12 research outputs found

    Flux-corrected transport algorithms for continuous Galerkin methods based on high order Bernstein finite elements

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    This work extends the flux-corrected transport (FCT) methodology to arbitrary-order continuous finite element discretizations of scalar conservation laws on simplex meshes. Using Bernstein polynomials as local basis functions, we constrain the total variation of the numerical solution by imposing local discrete maximum principles on the Bézier net. The design of accuracy-preserving FCT schemes for high order Bernstein-Bézier finite elements requires the development of new algorithms and/or generalization of limiting techniques tailored for linear and multilinear Lagrange elements. In this paper, we propose (i) a new discrete upwinding strategy leading to local extremum bounded low order approximations with compact stencils, (ii) a high order stabilization operator based on gradient recovery, and (iii) new localized limiting techniques for antidi usive element contributions. The optional use of a smoothness indicator, based on a second derivative test, makes it possible to potentially avoid unnecessary limiting at smooth extrema and achieve optimal convergence rates for problems with smooth solutions. The accuracy of the proposed schemes is assessed in numerical studies for the linear transport equation in 1D and 2D

    Maximum-principle preserving space-time isogeometric analysis

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    In this work we propose a nonlinear stabilization technique for convection-diffusion-reaction and pure transport problems discretized with space-time isogeometric analysis. The stabilization is based on a graph-theoretic artificial diffusion operator and a novel shock detector for isogeometric analysis. Stabilization in time and space directions are performed similarly, which allow us to use high-order discretizations in time without any CFL-like condition. The method is proven to yield solutions that satisfy the discrete maximum principle (DMP) unconditionally for arbitrary order. In addition, the stabilization is linearity preserving in a space-time sense. Moreover, the scheme is proven to be Lipschitz continuous ensuring that the nonlinear problem is well-posed. Solving large problems using a space-time discretization can become highly costly. Therefore, we also propose a partitioned space-time scheme that allows us to select the length of every time slab, and solve sequentially for every subdomain. As a result, the computational cost is reduced while the stability and convergence properties of the scheme remain unaltered. In addition, we propose a twice differentiable version of the stabilization scheme, which enjoys the same stability properties while the nonlinear convergence is significantly improved. Finally, the proposed schemes are assessed with numerical experiments. In particular, we considered steady and transient pure convection and convection-diffusion problems in one and two dimensions

    High-order residual distribution scheme for the time-dependent Euler equations of fluid dynamics

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    In the present work, a high order finite element type residual distribution scheme is designed in the framework of multidimensional compressible Euler equations of gas dynamics. The strengths of the proposed approximation rely on the generic spatial discretization of the model equations using a continuous finite element type approximation technique, while avoiding the solution of a large linear system with a sparse mass matrix which would come along with any standard ODE solver in a classical finite element approach to advance the solution in time. In this work, we propose a new Residual Distribution (RD) scheme, which provides an arbitrary explicit high order approximation of the smooth solutions of the Euler equations both in space and time. The design of the scheme via the coupling of the RD formulation \cite{mario,abg} with a Deferred Correction (DeC) type method \cite{shu-dec,Minion2}, allows to have the matrix associated to the update in time, which needs to be inverted, to be diagonal. The use of Bernstein polynomials as shape functions, guarantees that this diagonal matrix is invertible and ensures strict positivity of the resulting diagonal matrix coefficients. This work is the extension of \cite{enumath,Abgrall2017} to multidimensional systems. We have assessed our method on several challenging benchmark problems for one- and two-dimensional Euler equations and the scheme has proven to be robust and to achieve the theoretically predicted high order of accuracy on smooth solutions

    A monolithic conservative level set method with built-in redistancing

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    We introduce a new level set method for representing evolving interfaces. In the case of divergence-free velocity fields, the new method satisfies a conservation principle. Conservation is important for many applications such as modeling two-phase incompressible flow. In the present implementation, the conserved quantity is defined as the integral of a smoothed characteristic function. The new approach embeds level sets into a volume of fluid formulation. The evolution of an approximate signed distance function is governed by a conservation law for its (smoothed) sign. The non-linear level set transport equation is regularized by adding a flux correction term that assures a non-singular Jacobian and penalizes deviations from a distance function. The result is a locally conservative level set method with built-in elliptic redistancing. The continuous model is monolithic in the sense that the level set transport model, the volume of fluid law of mass conservation, and the minimization problem that preserves the approximate distance function property are incorporated into a single equation. There is no need for any extra stabilization, artificial compression, flux limiting, redistancing, mass correction, and other numerical fixes which are commonly used in level set or volume of fluid methods. In addition, there is just one free parameter that controls the strength of regularization and penalization in the model. The accuracy and conservation properties of the monolithic finite element / level set method are illustrated by the results of numerical studies for passive advection of free interfaces