. Finally, we point out that more families of long-time rigidity candidates fall as a consequence of the results of Dvir and Liu. These include the incidence matrices of projective planes over finite fields, proposed by Valiant as candidates for rigidity over ??

    Rigid Matrices From Rectangular PCPs

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    We introduce a variant of PCPs, that we refer to as rectangular PCPs, wherein proofs are thought of as square matrices, and the random coins used by the verifier can be partitioned into two disjoint sets, one determining the row of each query and the other determining the column. We construct PCPs that are efficient, short, smooth and (almost-)rectangular. As a key application, we show that proofs for hard languages in NTIME(2n)NTIME(2^n), when viewed as matrices, are rigid infinitely often. This strengthens and simplifies a recent result of Alman and Chen [FOCS, 2019] constructing explicit rigid matrices in FNP. Namely, we prove the following theorem: - There is a constant δ(0,1)\delta \in (0,1) such that there is an FNP-machine that, for infinitely many NN, on input 1N1^N outputs N×NN \times N matrices with entries in F2\mathbb{F}_2 that are δN2\delta N^2-far (in Hamming distance) from matrices of rank at most 2logN/Ω(loglogN)2^{\log N/\Omega(\log \log N)}. Our construction of rectangular PCPs starts with an analysis of how randomness yields queries in the Reed--Muller-based outer PCP of Ben-Sasson, Goldreich, Harsha, Sudan and Vadhan [SICOMP, 2006; CCC, 2005]. We then show how to preserve rectangularity under PCP composition and a smoothness-inducing transformation. This warrants refined and stronger notions of rectangularity, which we prove for the outer PCP and its transforms.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure