27,725 research outputs found

    On Lagrangian and vortex-surface fields for flows with Taylor–Green and Kida–Pelz initial conditions

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    For a strictly inviscid barotropic flow with conservative body forces, the Helmholtz vorticity theorem shows that material or Lagrangian surfaces which are vortex surfaces at time t = 0 remain so for t > 0. In this study, a systematic methodology is developed for constructing smooth scalar fields φ(x, y, z, t = 0) for Taylor–Green and Kida–Pelz velocity fields, which, at t = 0, satisfy ω·∇φ = 0. We refer to such fields as vortex-surface fields. Then, for some constant C, iso-surfaces φ = C define vortex surfaces. It is shown that, given the vorticity, our definition of a vortex-surface field admits non-uniqueness, and this is presently resolved numerically using an optimization approach. Additionally, relations between vortex-surface fields and the classical Clebsch representation are discussed for flows with zero helicity. Equations describing the evolution of vortex-surface fields are then obtained for both inviscid and viscous incompressible flows. Both uniqueness and the distinction separating the evolution of vortex-surface fields and Lagrangian fields are discussed. By tracking φ as a Lagrangian field in slightly viscous flows, we show that the well-defined evolution of Lagrangian surfaces that are initially vortex surfaces can be a good approximation to vortex surfaces at later times prior to vortex reconnection. In the evolution of such Lagrangian fields, we observe that initially blob-like vortex surfaces are progressively stretched to sheet-like shapes so that neighbouring portions approach each other, with subsequent rolling up of structures near the interface, which reveals more information on dynamics than the iso-surfaces of vorticity magnitude. The non-local geometry in the evolution is quantified by two differential geometry properties. Rolled-up local shapes are found in the Lagrangian structures that were initially vortex surfaces close to the time of vortex reconnection. It is hypothesized that this is related to the formation of the very high vorticity regions

    Geometry, topology and dynamics of geodesic flows on noncompact polygonal surfaces

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    We establish the background for the study of geodesics on noncompact polygonal surfaces. For illustration, we study the recurrence of geodesics on ZZ-periodic polygonal surfaces. We prove, in particular, that almost all geodesics on a topologically typical ZZ-periodic surface with boundary are recurrent.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures. To be published in V. V. Kozlov's Festschrif

    Universal circles for quasigeodesic flows

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    We show that if M is a hyperbolic 3-manifold which admits a quasigeodesic flow, then pi_1(M) acts faithfully on a universal circle by homeomorphisms, and preserves a pair of invariant laminations of this circle. As a corollary, we show that the Thurston norm can be characterized by quasigeodesic flows, thereby generalizing a theorem of Mosher, and we give the first example of a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold without a quasigeodesic flow, answering a long-standing question of Thurston.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology on 29 November 2006. V4: typsetting correction

    Multitoroidal configurations as equilibrium flow eigenstates

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    Equilibrium eigenstates of an axisymmetric magnetically confined plasma with toroidal flow are investigated by means of exact solutions of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. The study includes "compressible" flows with constant temperature, but varying density on magnetic surfaces and incompressible ones with constant density, but varying temperature thereon. In both cases eigenfunctions of the form Psi_{nl} = Z_l(z)R_n(R) (l, n=1,2,...) describe configurations with lxn magnetic axes. By varying the flow parameters a change in magnetic topology is possible. In addition, the effects of the flow and the aspect ratio on the Shafranov shift are evaluated along with the variations of density and temperature on magnetic surfaces.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    A Spinning Anti-de Sitter Wormhole

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    We construct a 2+1 dimensional spacetime of constant curvature whose spatial topology is that of a torus with one asymptotic region attached. It is also a black hole whose event horizon spins with respect to infinity. An observer entering the hole necessarily ends up at a "singularity"; there are no inner horizons. In the construction we take the quotient of 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space by a discrete group Gamma. A key part of the analysis proceeds by studying the action of Gamma on the boundary of the spacetime.Comment: Latex, 28 pages, 7 postscript figures included in text, a Latex file without figures can be found at http://vanosf.physto.se/~stefan/spinning.html Replaced with journal version, minor change

    Combinatorial Calabi flows on surfaces

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    For triangulated surfaces, we introduce the combinatorial Calabi flow which is an analogue of smooth Calabi flow. We prove that the solution of combinatorial Calabi flow exists for all time. Moreover, the solution converges if and only if Thurston's circle packing exists. As a consequence, combinatorial Calabi flow provides a new algorithm to find circle packings with prescribed curvatures. The proofs rely on careful analysis of combinatorial Calabi energy, combinatorial Ricci potential and discrete dual-Laplacians.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure