14 research outputs found

    Flora de la estrella fluvial de In铆rida (Guain铆a, Colombia)

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    We present a list of the vascular plants found in the In铆rida fluvial confluence which is part of the Guiana Shield, comprised of flooded and non-flooded heterogeneous forests and white sands with shrubby and herbaceous vegetation known as sabanetas or caatingas. The studied area is considered a high diversity region, classified as an exclusive area in Colombia due to its rare edaphic conditions which support high levels of endemisms. There are 833 species, 402 genera, and 123 families of registered vascular plants. The most represented families are Rubiaceae with 66 species, Melastomataceae with 52, Fabaceae with 36, Euphorbiaceae with 32, Cyperaceae with 31, and Apocynaceae with 24

    Flora de la estrella fluvial de In铆rida (Guain铆a, Colombia)

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    We present a list of the vascular plants found in the In铆rida fluvial confluence which is part of the Guiana Shield, comprised of flooded and non-flooded heterogeneous forests and white sands with shrubby and herbaceous vegetation known as sabanetas or caatingas. The studied area is considered a high diversity region, classified as an exclusive area in Colombia due to its rare edaphic conditions which support high levels of endemisms. There are 833 species, 402 genera, and 123 families of registered vascular plants. The most represented families are Rubiaceae with 66 species, Melastomataceae with 52, Fabaceae with 36, Euphorbiaceae with 32, Cyperaceae with 31, and Apocynaceae with 24.Se presenta el listado de especies de plantas vasculares que crecen en la Estrella Fluvial de In铆rida, un 谩rea que hace parte del Escudo Guayan茅s, donde la cobertura vegetal incluye bosques heterog茅neos no inundables, bosques inundables y zonas cubiertas de arenas blancas con vegetaci贸n arbustiva y herb谩cea, llamadas "sabanetas" o "catingas". El 谩rea de estudio es considerada como zona de alta diversidad y se constituye como un 谩rea exclusiva en Colombia, con unas condiciones ed谩ficas poco comunes que mantienen altos niveles de endemismo. Se registraron 833 especies de plantas vasculares, correspondientes a 402 g茅neros y 123 familias, de las cuales las m谩s diversas fueron Rubiaceae con 66 especies, Melastomataceae con 52, Fabaceae con 36, Euphorbiaceae con 32, Cyperaceae con 31 y Apocynaceae con 24

    Escarabajos copr贸fagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) de la Orinoqu铆a colombiana

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    The colombian Orinoco basin has registered 105 dung beetle species. Our study added 25 new records to the list of colombian dung beetles published in 2001. These new records are mainly attributed to the field expeditions of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute (IAvH) completed in the last few years to El Tuparro Natural National Park and the Mataven forest. Despite the low-sampling efforts for dung beetles in the colombian Orinoco basin, 35 % of the registered species for the country come from this region.Se registran 105 especies de escarabajos copr贸fagos para la regi贸n de la Orinoqu铆a colombiana. Con el presente trabajo, 25 nuevos registros son agregados al listado de escarabajos de Colombia publicado en el 2001. Estos nuevos registros para la regi贸n vienen principalmente de expediciones que realiz贸 el Instituto Alexander von Humboldt en los 煤ltimos a帽os al Parque Natural Nacional El Tuparro y la selva de Matav茅n. A pesar de que la Orinoqu铆a no ha sido muy muestreada en este grupo de insectos, el 35 % de las especies registradas para el pa铆s provienen de la regi贸n Orinoqu铆a

    Escarabajos copr贸fagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) de la Orinoqu铆a colombiana

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    The colombian Orinoco basin has registered 105 dung beetle species. Our study added 25 new records to the list of colombian dung beetles published in 2001. These new records are mainly attributed to the field expeditions of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute (IAvH) completed in the last few years to El Tuparro Natural National Park and the Mataven forest. Despite the low-sampling efforts for dung beetles in the colombian Orinoco basin, 35 % of the registered species for the country come from this region

    Lista de los moluscos (Gastropoda-Bivalvia) dulceacu铆colas y estuarinos de la cuenca del Orinoco (Venezuela)

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    We conducted a literature review and revised museum collections, as well as original datum of the authors, to create a list of the gastropod and bivalve freshwater and estuary mollusk for the venezuelan Orinoco basin. We consolidated a preliminary list of 104 species distributed between the Gastropod (14 families and 58 species) and Bivalve classes (13 families and 45 species). For the gastropods, the Ampullaridae family was the most diverse (22 sp.) and for the bivalves, the Mycetopodidae family (16 sp). In the list, we include the geographic distribution in the Orinoco watershed, as well as information on their local use, their sanitary importance, ecological habitat and the type of substrate associated for each species

