1 research outputs found

    An Analysis of development of E-commerce in Six Countries of ASEAN

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    随着互联网的不断普及和应用,以及人们消费观念的转变,更加便捷化的电子商务得到追捧进而快速发展,传统的行业和经销方式受到冲击。电子商务改变了传统的物流模式,在一定程度上影响和改变了整个社会的经济结构和经济运行方式。东盟正受益于强大的基本面因素,很快成为电子商务的国际新焦点。 电子商务发展在美国、欧盟和亚洲地区表现的最为明显,亚洲地区作为全球电子商务的持续发展地区,近年来也越来越受到关注。本文选取新加坡、马来西亚、印尼、泰国、菲律宾和越南这六个最有代表的东盟主要经济体来研究电子商务发展情况。得益于本国互联网发展和智能手机的普及、本国经济发展、政府政策支持等一系列因素,东盟六国电子商务发展逐渐崭露...With the continuous popularization and application of the Internet, and the change of the public consumption idea. And the electronic commerce which is more convenient gets popular and a fast development. The traditional industry and distribution methods are affected. E-commerce has changed the traditional logistics mode. And to a certain extent, it has also affected and changed the whole social e...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:2552014115220