5 research outputs found

    Flow in Knowledge Work Groups – Autonomy as a Driver or Digitally Mediated Communication as a Limiting Factor?

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    As cooperation is becoming increasingly important for complex knowledge work tasks, so is the need to understand how to support it. This study contributes to this aim by manipulating flow experience intensities for individuals working alone or in digitally-mediated small groups. Contrary to related work it is found that flow is not experienced as more intense in groups. Two possible reasons are identified, either an optimization of difficulty through more/less autonomy when working alone/together, or a limitation for sharing intense experiences by working in a communication-restrictive digitally-mediated environment. Furthermore, empiric explorations reveal (i) positive correlations for flow with group performance, satisfaction with and growth of the group, and (ii) that lower/higher flow intensities in digitally-mediated small groups can be classified via machine learning on combinations of ECG, self-report, and task-related data, thus further advancing the development of flow-supportive IS

    Monitoring Cognitive Load with 3D-Printed EEG Headphones

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    Real-world cognitive load monitoring promises to be an essential foundation for positive adaptive information systems that foster knowledge workers’ productivity and well- being. Towards this goal, our research combines established EEG load monitoring principles with low-cost, 3D-printed headphones. This provides a means for continuous, unobtrusive, and real-time cognitive load detection. Results from two experiments document strong relationships of cognitive load reports with EEG frequency bands (Theta and Alpha), both around the ears and on top of the head. While limitations with Theta band power sensitivity are observed, Alpha band modulations are robust across sessions, task repetitions, and three tasks. Furthermore, short setup durations are found, and only minimal influences of hairstyle or glasses on setup times and load relationships. With a discussion of the remaining challenges for more naturalistic studies, this article documents the system’s future potential for load sensing during knowledge work

    Market Engineering

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    This open access book provides a broad range of insights on market engineering and information management. It covers topics like auctions, stock markets, electricity markets, the sharing economy, information and emotions in markets, smart decision-making in cities and other systems, and methodological approaches to conceptual modeling and taxonomy development. Overall, this book is a source of inspiration for everybody working on the vision of advancing the science of engineering markets and managing information for contributing to a bright, sustainable, digital world. Markets are powerful and extremely efficient mechanisms for coordinating individuals’ and organizations’ behavior in a complex, networked economy. Thus, designing, monitoring, and regulating markets is an essential task of today’s society. This task does not only derive from a purely economic point of view. Leveraging market forces can also help to tackle pressing social and environmental challenges. Moreover, markets process, generate, and reveal information. This information is a production factor and a valuable economic asset. In an increasingly digital world, it is more essential than ever to understand the life cycle of information from its creation and distribution to its use. Both markets and the flow of information should not arbitrarily emerge and develop based on individual, profit-driven actors. Instead, they should be engineered to serve best the whole society’s goals. This motivation drives the research fields of market engineering and information management. With this book, the editors and authors honor Professor Dr. Christof Weinhardt for his enormous and ongoing contribution to market engineering and information management research and practice. It was presented to him on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday in April 2021. Thank you very much, Christof, for so many years of cooperation, support, inspiration, and friendship