    Lista de los moluscos (Gastropoda-Bivalvia) dulceacu铆colas y estuarinos de la cuenca del Orinoco (Venezuela)

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    We conducted a literature review and revised museum collections, as well as original datum of the authors, to create a list of the gastropod and bivalve freshwater and estuary mollusk for the venezuelan Orinoco basin. We consolidated a preliminary list of 104 species distributed between the Gastropod (14 families and 58 species) and Bivalve classes (13 families and 45 species). For the gastropods, the Ampullaridae family was the most diverse (22 sp.) and for the bivalves, the Mycetopodidae family (16 sp). In the list, we include the geographic distribution in the Orinoco watershed, as well as information on their local use, their sanitary importance, ecological habitat and the type of substrate associated for each species.Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica y de colecciones en museos, as铆 como de datos originales de los autores, para reconocer las especies dulceacu铆colas y estuarinas de moluscos gastr贸podos y bivalvos presentes en la cuenca del Orinoco (Venezuela). Se consolida un listado preliminar para la cuenca de 104 especies distribuidas entre la clase Gastropoda (14 familias y 58 especies) y la clase Bivalvia (13 familias y 45 especies). Entre los gastr贸podos la familia Ampullaridae fue la m谩s diversa (22 sp.) y entre los bivalvos, Mycetopodidae (16 sp.). Se incluye informaci贸n sobre la distribuci贸n geogr谩fica en las subcuencas de la Orinoquia, adem谩s de informaci贸n de su uso, importancia sanitaria, h谩bitos ecol贸gicos y tipo de sustrato asociado a las especies.Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica y de colecciones en museos, as铆 como de datos originales de los autores, para reconocer las especies dulceacu铆colas y estuarinas de moluscos gastr贸podos y bivalvos presentes en la cuenca del Orinoco (Venezuela). Se consolida un listado preliminar para la cuenca de 104 especies distribuidas entre la clase Gastropoda (14 familias y 58 especies) y la clase Bivalvia (13 familias y 45 especies). Entre los gastr贸podos la familia Ampullaridae fue la m谩s diversa (22 sp.) y entre los bivalvos, Mycetopodidae (16 sp.). Se incluye informaci贸n sobre la distribuci贸n geogr谩fica en las subcuencas de la Orinoquia, adem谩s de informaci贸n de su uso, importancia sanitaria, h谩bitos ecol贸gicos y tipo de sustrato asociado a las especies

    Insectos de la Orinoqu铆a colombiana: evaluaci贸n a partir de la colecci贸n entomol贸gica del Instituto Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH)

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    We compiled a preliminary list of insects for the Orinoco basin based on the Entomological Collection of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute (IAvH). Our review expanded the information for four orders of insects (Coleoptera, Dictyoptera, Hemiptera and Hymenoptera). We found a total of 168 species, belonging to 156 genera, 59 tribes, 39 subfamilies and 15 families. We documented 84 new records for the Colombian Orinoco Basin and five new records for Colombia.A partir de la revisi贸n de insectos de la Colecci贸n Entomol贸gica del Instituto Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH), provenientes de la regi贸n de la Orinoqu铆a colombiana, se realiz贸 una lista preliminar de los insectos de esta regi贸n. En la presente contribuci贸n se ampl铆a el conocimiento de cuatro 贸rdenes de insectos (Coleoptera, Dictyoptera, Hemiptera e Hymenoptera), encontr谩ndose 168 especies, pertenecientes a 156 g茅neros, 59 tribus, 39 subfamilias y 15 familias. Se presentan 84 nuevos registros para la Orinoquia colombiana y cinco nuevos registros para Colombia

    Lista de los crust谩ceos dec谩podos de la cuenca del r铆o Orinoco (Colombia-Venezuela)

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    Based on Colombia and Venezuela's biological collections, and on a recent literature review, this is the first consolidated species list of decapod crustaceans for the Orinoco river basin. The freshwater and estuary carcinofauna of the Orinoco basin includes 79 species of 17 families, of which 35 species are shrimp and 44 are crabs. 46 species strictly inhabit fresh water habitats, 5 species inhabit freshwater-estuarine, and 28 inhabit marine-estuarine. The Palaemonidae shrimp family is the most represented, with 5 genera and 26 species (32.9 %). The crabs are grouped in 10 families of which only two are strictly freshwater inhabitants: Trichodactylidae (5 sp.) y Pseudothelphusidae (16 sp.). The list contains information on its geographic distribution, introduced species, habitat and anthropogenic use of each species.Se consolida un primer listado de las especies de crust谩ceos dec谩podos de la cuenca Orinoco, con base en el estudio de las colecciones de Colombia y Venezuela y la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica actualizada. La carcinofauna dulceacu铆cola y estuarina de la Orinoqu铆a incluye 79 especies agrupadas en 17 familias, de las cuales 35 especies son camarones y 44 cangrejos. Unas 46 especies son de h谩bitos dulceacu铆colas estrictos, cinco especies son dulceacu铆colas-estuarinas y 28 marino-estuarinas. La familia m谩s representativa de camarones fue Palaemonidae con cinco g茅neros y 26 especies (32,9 %). Los cangrejos est谩n agrupados en diez familias de las cuales s贸lo dos son estrictamente dulceacu铆colas: Trichodactylidae (5 sp.) y Pseudothelphusidae (16 sp.). El listado contiene informaci贸n de distribuci贸n geogr谩fica, especies introducidas, h谩bito y uso de cada una de las especies

