2 research outputs found

    Thirty years of artificial intelligence in medicine (AIME) conferences: A review of research themes

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    Over the past 30 years, the international conference on Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine (AIME) has been organized at different venues across Europe every 2 years, establishing a forum for scientific exchange and creating an active research community. The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine journal has published theme issues with extended versions of selected AIME papers since 1998

    Formalising medical quality indicators to improve guidelines

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    Abstract. Medical guidelines can significantly improve quality of medical care and reduce costs. But how do we get sound and well-structured guidelines? This paper investigates the use of quality indicators that are formulated by medical institutions to evaluate medical care. The main research questions are (i) whether it is possible to formalise those indicators in a specific knowledge representation language for medical guidelines, and (ii) whether it is possible to verify whether such guidelines do indeed satisfy these indicators. In a case study on two real-life guidelines (Diabetes and Jaundice) we have studied 35 indicators, that were developped independently from these guidelines. Of these 25 (71%!) suggested anomalies in one of the guidelines in our case study.