21 research outputs found

    Four-Dimensional Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone Scalar Multiplication

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    The GLV method of Gallant, Lambert and Vanstone~(CRYPTO 2001) computes any multiple kPkP of a point PP of prime order nn lying on an elliptic curve with a low-degree endomorphism Φ\Phi (called GLV curve) over Fp\mathbb{F}_p as kP=k1P+k2Φ(P)kP = k_1P + k_2\Phi(P), with max{k1,k2}C1n\max\{|k_1|,|k_2|\}\leq C_1\sqrt n for some explicit constant C1>0C_1>0. Recently, Galbraith, Lin and Scott (EUROCRYPT 2009) extended this method to all curves over Fp2\mathbb{F}_{p^2} which are twists of curves defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. We show in this work how to merge the two approaches in order to get, for twists of any GLV curve over Fp2\mathbb{F}_{p^2}, a four-dimensional decomposition together with fast endomorphisms Φ,Ψ\Phi, \Psi over Fp2\mathbb{F}_{p^2} acting on the group generated by a point PP of prime order nn, resulting in a proven decomposition for any scalar k[1,n]k\in[1,n] given by kP=k1P+k2Φ(P)+k3Ψ(P)+k4ΨΦ(P)kP=k_1P+ k_2\Phi(P)+ k_3\Psi(P) + k_4\Psi\Phi(P), with maxi(ki)0\max_i (|k_i|)0. Remarkably, taking the best C1,C2C_1, C_2, we obtain C2/C1<412C_2/C_1<412, independently of the curve, ensuring in theory an almost constant relative speedup. In practice, our experiments reveal that the use of the merged GLV-GLS approach supports a scalar multiplication that runs up to 50\% faster than the original GLV method. We then improve this performance even further by exploiting the Twisted Edwards model and show that curves originally slower may become extremely efficient on this model. In addition, we analyze the performance of the method on a multicore setting and describe how to efficiently protect GLV-based scalar multiplication against several side-channel attacks. Our implementations improve the state-of-the-art performance of point multiplication for a variety of scenarios including side-channel protected and unprotected cases with sequential and multicore execution

    Families of fast elliptic curves from Q-curves

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    We construct new families of elliptic curves over \FF_{p^2} with efficiently computable endomorphisms, which can be used to accelerate elliptic curve-based cryptosystems in the same way as Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone (GLV) and Galbraith-Lin-Scott (GLS) endomorphisms. Our construction is based on reducing \QQ-curves-curves over quadratic number fields without complex multiplication, but with isogenies to their Galois conjugates-modulo inert primes. As a first application of the general theory we construct, for every p>3p > 3, two one-parameter families of elliptic curves over \FF_{p^2} equipped with endomorphisms that are faster than doubling. Like GLS (which appears as a degenerate case of our construction), we offer the advantage over GLV of selecting from a much wider range of curves, and thus finding secure group orders when pp is fixed. Unlike GLS, we also offer the possibility of constructing twist-secure curves. Among our examples are prime-order curves equipped with fast endomorphisms, with almost-prime-order twists, over \FF_{p^2} for p=21271p = 2^{127}-1 and p=225519p = 2^{255}-19

    Two is the fastest prime: lambda coordinates for binary elliptic curves

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    In this work, we present new arithmetic formulas for a projective version of the affine point representation (x,x+y/x),(x,x+y/x), for x0,x\ne 0, which leads to an efficient computation of the scalar multiplication operation over binary elliptic curves.A software implementation of our formulas applied to a binary Galbraith-Lin-Scott elliptic curve defined over the field F2254\mathbb{F}_{2^{254}} allows us to achieve speed records for protected/unprotected single/multi-core random-point elliptic curve scalar multiplication at the 127-bit security level. When executed on a Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz Intel Xeon processor, our software is able to compute a single/multi-core unprotected scalar multiplication in 69,50069,500 and 47,90047,900 clock cycles, respectively; and a protected single-core scalar multiplication in 114,800114,800 cycles. These numbers are improved by around 2\% and 46\% on the newer Ivy Bridge and Haswell platforms, respectively, achieving in the latter a protected random-point scalar multiplication in 60,000 clock cycles

    Ready-Made Short Basis for GLV+GLS on High Degree Twisted Curves

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    The crucial step in elliptic curve scalar multiplication based on scalar decompositions using efficient endomorphisms—such as GLV, GLS or GLV+GLS—is to produce a short basis of a lattice involving the eigenvalues of the endomorphisms, which usually is obtained by lattice basis reduction algorithms or even more specialized algorithms. Recently, lattice basis reduction is found to be unnecessary. Benjamin Smith (AMS 2015) was able to immediately write down a short basis of the lattice for the GLV, GLS, GLV+GLS of quadratic twists using elementary facts about quadratic rings. Certainly it is always more convenient to use a ready-made short basis than to compute a new one by some algorithm. In this paper, we extend Smith\u27s method on GLV+GLS for quadratic twists to quartic and sextic twists, and give ready-made short bases for 44-dimensional decompositions on these high degree twisted curves. In particular, our method gives a unified short basis compared with Hu et. al\u27s method (DCC 2012) for 44-dimensional decompositions on sextic twisted curves