    Insectos de la Orinoqu铆a colombiana: evaluaci贸n a partir de la colecci贸n entomol贸gica del Instituto Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH)

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    We compiled a preliminary list of insects for the Orinoco basin based on the Entomological Collection of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute (IAvH). Our review expanded the information for four orders of insects (Coleoptera, Dictyoptera, Hemiptera and Hymenoptera). We found a total of 168 species, belonging to 156 genera, 59 tribes, 39 subfamilies and 15 families. We documented 84 new records for the Colombian Orinoco Basin and five new records for Colombia

    Estrategia Pedag贸gica para el Manejo Sostenible de Fibras Vegetales como Recursos Artesanales en el Resguardo Nunalbi Alto Ulbi, en el Departamento de Nari帽o

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    Environmental pollution is a social scourge that grows in societies where the knowledge and use of solid waste are neither sustainable nor respectful of the environment; also, where environmental values are not part of people's actions, therefore culture is not compatible with the environmental needs of any society. The educational institutions of the entire Aw谩 indigenous community are witnessing great environmental challenges that challenge their survival. Proof of this is that new efforts and sensitivities are increasing in favor of protecting the environment from contamination. In this sense, the present work has the objective of developing pedagogical strategies to sensitize the students of the Awa la Brava indigenous educational center regarding the environmental contamination of their educational environment caused by solid waste. The methodology chosen for this work has a qualitative, descriptive approach; An instrument adapted for children about knowledge and assessments regarding pollution and solid waste is used, in which 36 primary school students participated. At the level of knowledge, the students recognize that their institution has a problem of environmental contamination, and they relate it to solid waste; however, they do not easily recognize the types of waste, nor can they issue their own concepts or environmental mechanisms to use solid waste; At the level of assessments, they have a high interest in being able to contribute to the improvement of this reality by appropriating new actions in favor of their environment; Finally, at the level of practices, they recognize that the school does not classify solid waste nor has it developed improvement actions around environmental contamination. Faced with this, a pedagogical strategy was implemented based on various activities ranging from art, social communication and research, to end at the beginning of a solid waste collection system. It is concluded that the pedagogical strategy did contribute to the awareness of the students and to the action according to sustainable environmental training.El manejo sostenible de los recursos es una competencia importante en lo que es conservaci贸n del medio ambiente. Por otro lado, el desconocimiento social, cultural y econ贸mico de una planta puede acelerar su extinci贸n; es el caso de las fibras vegetales o bejucos cuya importancia y uso para el Resguardo Nunalbi Alto Ulbi no aporta a su manejo sostenible y por ende es susceptible a desaparecer. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo se propuso Dise帽ar estrategias pedag贸gicas para la recuperaci贸n, preservaci贸n y manejo sostenible de la Inga edulis (Bejuco de Guabo) y la Heteropsis flexuosa (bejuco de Yar茅) como recurso artesanal con l铆deres comunitarios y j贸venes en general del resguardo Nunalbi Alto Ulbi, en el Departamento de Nari帽o. El enfoque metodol贸gico es cualitativo, de tipo descriptiva, con un dise帽o de investigaci贸n acci贸n, a partir del cual se desarrolla un proceso de cambio que sirve como ruta de manejo sostenible de los bejucos en esta comunidad. En lo ambiental, los participantes mostraron respuestas dispersas frente a conocimientos claves en relaci贸n a la siembra, preservaci贸n y cosecha de bejucos; en lo econ贸mico, los participantes no reconocen de manera completa la importancia de los bejucos para su propio desarrollo econ贸mico; y en lo cultural, no hay una apropiaci贸n efectiva de cultura en torno a los bejucos. En ese sentido, la experiencia pedag贸gica permiti贸 incrementar y corregir conocimientos respecto a los bejucos, ampliar la valoraci贸n econ贸mica y la utilidad de los bejucos en la comunidad y el fortalecimiento de la apropiaci贸n de los bejucos dentro de la cultura y principalmente dentro de la artesan铆a. Se concluye que la estrategia pedag贸gica implementada aport贸 a la valoraci贸n de la sostenibilidad de los bejucos dentro de la comunidad