37 research outputs found

    Excluding pairs of tournaments

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    The Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal conjecture states that for every given undirected graph HH there exists a constant c(H)>0c(H)>0 such that every graph GG that does not contain HH as an induced subgraph contains a clique or a stable set of size at least ∣V(G)∣c(H)|V(G)|^{c(H)}. The conjecture is still open. Its equivalent directed version states that for every given tournament HH there exists a constant c(H)>0c(H)>0 such that every HH-free tournament TT contains a transitive subtournament of order at least ∣V(T)∣c(H)|V(T)|^{c(H)}. We prove in this paper that {H1,H2}\{H_{1},H_{2}\}-free tournaments TT contain transitive subtournaments of size at least ∣V(T)∣c(H1,H2)|V(T)|^{c(H_{1},H_{2})} for some c(H1,H2)>0c(H_{1},H_{2})>0 and several pairs of tournaments: H1H_{1}, H2H_{2}. In particular we prove that {H,Hc}\{H,H^{c}\}-freeness implies existence of the polynomial-size transitive subtournaments for several tournaments HH for which the conjecture is still open (HcH^{c} stands for the \textit{complement of HH}). To the best of our knowledge these are first nontrivial results of this type

    Dominating the Erdos-Moser theorem in reverse mathematics

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    The Erdos-Moser theorem (EM) states that every infinite tournament has an infinite transitive subtournament. This principle plays an important role in the understanding of the computational strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs (RT^2_2) by providing an alternate proof of RT^2_2 in terms of EM and the ascending descending sequence principle (ADS). In this paper, we study the computational weakness of EM and construct a standard model (omega-model) of simultaneously EM, weak K\"onig's lemma and the cohesiveness principle, which is not a model of the atomic model theorem. This separation answers a question of Hirschfeldt, Shore and Slaman, and shows that the weakness of the Erdos-Moser theorem goes beyond the separation of EM from ADS proven by Lerman, Solomon and Towsner.Comment: 36 page

    Structure theorem for U5-free tournaments

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    Let U5U_5 be the tournament with vertices v1v_1, ..., v5v_5 such that v2β†’v1v_2 \rightarrow v_1, and viβ†’vjv_i \rightarrow v_j if jβˆ’i≑1j-i \equiv 1, 2(mod5)2 \pmod{5} and i,jβ‰ 1,2{i,j} \neq {1,2}. In this paper we describe the tournaments which do not have U5U_5 as a subtournament. Specifically, we show that if a tournament GG is "prime"---that is, if there is no subset XβŠ†V(G)X \subseteq V(G), 1<∣X∣<∣V(G)∣1 < |X| < |V(G)|, such that for all v∈V(G)\Xv \in V(G) \backslash X, either vβ†’xv \rightarrow x for all x∈Xx \in X or xβ†’vx \rightarrow v for all x∈Xx \in X---then GG is U5U_5-free if and only if either GG is a specific tournament TnT_n or V(G)V(G) can be partitioned into sets XX, YY, ZZ such that XβˆͺYX \cup Y, YβˆͺZY \cup Z, and ZβˆͺXZ \cup X are transitive. From the prime U5U_5-free tournaments we can construct all the U5U_5-free tournaments. We use the theorem to show that every U5U_5-free tournament with nn vertices has a transitive subtournament with at least nlog⁑32n^{\log_3 2} vertices, and that this bound is tight.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Changes from previous version: Added a section; added the definitions of v, A, and B to the main proof; general edit

    No additional tournaments are quasirandom-forcing

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    A tournament H is quasirandom-forcing if the following holds for every sequence (G_n) of tournaments of growing orders: if the density of H in G_n converges to the expected density of H in a random tournament, then (G_n) is quasirandom. Every transitive tournament with at least 4 vertices is quasirandom-forcing, and Coregliano et al. [Electron. J. Combin. 26 (2019), P1.44] showed that there is also a non-transitive 5-vertex tournament with the property. We show that no additional tournament has this property. This extends the result of Bucic et al. [arXiv:1910.09936] that the non-transitive tournaments with seven or more vertices do not have this property

    Some results and problems on tournament structure

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    This paper is a survey of results and problems related to the following question: is it true that if G is a tournament with sufficiently large chromatic number, then G has two vertex-disjoint subtournaments A,B, both with large chromatic number, such that all edges between them are directed from A to B? We describe what we know about this question, and report some progress on several other related questions, on tournament colouring and domination