3 research outputs found

    Viewpoint-driven Formation Control of Airships for Cooperative Target Tracking

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    For tracking and motion capture (MoCap) of animals in their natural habitat, a formation of safe and silent aerial platforms, such as airships with on-board cameras, is well suited. In our prior work we derived formation properties for optimal MoCap, which include maintaining constant angular separation between observers w.r.t. the subject, threshold distance to it and keeping it centered in the camera view. Unlike multi-rotors, airships have non-holonomic constrains and are affected by ambient wind. Their orientation and flight direction are also tightly coupled. Therefore a control scheme for multicopters that assumes independence of motion direction and orientation is not applicable. In this paper, we address this problem by first exploiting a periodic relationship between the airspeed of an airship and its distance to the subject. We use it to derive analytical and numeric solutions that satisfy the formation properties for optimal MoCap. Based on this, we develop an MPC-based formation controller. We perform theoretical analysis of our solution, boundary conditions of its applicability, extensive simulation experiments and a real world demonstration of our control method with an unmanned airship. Open source code https://tinyurl.com/AsMPCCode and a video of our method is provided at https://tinyurl.com/AsMPCVid .Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, source code : https://github.com/robot-perception-group/Airship-MPC , video: https://youtu.be/ZcuedRMTK0w , This paper has been submitted and accepted for publication in IEEE RA-L on March 8 202

    Formation control of multiple quadcopters using model predictive control

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    <p>This paper presents the formation control of a fleet of three small quadcopters in a motion capture environment. The dynamic model of a single quadcopter is derived for model predictive control (MPC) and then constraints are explained and expressed in an adequate manner to be included in the cost function for the optimization problem to be solved by the C/GMRES method. Two control architectures, centralized and decentralized, were implemented in the ROS framework and tested on the CrazyFlie quadcopter. First performances are assessed for a static reference, the formation regulation problem, then for a dynamic reference, the formation tracking one. Finally, computational cost of the MPC controllers is evaluated.</p