6 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Attention Network for Action Segmentation

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    The temporal segmentation of events is an essential task and a precursor for the automatic recognition of human actions in the video. Several attempts have been made to capture frame-level salient aspects through attention but they lack the capacity to effectively map the temporal relationships in between the frames as they only capture a limited span of temporal dependencies. To this end we propose a complete end-to-end supervised learning approach that can better learn relationships between actions over time, thus improving the overall segmentation performance. The proposed hierarchical recurrent attention framework analyses the input video at multiple temporal scales, to form embeddings at frame level and segment level, and perform fine-grained action segmentation. This generates a simple, lightweight, yet extremely effective architecture for segmenting continuous video streams and has multiple application domains. We evaluate our system on multiple challenging public benchmark datasets, including MERL Shopping, 50 salads, and Georgia Tech Egocentric datasets, and achieves state-of-the-art performance. The evaluated datasets encompass numerous video capture settings which are inclusive of static overhead camera views and dynamic, ego-centric head-mounted camera views, demonstrating the direct applicability of the proposed framework in a variety of settings.Comment: Published in Pattern Recognition Letter

    Long-Term Anticipation of Activities with Cycle Consistency

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    With the success of deep learning methods in analyzing activities in videos, more attention has recently been focused towards anticipating future activities. However, most of the work on anticipation either analyzes a partially observed activity or predicts the next action class. Recently, new approaches have been proposed to extend the prediction horizon up to several minutes in the future and that anticipate a sequence of future activities including their durations. While these works decouple the semantic interpretation of the observed sequence from the anticipation task, we propose a framework for anticipating future activities directly from the features of the observed frames and train it in an end-to-end fashion. Furthermore, we introduce a cycle consistency loss over time by predicting the past activities given the predicted future. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art results on two datasets: the Breakfast dataset and 50Salads.Comment: GCPR 202

    VS-TransGRU: A Novel Transformer-GRU-based Framework Enhanced by Visual-Semantic Fusion for Egocentric Action Anticipation

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    Egocentric action anticipation is a challenging task that aims to make advanced predictions of future actions from current and historical observations in the first-person view. Most existing methods focus on improving the model architecture and loss function based on the visual input and recurrent neural network to boost the anticipation performance. However, these methods, which merely consider visual information and rely on a single network architecture, gradually reach a performance plateau. In order to fully understand what has been observed and capture the dependencies between current observations and future actions well enough, we propose a novel visual-semantic fusion enhanced and Transformer GRU-based action anticipation framework in this paper. Firstly, high-level semantic information is introduced to improve the performance of action anticipation for the first time. We propose to use the semantic features generated based on the class labels or directly from the visual observations to augment the original visual features. Secondly, an effective visual-semantic fusion module is proposed to make up for the semantic gap and fully utilize the complementarity of different modalities. Thirdly, to take advantage of both the parallel and autoregressive models, we design a Transformer based encoder for long-term sequential modeling and a GRU-based decoder for flexible iteration decoding. Extensive experiments on two large-scale first-person view datasets, i.e., EPIC-Kitchens and EGTEA Gaze+, validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, which achieves new state-of-the-art performance, outperforming previous approaches by a large margin.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Modeling Events and Interactions through Temporal Processes -- A Survey

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    In real-world scenario, many phenomena produce a collection of events that occur in continuous time. Point Processes provide a natural mathematical framework for modeling these sequences of events. In this survey, we investigate probabilistic models for modeling event sequences through temporal processes. We revise the notion of event modeling and provide the mathematical foundations that characterize the literature on the topic. We define an ontology to categorize the existing approaches in terms of three families: simple, marked, and spatio-temporal point processes. For each family, we systematically review the existing approaches based based on deep learning. Finally, we analyze the scenarios where the proposed techniques can be used for addressing prediction and modeling aspects.Comment: Image replacement

    Forecasting Future Action Sequences with Neural Memory Networks

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    We propose a novel neural memory network based framework for future action sequence forecasting. This is a challenging task where we have to consider short-term, within sequence relationships as well as relationships in between sequences, to understand how sequences of actions evolve over time. To capture these relationships effectively, we introduce neural memory networks to our modelling scheme. We show the significance of using two input streams, the observed frames and the corresponding action labels, which provide different information cues for our prediction task. Furthermore, through the proposed method we effectively map the long-term relationships among individual input sequences through separate memory modules, which enables better fusion of the salient features. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin on two publicly available datasets: Breakfast and 50 Salads