4 research outputs found

    Knowledge-oriented task and motion planning for multiple mobile robots

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence, published online: 30 Nov 2018 available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0952813X.2018.1544280Robotic systems composed of several mobile robots moving in human environments pose several problems at perception, planning and control levels. In these environments, there may be obstacles obstructing the paths, which robots can remove by pushing or pulling them. At planning level, therefore, an efficient combination of task and motion planning is required. Even more if we assume a cooperative system in which robots can collaborate with each other by e.g. pushing together a heavy obstacle or by one robot clearing the way to another one. In this paper, we cope with this problem by proposing 驴-TMP, a smart combination of an heuristic task planner based on the Fast Forward method, a physics-based motion planner, and reasoning processes over the ontologies that code the knowledge on the problem. The significance of the proposal relies on how geometric and physics information is used within the computation of the heuristics in order to guide the symbolic search, i.e. how an artificial intelligence planning method is combined with low-level motion planning to achieve a feasible sequence of actions (composed of collision-free motions plus physically-feasible push/pull actions). The proposal has been validated with several simulated scenarios (using up to five robots that need to collaborate with each other to reach the goal state), showing how the method is able to solve challenging situations and also find an efficient solution in terms of power.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Combining task and motion planning for mobile manipulators

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 31/12/2019Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoci贸 2018-2019. 脌mbit d鈥橢nginyeria IndustrialThis thesis addresses the combination of task and motion planning which deals with different types of robotic manipulation problems. Manipulation problems are referred to as mobile manipulation, collaborative multiple mobile robots tasks, and even higher dimensional tasks (like bi-manual robots or mobile manipulators). Task and motion planning problems needs to obtain a geometrically feasible manipulation plan through symbolic and geometric search space. The combination of task and motion planning levels has emerged as a challenging issue as the failure leads robots to dead-end tasks due to geometric constraints. In addition, task planning is combined with physics-based motion planning and information to cope with manipulation tasks in which interactions between robots and objects are required, or also a low-cost feasible plan in terms of power is looked for. Moreover, combining task and motion planning frameworks is enriched by introducing manipulation knowledge. It facilitates the planning process and aids to provide the way of executing symbolic actions. Combining task and motion planning can be considered under uncertain information and with human-interaction. Uncertainty can be viewed in the initial state of the robot world or the result of symbolic actions. To deal with such issues, contingent-based task and motion planning is proposed using a perception system and human knowledge. Also, robots can ask human for those tasks which are difficult or infeasible for the purpose of collaboration. An implementation framework to combine different types of task and motion planning is presented. All the required modules and tools are also illustrated. As some task planning algorithms are implemented in Prolog or C++ languages and our geometric reasoner is developed in C++, the flow of information between different languages is explained.Aquesta tesis es centra en les eines de planificaci贸 combinada a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments per abordar diferents problemes de manipulaci贸 rob貌tica. Els problemes considerats s贸n de navegaci贸 de robots m貌bil enmig de obstacles no fixes, tasques de manipulaci贸 cooperativa entre varis robots m貌bils, i tasques de manipulaci贸 de dimensi贸 m茅s elevada com les portades a terme amb robots bi-bra莽 o manipuladors m貌bils. La planificaci贸 combinada de tasques i de moviments ha de cercar un pla de manipulaci贸 que sigui geom猫tricament realitzable, a trav茅s de d'un espai de cerca simb貌lic i geom猫tric. La combinaci贸 dels nivells de planificaci贸 de tasca i de moviments ha sorgit com un repte ja que les fallades degudes a les restriccions geom猫triques poden portar a tasques sense soluci贸. Addicionalment, la planificaci贸 a nivell de tasca es combina amb informaci贸 de la f铆sica de l'entorn i amb m猫todes de planificaci贸 basats en la f铆sica, per abordar tasques de manipulaci贸 en les que la interacci贸 entre el robot i els objectes 茅s necess脿ria, o tamb茅 si es busca un pla realitzable i amb un baix cost en termes de pot猫ncia. A m茅s, el marc proposat per al combinaci贸 de la planificaci贸 a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments es millora mitjan莽ant l'煤s de coneixement, que facilita el proc茅s de planificaci贸 i ajuda a trobar la forma d'executar accions simb貌liques. La combinaci贸 de nivells de planificaci贸 tamb茅 es pot considerar en casos d'informaci贸 incompleta i en la interacci贸 hum脿-robot. La incertesa es considera en l'estat inicial i en el resultat de les accions simb貌liques. Per abordar aquest problema, es proposa la planificaci贸 basada en conting猫ncies usant un sistema de percepci贸 i el coneixement de l'operari hum脿. Igualment, els robots poden demanar col路laboraci贸 a l'operari hum脿 per a que realitzi aquelles accions que s贸n dif铆cils o no realitzables pel robot. Es presenta tamb茅 un marc d'implementaci贸 per a la combinaci贸 de nivells de planificaci贸 usant diferents m猫todes, incloent tots els m貌duls i eines necess脿ries. Com que alguns algorismes estan implementats en Prolog i d'altres en C++, i el m貌dul de raonament geom猫tric proposat est脿 desenvolupat en C++, es detalla el flux d'informaci贸 entre diferents llenguatges.Award-winningPostprint (published version