30 research outputs found

    Oscillation and the mean ergodic theorem for uniformly convex Banach spaces

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    Let B be a p-uniformly convex Banach space, with p >= 2. Let T be a linear operator on B, and let A_n x denote the ergodic average (1 / n) sum_{i< n} T^n x. We prove the following variational inequality in the case where T is power bounded from above and below: for any increasing sequence (t_k)_{k in N} of natural numbers we have sum_k || A_{t_{k+1}} x - A_{t_k} x ||^p <= C || x ||^p, where the constant C depends only on p and the modulus of uniform convexity. For T a nonexpansive operator, we obtain a weaker bound on the number of epsilon-fluctuations in the sequence. We clarify the relationship between bounds on the number of epsilon-fluctuations in a sequence and bounds on the rate of metastability, and provide lower bounds on the rate of metastability that show that our main result is sharp

    Ultraproducts and metastability

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    Given a convergence theorem in analysis, under very general conditions a model-theoretic compactness argument implies that there is a uniform bound on the rate of metastability. We illustrate with three examples from ergodic theory

    Effective results on nonlinear ergodic averages in CAT(κ) spaces

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    In this paper we apply proof mining techniques to compute, in the setting of CAT(κ) spaces (with κ > 0), effective and highly uniform rates of asymptotic regularity and metastability for a nonlinear generalization of the ergodic averages, known as the Halpern iteration. In this way, we obtain a uniform quantitative version of a nonlinear extension of the classical von Neumann mean ergodic theorem.Romanian National Authority for Scientific ResearchRomanian Ministry of Educatio

    Computational Problems in Metric Fixed Point Theory and their Weihrauch Degrees

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    We study the computational difficulty of the problem of finding fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces. We show that the fixed point sets of computable nonexpansive self-maps of a nonempty, computably weakly closed, convex and bounded subset of a computable real Hilbert space are precisely the nonempty, co-r.e. weakly closed, convex subsets of the domain. A uniform version of this result allows us to determine the Weihrauch degree of the Browder-Goehde-Kirk theorem in computable real Hilbert space: it is equivalent to a closed choice principle, which receives as input a closed, convex and bounded set via negative information in the weak topology and outputs a point in the set, represented in the strong topology. While in finite dimensional uniformly convex Banach spaces, computable nonexpansive mappings always have computable fixed points, on the unit ball in infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space the Browder-Goehde-Kirk theorem becomes Weihrauch-equivalent to the limit operator, and on the Hilbert cube it is equivalent to Weak Koenig's Lemma. In particular, computable nonexpansive mappings may not have any computable fixed points in infinite dimension. We also study the computational difficulty of the problem of finding rates of convergence for a large class of fixed point iterations, which generalise both Halpern- and Mann-iterations, and prove that the problem of finding rates of convergence already on the unit interval is equivalent to the limit operator.Comment: 44 page

    Quantitative results on Fejér monotone sequences

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    We provide in a unified way quantitative forms of strong convergence results for numerous iterative procedures which satisfy a general type of Fej´er monotonicity where the convergence uses the compactness of the underlying set. These quantitative versions are in the form of explicit rates of so-called metastability in the sense of T. Tao. Our approach covers examples ranging from the proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators to various fixed point iterations (xn) for firmly nonexpansive, asymptotically nonexpansive, strictly pseudo-contractive and other types of mappings. Many of the results hold in a general metric setting with some convexity structure added (so-called W-hyperbolic spaces). Sometimes uniform convexity is assumed still covering the important class of CAT(0)-spaces due to Gromov.German Science FoundationRomanian National Authority for Scientific Researc