    Point compression for the trace zero subgroup over a small degree extension field

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    Using Semaev's summation polynomials, we derive a new equation for the Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points of the trace zero variety of an elliptic curve defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Using this equation, we produce an optimal-size representation for such points. Our representation is compatible with scalar multiplication. We give a point compression algorithm to compute the representation and a decompression algorithm to recover the original point (up to some small ambiguity). The algorithms are efficient for trace zero varieties coming from small degree extension fields. We give explicit equations and discuss in detail the practically relevant cases of cubic and quintic field extensions.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Efficient and Secure Algorithms for GLV-Based Scalar Multiplication and their Implementation on GLV-GLS Curves (Extended Version)

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    We propose efficient algorithms and formulas that improve the performance of side-channel protected elliptic curve computations with special focus on scalar multiplication exploiting the Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone (CRYPTO 2001) and Galbraith-Lin-Scott (EUROCRYPT 2009) methods. Firstly, by adapting Feng et al.\u27s recoding to the GLV setting, we derive new regular algorithms for variable-base scalar multiplication that offer protection against simple side-channel and timing attacks. Secondly, we propose an efficient, side-channel protected algorithm for fixed-base scalar multiplication which combines Feng et al.\u27s recoding with Lim-Lee\u27s comb method. Thirdly, we propose an efficient technique that interleaves ARM and NEON-based multiprecision operations over an extension field to improve performance of GLS curves on modern ARM processors. Finally, we showcase the efficiency of the proposed techniques by implementing a state-of-the-art GLV-GLS curve in twisted Edwards form defined over GF(p^2), which supports a four dimensional decomposition of the scalar and is fully protected against timing attacks. Analysis and performance results are reported for modern x64 and ARM processors. For instance, we compute a variable-base scalar multiplication in 89,000 and 244,000 cycles on an Intel Ivy Bridge and an ARM Cortex-A15 processor (respect.); using a precomputed table of 6KB, we compute a fixed-base scalar multiplication in 49,000 and 116,000 cycles (respect.); and using a precomputed table of 3KB, we compute a double scalar multiplication in 115,000 and 285,000 cycles (respect.). The proposed techniques represent an important improvement of the state-of-the-art performance of elliptic curve computations, and allow us to set new speed records in several modern processors. The techniques also reduce the cost of adding protection against timing attacks in the computation of GLV-based variable-base scalar multiplication to below 10%

    A New Twofold Cornacchia-Type Algorithm

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    We focus on exploring more potential of Longa and Sica\u27s algorithm (ASIACRYPT 2012), which is an elaborate iterated Cornacchia algorithm that can compute short bases for 4-GLV decompositions. The algorithm consists of two sub-algorithms, the first one in the ring of integers Z\mathbb{Z} and the second one in the Gaussian integer ring Z[i]\mathbb{Z}[i]. We observe that Z[i]\mathbb{Z}[i] in the second sub-algorithm can be replaced by another Euclidean domain Z[ω]\mathbb{Z}[\omega] (ω=1+32)(\omega=\frac{-1+\sqrt{-3}}{2}). As a consequence, we design a new twofold Cornacchia-type algorithm with a theoretic upper bound of output Cn1/4C\cdot n^{1/4}, where C=3+321+r+sC=\frac{3+\sqrt{3}}{2}\sqrt{1+|r|+|s|} with small values r,sr, s given by the curve. Besides, we give some applications of our new algotithm in some cuvres not considered in Longa and Sica\u27s algorithm

    FourQNEON: Faster Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplications on ARM Processors

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    We present a high-speed, high-security implementation of the recently proposed elliptic curve FourQ (ASIACRYPT 2015) for 32-bit ARM processors with NEON support. Exploiting the versatile and compact arithmetic of this curve, we design a vectorized implementation that achieves high-performance across a large variety of ARM platforms. Our software is fully protected against timing and cache attacks, and showcases the impressive speed of FourQ when compared with other curve-based alternatives. For example, one single variable-base scalar multiplication is computed in about 235,000 Cortex-A8 cycles or 132,000 Cortex-A15 cycles which, compared to the results of the fastest genus 2 Kummer and Curve25519 implementations on the same platforms, offer speedups between 1.3x-1.7x and between 2.1x-2.4x, respectively. In comparison with the NIST standard curve K-283, we achieve speedups above 4x and 5.5x