23 research outputs found

    Flexible and efficient IR using array databases

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    textabstractThe Matrix Framework is a recent proposal by IR researchers to flexibly represent all important information retrieval models in a single multi-dimensional array framework. Computational support for exactly this framework is provided by the array database system SRAM (Sparse Relational Array Mapping) that works on top of a DBMS. Information retrieval models can be specified in its comprehension-based array query language, in a way that directly corresponds to the underlying mathematical formulas. SRAM efficiently stores sparse arrays in (compressed) relational tables and translates and optimizes array queries into relational queries. In this work, we describe a number of array query optimization rules and demonstrate their effect on text retrieval in the TREC TeraByte track (TREC-TB) efficiency task, using the Okapi BM25 model as our example. It turns out that these optimization rules enable SRAM to automatically translate the BM25 array queries into the relational equivalent of inverted list processing including compression, score materialization and quantization, such as employed by custom-built IR systems. The use of the high-performance MonetDB/X100 relational backend, that provides transparent database compression, allows the system to achieve very fast response times with good precision and low resource usage

    Flexible and efficient IR using array databases

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    The Matrix Framework is a recent proposal by IR researchers to flexibly represent all important information retrieval models in a single multi-dimensional array framework. Computational support for exactly this framework is provided by the array database system SRAM (Sparse Relational Array Mapping) that works on top of a DBMS. Information retrieval models can be specified in its comprehension-based array query language, in a way that directly corresponds to the underlying mathematical formulas. SRAM efficiently stores sparse arrays in (compressed) relational tables and translates and optimizes array queries into relational queries. In this work, we describe a number of array query optimization rules and demonstrate their effect on text retrieval in the TREC TeraByte track (TREC-TB) efficiency task, using the Okapi BM25 model as our example. It turns out that these optimization rules enable SRAM to automatically translate the BM25 array queries into the relational equivalent of inverted list processing including compression, score materialization and quantization, such as employed by custom-built IR systems. The use of the high-performance MonetDB/X100 relational backend, that provides transparent database compression, allows the system to achieve very fast response times with good precision and low resource usage

    Vectorwise: Beyond Column Stores

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    textabstractThis paper tells the story of Vectorwise, a high-performance analytical database system, from multiple perspectives: its history from academic project to commercial product, the evolution of its technical architecture, customer reactions to the product and its future research and development roadmap. One take-away from this story is that the novelty in Vectorwise is much more than just column-storage: it boasts many query processing innovations in its vectorized execution model, and an adaptive mixed row/column data storage model with indexing support tailored to analytical workloads. Another one is that there is a long road from research prototype to commercial product, though database research continues to achieve a strong innovative influence on product development

    Inference Optimization using Relational Algebra

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    Exact inference procedures in Bayesian networks can be expressed using relational algebra; this provides a common ground for optimizations from the AI and database communities. Specifically, the ability to accomodate sparse representations of probability distributions opens up the way to optimize for their cardinality instead of the dimensionality; we apply this in a sensor data model.\u

    Exploiting sparsity and sharing in probabilistic sensor data models

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    Probabilistic sensor models defined as dynamic Bayesian networks can possess an inherent sparsity that is not reflected in the structure of the network. Classical inference algorithms like variable elimination and junction tree propagation cannot exploit this sparsity. Also, they do not exploit the opportunities for sharing calculations among different time slices of the model. We show that, using a relational representation, inference expressions for these sensor models can be rewritten to make efficient use of sparsity and sharing

    Database architecture evolution: Mammals flourished long before dinosaurs became extinct

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    The holy grail for database architecture research is to find a solution that is Scalable & Speedy, to run on anything from small ARM processors up to globally distributed compute clusters, Stable & Secure, to service a broad user community, Small & Simple, to be comprehensible to a small team of programmers, Self-managing, to let it run out-of-the-box without hassle. In this paper, we provide a trip report on this quest, covering both past experiences, ongoing research on hardware-conscious algorithms, and novel ways towards self-management specifically focused on column store solutions

    Formal Representation of the SS-DB Benchmark and Experimental Evaluation in EXTASCID

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    Evaluating the performance of scientific data processing systems is a difficult task considering the plethora of application-specific solutions available in this landscape and the lack of a generally-accepted benchmark. The dual structure of scientific data coupled with the complex nature of processing complicate the evaluation procedure further. SS-DB is the first attempt to define a general benchmark for complex scientific processing over raw and derived data. It fails to draw sufficient attention though because of the ambiguous plain language specification and the extraordinary SciDB results. In this paper, we remedy the shortcomings of the original SS-DB specification by providing a formal representation in terms of ArrayQL algebra operators and ArrayQL/SciQL constructs. These are the first formal representations of the SS-DB benchmark. Starting from the formal representation, we give a reference implementation and present benchmark results in EXTASCID, a novel system for scientific data processing. EXTASCID is complete in providing native support both for array and relational data and extensible in executing any user code inside the system by the means of a configurable metaoperator. These features result in an order of magnitude improvement over SciDB at data loading, extracting derived data, and operations over derived data.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure