4 research outputs found

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    Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Constant Propagation

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    We present a flow-sensitive interprocedural constant propagation algorithm, which supports recursion while only performing one flow-sensitive analysis of each procedure. We present experimental results which show that this method finds substantially more constants than previous methods and is efficient in practice. We introducenew metrics for evaluating interprocedural constant propagation algorithms which measure the number of interprocedural constant values that are propagated. We use these metrics to provide further experimental results for our algorithm. 1 Introduction Program analysis has struggled with the tradeoff between modularization and optimization in many forms. Interprocedural analysis (IPA) is a well-known technique which can be used to bridge the gap across procedure boundaries. The popularity of object-oriented languages, such as C++, increases the opportunity for, and the value of, interprocedural analysis and transformations. Constant propagation identifies constant..