8 research outputs found

    Hyperbolic Concentration, Anti-Concentration, and Discrepancy

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    Algorithms and lower bounds for de Morgan formulas of low-communication leaf gates

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    The class FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s] \circ \mathcal{G} consists of Boolean functions computable by size-ss de Morgan formulas whose leaves are any Boolean functions from a class G\mathcal{G}. We give lower bounds and (SAT, Learning, and PRG) algorithms for FORMULA[n1.99]GFORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ \mathcal{G}, for classes G\mathcal{G} of functions with low communication complexity. Let R(k)(G)R^{(k)}(\mathcal{G}) be the maximum kk-party NOF randomized communication complexity of G\mathcal{G}. We show: (1) The Generalized Inner Product function GIPnkGIP^k_n cannot be computed in FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s]\circ \mathcal{G} on more than 1/2+ε1/2+\varepsilon fraction of inputs for s=o ⁣(n2(k4kR(k)(G)log(n/ε)log(1/ε))2). s = o \! \left ( \frac{n^2}{ \left(k \cdot 4^k \cdot {R}^{(k)}(\mathcal{G}) \cdot \log (n/\varepsilon) \cdot \log(1/\varepsilon) \right)^{2}} \right). As a corollary, we get an average-case lower bound for GIPnkGIP^k_n against FORMULA[n1.99]PTFk1FORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ PTF^{k-1}. (2) There is a PRG of seed length n/2+O(sR(2)(G)log(s/ε)log(1/ε))n/2 + O\left(\sqrt{s} \cdot R^{(2)}(\mathcal{G}) \cdot\log(s/\varepsilon) \cdot \log (1/\varepsilon) \right) that ε\varepsilon-fools FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s] \circ \mathcal{G}. For FORMULA[s]LTFFORMULA[s] \circ LTF, we get the better seed length O(n1/2s1/4log(n)log(n/ε))O\left(n^{1/2}\cdot s^{1/4}\cdot \log(n)\cdot \log(n/\varepsilon)\right). This gives the first non-trivial PRG (with seed length o(n)o(n)) for intersections of nn half-spaces in the regime where ε1/n\varepsilon \leq 1/n. (3) There is a randomized 2nt2^{n-t}-time #\#SAT algorithm for FORMULA[s]GFORMULA[s] \circ \mathcal{G}, where t=Ω(nslog2(s)R(2)(G))1/2.t=\Omega\left(\frac{n}{\sqrt{s}\cdot\log^2(s)\cdot R^{(2)}(\mathcal{G})}\right)^{1/2}. In particular, this implies a nontrivial #SAT algorithm for FORMULA[n1.99]LTFFORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ LTF. (4) The Minimum Circuit Size Problem is not in FORMULA[n1.99]XORFORMULA[n^{1.99}]\circ XOR. On the algorithmic side, we show that FORMULA[n1.99]XORFORMULA[n^{1.99}] \circ XOR can be PAC-learned in time 2O(n/logn)2^{O(n/\log n)}

    Classical Algorithms from Quantum and Arthur-Merlin Communication Protocols

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    In recent years, the polynomial method from circuit complexity has been applied to several fundamental problems and obtains the state-of-the-art running times (e.g., R. Williams\u27s n^3 / 2^{Omega(sqrt{log n})} time algorithm for APSP). As observed in [Alman and Williams, STOC 2017], almost all applications of the polynomial method in algorithm design ultimately rely on certain (probabilistic) low-rank decompositions of the computation matrices corresponding to key subroutines. They suggest that making use of low-rank decompositions directly could lead to more powerful algorithms, as the polynomial method is just one way to derive such a decomposition. Inspired by their observation, in this paper, we study another way of systematically constructing low-rank decompositions of matrices which could be used by algorithms - communication protocols. Since their introduction, it is known that various types of communication protocols lead to certain low-rank decompositions (e.g., P protocols/rank, BQP protocols/approximate rank). These are usually interpreted as approaches for proving communication lower bounds, while in this work we explore the other direction. We have the following two generic algorithmic applications of communication protocols: - Quantum Communication Protocols and Deterministic Approximate Counting. Our first connection is that a fast BQP communication protocol for a function f implies a fast deterministic additive approximate counting algorithm for a related pair counting problem. Applying known BQP communication protocols, we get fast deterministic additive approximate counting algorithms for Count-OV (#OV), Sparse Count-OV and Formula of SYM circuits. In particular, our approximate counting algorithm for #OV runs in near-linear time for all dimensions d = o(log^2 n). Previously, even no truly-subquadratic time algorithm was known for d = omega(log n). - Arthur-Merlin Communication Protocols and Faster Satisfying-Pair Algorithms. Our second connection is that a fast AM^{cc} protocol for a function f implies a faster-than-bruteforce algorithm for f-Satisfying-Pair. Using the classical Goldwasser-Sisper AM protocols for approximating set size, we obtain a new algorithm for approximate Max-IP_{n,c log n} in time n^{2 - 1/O(log c)}, matching the state-of-the-art algorithms in [Chen, CCC 2018]. We also apply our second connection to shed some light on long-standing open problems in communication complexity. We show that if the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem admits a fast (computationally efficient) AM^{cc} protocol (polylog(n) complexity), then polynomial-size Formula-SAT admits a 2^{n - n^{1-delta}} time algorithm for any constant delta > 0, which is conjectured to be unlikely by a recent work [Abboud and Bringmann, ICALP 2018]. The same holds even for a fast (computationally efficient) PH^{cc} protocol

