3 research outputs found

    IoT-laitteiden datayhteyden automaattinen mÀÀrittely matkapuhelinverkoissa

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    Cellular networks have existed for almost forty years. During the course of their history, they have transformed from wireless voice communication providers to wireless network providers. Nowadays mobile broadband data forms the bulk of the cellular data transfer which was a staggering 14 exabytes per month in year 2017, or 2.9 gigabytes per smartphone per month. The Internet of Things is changing this connectivity landscape by introducing devices in the millions but with scarce individual resources and data usage. However, there are some challenges related to cellular data connections in constrained IoT devices. This thesis identifies those challenges and proposes solutions to overcome them for enabling simpler cellular data connectivity. We first present the technical challenges and solutions found in today’s cellular IoT devices. We then present a proof of concept prototype that realizes automatic cellular connectivity in a very constrained IoT device. The prototype is capable of connecting to a management system and reporting sensor readings without requiring any user interaction. Besides recognizing important improvements in the next generation of cellular IoT technology, the thesis concludes with suggestions on how to improve the usability of programming interfaces for cellular connectivity.LĂ€hes neljĂ€kymmenvuotisen historiansa aikana atkapuhelinverkot ovat muuttuneet puheen vĂ€littĂ€jistĂ€ langattomaksi dataverkoksi. NykyÀÀn langaton laajakaista muodostaa suuren osan matkapuhelinverkoissa siirretystĂ€ datasta, jota oli 14 exatavua kuukaudessa vuonna 2017. Esineiden Internet tuo verkkoon miljoonia laitteita joiden yksittĂ€inen datansiirron tarve on vĂ€hĂ€inen. Matkapuhelinverkon datayhteyden kĂ€yttö ei kuitenkaan ole ongelmatonta rajoittuneissa Esineiden Internetin laitteissa. TĂ€mĂ€ diplomityö tunnistaa ja luokittelee nĂ€itĂ€ teknisiĂ€ haasteita ja ehdottaa ratkaisuja niihin. Esittelemme prototyypin joka toteuttaa automaatisen matkapuhelinverkon datayhteyden luonnin rajoittuneessa laitteessa. Prototyyppi ottaa yhteyden hallintajĂ€rjestelmÀÀn ja raportoi mittausdataa ilman kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€ltĂ€ vaadittavia toimia. JohtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€ diplomityö esittÀÀ parannuksia tehtĂ€vĂ€ksi matkapuhelinverkkojen datayhteyksien ohjelmointirajapintoihin niitĂ€ kĂ€yttĂ€vissĂ€ laitteissa. Löysimme myös tĂ€rkeitĂ€ parannuksia joita on jo tehty tulevan sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon mÀÀrittelyssĂ€

    Monitoring and Failure Recovery of Cloud-Managed Digital Signage

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    Digitaal signage kasutatakse laialdaselt erinevates valdkondades, nagu nĂ€iteks transpordisĂŒsteemid, turustusvĂ”imalused, meelelahutus ja teised, et kuvada teavet piltide, videote ja teksti kujul. Nende ressursside usaldusvÀÀrsus, vajalike teenuste kĂ€ttesaadavus ja turvameetmed on selliste sĂŒsteemide vastuvĂ”tmisel vĂ”tmeroll. Digitaalse mĂ€rgistussĂŒsteemi tĂ”hus haldamine on teenusepakkujatele keeruline ĂŒlesanne. Selle sĂŒsteemi rikkeid vĂ”ib pĂ”hjustada mitmeid pĂ”hjuseid, nagu nĂ€iteks vigased kuvarid, vĂ”rgu-, riist- vĂ”i tarkvaraprobleemid, mis on ĂŒsna korduvad. Traditsiooniline protsess sellistest ebaĂ”nnestumistest taastumisel hĂ”lmab sageli tĂŒĂŒtuid ja tĂŒlikaid diagnoose. Paljudel juhtudel peavad tehnikud kohale fĂŒĂŒsiliselt kĂŒlastama, suurendades seelĂ€bi hoolduskulusid ja taastumisaega.Selles vĂ€ites pakume lahendust, mis jĂ€lgib, diagnoosib ja taandub tuntud tĂ”rgetest, ĂŒhendades kuvarid pilvega. PilvepĂ”hine kaug- ja autonoomne server konfigureerib kaugseadete sisu ja uuendab neid dĂŒnaamiliselt. Iga kuva jĂ€lgib jooksvat protsessi ja saadab trace’i, logib sĂŒstemisse perioodiliselt. Negatiivide puhul analĂŒĂŒsitakse neid serverisse salvestatud logisid, mis optimaalselt kasutavad kohandatud logijuhtimismoodulit. Lisaks nĂ€itavad ekraanid ebaĂ”nnestumistega toimetulemiseks enesetĂ€itmise protseduure, kui nad ei suuda pilvega ĂŒhendust luua. Kavandatud lahendus viiakse lĂ€bi Linuxi sĂŒsteemis ja seda hinnatakse serveri kasutuselevĂ”tuga Amazon Web Service (AWS) pilves. Peamisteks tulemusteks on meetodite kogum, mis vĂ”imaldavad kaugjuhtimisega kuvariprobleemide lahendamist.Digital signage is widely used in various fields such as transport systems, trading outlets, entertainment, and others, to display information in the form of images, videos, and text. The reliability of these resources, availability of required services and security measures play a key role in the adoption of such systems. Efficient management of the digital signage system is a challenging task to the service providers. There could be many reasons that lead to the malfunctioning of this system such as faulty displays, network, hardware or software failures that are quite repetitive. The traditional process of recovering from such failures often involves tedious and cumbersome diagnosis. In many cases, technicians need to physically visit the site, thereby increasing the maintenance costs and the recovery time. In this thesis, we propose a solution that monitors, diagnoses and recovers from known failures by connecting the displays to a cloud. A cloud-based remote and autonomous server configures the content of remote displays and updates them dynamically. Each display tracks the running process and sends the trace and system logs to the server periodically. These logs, stored at the server optimally using a customized log management module, are analysed for failures. In addition, the displays incorporate self-recovery procedures to deal with failures, when they are unable to create connection to the cloud. The proposed solution is implemented on a Linux system and evaluated by deploying the server on the Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud. The main result of the thesis is a collection of techniques for resolving the display system failures remotely

    Methodological-technological framework for construction 4.0

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    The construction industry has traditionally been characterised by the high diversity of its agents and processes, high resistance to change and low incorporation of technology compared to manufacturing industries. However, the construction sector is experiencing now a strong renovation process in methodology and tools due to the incorporation of the Building Information Modelling, Lean Construction and Integrated Project Delivery. Meanwhile, in production systems, “Industry 4.0” is a new paradigm that proposes automation, monitoring, sensorisation, robotisation, and digitalisation to improve production and distribution processes. In this context, some authors have proposed the concept of “Construction 4.0” as the counterpart of Industry 4.0 for the construction sector, although the methodological-technological implications are not clear. This research shows a methodological-technological framework adapted to the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations industry. This papers includes a detailed proposal for a reference frameworks and related technologies that could impact on this sector, responding to its complexities and specific challenges, such as the unique spaces for each work, which are difficult to standardise, arbitrary cost overruns and a productivity far below the average for other industries, increasing competitiveness and globalisation, as opposed to its traditionally local deployment, and an increasing demand to reduce the carbon footprint for all its activities