23 research outputs found

    Forcing Behavioral Subtyping Through Specification Inheritance

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    A common change to object-oriented software is to add a new type of data that is a subtype of some existing type in the program. However, due to message passing unchanged parts of the program may now call operations of the new type. To avoid reverification of unchanged code, such operations should have specifications that are related to the specifications of the appropriate operations in their supertypes. This paper presents a specification technique that uses inheritance of specifications to force the appropriate behavior on the subtype objects. This technique is simple, requires little effort by the specifier, and avoids reverification of unchanged code. We present two notions of such behavioral subtyping, one of which is new. We show how to use these techniques to specify examples in C++

    Mutation, Aliasing, Viewpoints, Modular Reasoning, and Weak Behavioral Subtyping

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    Existing work on behavioral subtyping either ignores aliasing or restricts the behavior of additional methods in a subtype and only allows one to use invariants and history constraints in reasoning. This prevents many useful subtype relationships; for example, a type with immutable objects (e.g., immutable sequences), cannot have a behavioral subtype with mutable objects (e.g., mutable arrays). Furthermore, the associated reasoning principle is not very useful, since one cannot use the pre- and postconditions of methods. Weak behavioral subtyping permits more behavioral subtype relationships, does not restrict the behavior of additional methods in subtypes, and allows the use of pre- and postconditions in reasoning. The only cost is the need to restrict aliases so that objects cannot be manipulated through the view of more than one type

    Desugaring JML Method Specifications

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    JML, which stands for ``Java Modeling Language,\u27\u27 is a behavioral interface specification language (BISL) designed to specify Java modules. JML features a great deal of syntactic sugar that is designed to make method specifications more expressive. This paper presents a desugaring process that boils down all of the syntactic sugars in JML method specifications into a much simpler form. This desugaring will help one understand the meaning of these sugars, for example for use in program verification. It may also help manipulation of JML method specifications by tools

    AspectJML: modular specification and runtime checking for crosscutting contracts

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    Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a popular technique for modularizing crosscutting concerns. In this context, researchers have found that the realization of design by contract (DbC) is crosscutting and fares better when modularized by AOP. However, previous efforts aimed at supporting crosscutting contract modularity might actually compromise the main DbC principles. For example, in AspectJ-style, reasoning about the correctness of a method call may require a whole-program analysis to determine what advice applies and what that advice does relative to DbC implementation and checking. Also, when contracts are separated from classes a programmer may not know about them and may break them inadvertently. In this paper we solve these problems with AspectJML, a new specification language that supports crosscutting contracts for Java code. We also show how AspectJML supports the main DbC principles of modular reasoning and contracts as documentation

    Checking framework interactions with relationships

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    Formal specification with JML

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    This text is a general, self contained, and tool independent introduction into the Java Modeling Language, JML. It is a preview of a chapter planned to appear in a book about the KeY approach and tool to the verification of Java software. JML is the dominating starting point of KeY style Java verification. However, this paper does not in any way depend on any tool nor verification methodology. Other chapters in this book talk about the usage of JML in KeY style verification. Here, we only refer to KeY in very few places, without relying on it. This introduction is written for all readers with an interest in formal specification of software in general, and anyone who wants to learn about the JML approach to specification in particular. The authors appreciate any comments or questions that help to improve the text

    Specification and verification challenges for sequential object-oriented programs

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    The state of knowledge in how to specify sequential programs in object-oriented languages such as Java and C# and the state of the art in automated verification tools for such programs have made measurable progress in the last several years. This paper describes several remaining challenges and approaches to their solution

    Preliminary Design of JML: A Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Java

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    JML is a behavioral interface specification language tailored to Java(TM). Besides pre- and postconditions, it also allows assertions to be intermixed with Java code; these aid verification and debugging. JML is designed to be used by working software engineers; to do this it follows Eiffel in using Java expressions in assertions. JML combines this idea from Eiffel with the model-based approach to specifications, typified by VDM and Larch, which results in greater expressiveness. Other expressiveness advantages over Eiffel include quantifiers, specification-only variables, and frame conditions. This paper discusses the goals of JML, the overall approach, and describes the basic features of the language through examples. It is intended for readers who have some familiarity with both Java and behavioral specification using pre- and postconditions