    Simple and Efficient Pseudorandom Generators from Gaussian Processes

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    We show that a very simple pseudorandom generator fools intersections of k linear threshold functions (LTFs) and arbitrary functions of k LTFs over n-dimensional Gaussian space. The two analyses of our PRG (for intersections versus arbitrary functions of LTFs) are quite different from each other and from previous analyses of PRGs for functions of halfspaces. Our analysis for arbitrary functions of LTFs establishes bounds on the Wasserstein distance between Gaussian random vectors with similar covariance matrices, and combines these bounds with a conversion from Wasserstein distance to "union-of-orthants" distance from [Xi Chen et al., 2014]. Our analysis for intersections of LTFs uses extensions of the classical Sudakov-Fernique type inequalities, which give bounds on the difference between the expectations of the maxima of two Gaussian random vectors with similar covariance matrices. For all values of k, our generator has seed length O(log n) + poly(k) for arbitrary functions of k LTFs and O(log n) + poly(log k) for intersections of k LTFs. The best previous result, due to [Gopalan et al., 2010], only gave such PRGs for arbitrary functions of k LTFs when k=O(log log n) and for intersections of k LTFs when k=O((log n)/(log log n)). Thus our PRG achieves an O(log n) seed length for values of k that are exponentially larger than previous work could achieve. By combining our PRG over Gaussian space with an invariance principle for arbitrary functions of LTFs and with a regularity lemma, we obtain a deterministic algorithm that approximately counts satisfying assignments of arbitrary functions of k general LTFs over {0,1}^n in time poly(n) * 2^{poly(k,1/epsilon)} for all values of k. This algorithm has a poly(n) runtime for k =(log n)^c for some absolute constant c>0, while the previous best poly(n)-time algorithms could only handle k = O(log log n). For intersections of LTFs, by combining these tools with a recent PRG due to [R. O\u27Donnell et al., 2018], we obtain a deterministic algorithm that can approximately count satisfying assignments of intersections of k general LTFs over {0,1}^n in time poly(n) * 2^{poly(log k, 1/epsilon)}. This algorithm has a poly(n) runtime for k =2^{(log n)^c} for some absolute constant c>0, while the previous best poly(n)-time algorithms for intersections of k LTFs, due to [Gopalan et al., 2010], could only handle k=O((log n)/(log log n))

    Improved Central Limit Theorem and bootstrap approximations in high dimensions

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    This paper deals with the Gaussian and bootstrap approximations to the distribution of the max statistic in high dimensions. This statistic takes the form of the maximum over components of the sum of independent random vectors and its distribution plays a key role in many high-dimensional econometric problems. Using a novel iterative randomized Lindeberg method, the paper derives new bounds for the distributional approximation errors. These new bounds substantially improve upon existing ones and simultaneously allow for a larger class of bootstrap methods.Comment: 53 page

    Fooling polytopes

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    We give an explicit pseudorandom generator with seed length poly(log m, 1/\delta) * log n that \delta-fools the class of all m-facet polytopes over {0,1}^n. The previous best seed length had linear dependence on m. As a corollary, we obtain a deterministic quasipolynomial time algorithm for approximately counting the number of feasible solutions of general {0,1}-integer programs. Joint work with Ryan O'Donnell (CMU) and Li-Yang Tan (Stanford).Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Columbia UniversityFacult