17 research outputs found

    Forecasting Informatics Competencies for Nurses in the Future of Connected Health

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    The IMIA-NIstudents’ and emerging professionals’ working group conducted a large international survey in 2015 regarding research trends in nursing informatics. The survey was translated into half-a-dozen languages and distributed through 18 international research collaborators’ professional connections. The survey focused on the perspectives of nurse informaticians. A total of 272 participants responded to an open ended question concerning recommendations to advance nursing informatics. Five key areas for action were identified through our thematic content analysis: education, research, practice, visibility and collaboration. This chapter discusses these results with implications for nursing competency development. We propose how components of various competency lists might support the key areas for action. We also identify room to further develop existing competency guidelines to support in-service education for practicing nurses, promote nursing informatics visibility, or improve and facilitate collaboration and integration with other professions. </p


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    Nursing informatics competencies for entry to practice: the perspective of six countries

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    Internationally, countries are challenged to prepare nurses for a future that has ever increasing use of technology and where information management is a central part of professional nursing practice. There has been a growing trend to move nursing to competency-based education, especially for those students undertaking their first nursing qualification. This first nursing qualification may be linked to pre-registration, pre-licensure or undergraduate education; the term used depending on the country. The authors are drawn from the International Medical Informatics Association special interest group, Nursing Informatics (IMIA-NI) Education Working Group and represent New Zealand, the United States of America, England, Australia, Finland and Canada

    The shifting sands of nursing informatics education: from content to connectivity

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    This chapter considers the development of nurse education over the past 50 years and ventures a view towards 2020. A link will be made to the introduction of informatics to nursing curricula. It is clear when looking over the recent history of nurse education that it has moved from a medical model and content driven apprentice mode to that of a reflective agile professional mode where autonomous practice allows for collaboration in care and connectivity between health professionals. Parallel to these pedagogical changes are the introduction of informatics across healthcare, starting with computer skills and moving through information management to decision support. The chapter will conclude with some thoughts around the next possible steps forward for nursing informatics education

    Nurses and Midwives in the Digital Age

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    This follow-up survey on trends in Nursing Informatics (NI) was conducted by the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Student and Emerging Professionals (SEP) group as a cross-sectional study in 2019. There were 455 responses from 24 countries. Based on the findings NI research is evolving rapidly. Current ten most common trends include: clinical quality measures, clinical decision support, big data, artificial intelligence, care coordination, education and competencies, patient safety, mobile health, description of nursing practices and evaluation of patient outcomes. The findings help support the efforts to efficiently use resources in the promotion of health care activities, to support the development of informatics education and to grow NI as a profession.</p

    Nursing Informatics 2018

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    The advancement of Nursing Informatics (NI) in practice differs between regions and there is a need to support the advancement of NI all over the world. Exemplifying means that have been successful in supporting NI in practice could be used to guide the development of NI in other places as well. To address this need, the IMIA-NI SIG Student and Emerging Professionals (SEP) group proposes a panel of pioneers in the field to discuss means of how to support NI in practice throughout the continuum - from places where the field is just emerging to those where NI today is more advanced. The discussion will cover issues such as NI roles, requirements, competencies and education. Discussed ideas will be collected and reported in the future.</p

    Increasing the Effectiveness of Clinical Practices with Health Informatics: Systematic Literature Review

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    Healthcare informatics involves different areas and activities like data collection, data analysis, and knowledge sharing among health care professionals. Healthcare Informatics scholars have been contending that the advancement in the discipline can enable healthcare professionals to provide better care to patients and the public. The current study goal is to identify the effectiveness of health informatics in improving clinical nursing practice from recent literature. We followed the systematic literature review by reviewing research papers published in the period between 2009 until 2019. The extracted data showed that there are four main themes of the nursing practices that are affected positively by the implementation of healthcare informatics. Namely, they are promoting quality of healthcare, improving electronic documentation of nursing practice, improving technological competencies and leadership practices, and improving clinical decision making. We discuss the findings and identify gaps to better direct future research in this area

    Building Nursing Knowledge to Meet the Needs of Disruptive Technology Healthcare Re-Design.

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    This paper provides a discourse based upon the key development of nursing in response to the emerging 4Ds of health technology re-design. Building informatics capability among health professionals is a workforce issue necessitated through the increasing prevalence of information technology and digitization of healthcare affecting the entire health workforce, specifically front-line nurses. The key concepts will be explored of Digitization, Distribution, Disruption and Diversity, a framework recognising the tsunami of technology such as Big Data analytics, comprehensive decision support systems for nursing, nanobots, robotics, and pharmacogenomics and the impact these have upon the nursing workforce

    Methodology for the Development of the Australian National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework.

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    Internationally healthcare organisations and governments are grappling with the issue of upskilling healthcare workforces in relation to digital health. Significant research has been undertaken in relation to documenting essential digital health capability requirements for the workforce. In 2019 the Australian Digital Health Agency funded work by the Australasian Institute of Digital Health to develop a National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework. This paper describes the methodological approach used in the development of the Framework