4 research outputs found

    Fluid analysis of energy consumption using rewards in massively parallel markov models

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    Scalable Performance Analysis of Massively Parallel Stochastic Systems

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    The accurate performance analysis of large-scale computer and communication systems is directly inhibited by an exponential growth in the state-space of the underlying Markovian performance model. This is particularly true when considering massively-parallel architectures such as cloud or grid computing infrastructures. Nevertheless, an ability to extract quantitative performance measures such as passage-time distributions from performance models of these systems is critical for providers of these services. Indeed, without such an ability, they remain unable to offer realistic end-to-end service level agreements (SLAs) which they can have any confidence of honouring. Additionally, this must be possible in a short enough period of time to allow many different parameter combinations in a complex system to be tested. If we can achieve this rapid performance analysis goal, it will enable service providers and engineers to determine the cost-optimal behaviour which satisfies the SLAs. In this thesis, we develop a scalable performance analysis framework for the grouped PEPA stochastic process algebra. Our approach is based on the approximation of key model quantities such as means and variances by tractable systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Crucially, the size of these systems of ODEs is independent of the number of interacting entities within the model, making these analysis techniques extremely scalable. The reliability of our approach is directly supported by convergence results and, in some cases, explicit error bounds. We focus on extracting passage-time measures from performance models since these are very commonly the language in which a service level agreement is phrased. We design scalable analysis techniques which can handle passages defined both in terms of entire component populations as well as individual or tagged members of a large population. A precise and straightforward specification of a passage-time service level agreement is as important to the performance engineering process as its evaluation. This is especially true of large and complex models of industrial-scale systems. To address this, we introduce the unified stochastic probe framework. Unified stochastic probes are used to generate a model augmentation which exposes explicitly the SLA measure of interest to the analysis toolkit. In this thesis, we deploy these probes to define many detailed and derived performance measures that can be automatically and directly analysed using rapid ODE techniques. In this way, we tackle applicable problems at many levels of the performance engineering process: from specification and model representation to efficient and scalable analysis

    Fluid aggregations for Markovian process algebra

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    Quantitative analysis by means of discrete-state stochastic processes is hindered by the well-known phenomenon of state-space explosion, whereby the size of the state space may have an exponential growth with the number of objects in the model. When the stochastic process underlies a Markovian process algebra model, this problem may be alleviated by suitable notions of behavioural equivalence that induce lumping at the underlying continuous-time Markov chain, establishing an exact relation between a potentially much smaller aggregated chain and the original one. However, in the modelling of massively distributed computer systems, even aggregated chains may be still too large for efficient numerical analysis. Recently this problem has been addressed by fluid techniques, where the Markov chain is approximated by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) whose size does not depend on the number of the objects in the model. The technique has been primarily applied in the case of massively replicated sequential processes with small local state space sizes. This thesis devises two different approaches that broaden the scope of applicability of efficient fluid approximations. Fluid lumpability applies in the case where objects are composites of simple objects, and aggregates the potentially massive, naively constructed ODE system into one whose size is independent from the number of composites in the model. Similarly to quasi and near lumpability, we introduce approximate fluid lumpability that covers ODE systems which can be aggregated after a small perturbation in the parameters. The technique of spatial aggregation, instead, applies to models whose objects perform a random walk on a two-dimensional lattice. Specifically, it is shown that the underlying ODE system, whose size is proportional to the number of the regions, converges to a system of partial differential equations of constant size as the number of regions goes to infinity. This allows for an efficient analysis of large-scale mobile models in continuous space like ad hoc networks and multi-agent systems