808 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Object Parsing from Structured Noisy Point Clouds

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    Object parsing and segmentation from point clouds are challenging tasks because the relevant data is available only as thin structures along object boundaries or other features, and is corrupted by large amounts of noise. To handle this kind of data, flexible shape models are desired that can accurately follow the object boundaries. Popular models such as Active Shape and Active Appearance models lack the necessary flexibility for this task, while recent approaches such as the Recursive Compositional Models make model simplifications in order to obtain computational guarantees. This paper investigates a hierarchical Bayesian model of shape and appearance in a generative setting. The input data is explained by an object parsing layer, which is a deformation of a hidden PCA shape model with Gaussian prior. The paper also introduces a novel efficient inference algorithm that uses informed data-driven proposals to initialize local searches for the hidden variables. Applied to the problem of object parsing from structured point clouds such as edge detection images, the proposed approach obtains state of the art parsing errors on two standard datasets without using any intensity information.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Multi-View Face Recognition From Single RGBD Models of the Faces

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    This work takes important steps towards solving the following problem of current interest: Assuming that each individual in a population can be modeled by a single frontal RGBD face image, is it possible to carry out face recognition for such a population using multiple 2D images captured from arbitrary viewpoints? Although the general problem as stated above is extremely challenging, it encompasses subproblems that can be addressed today. The subproblems addressed in this work relate to: (1) Generating a large set of viewpoint dependent face images from a single RGBD frontal image for each individual; (2) using hierarchical approaches based on view-partitioned subspaces to represent the training data; and (3) based on these hierarchical approaches, using a weighted voting algorithm to integrate the evidence collected from multiple images of the same face as recorded from different viewpoints. We evaluate our methods on three datasets: a dataset of 10 people that we created and two publicly available datasets which include a total of 48 people. In addition to providing important insights into the nature of this problem, our results show that we are able to successfully recognize faces with accuracies of 95% or higher, outperforming existing state-of-the-art face recognition approaches based on deep convolutional neural networks

    DAT++: Spatially Dynamic Vision Transformer with Deformable Attention

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    Transformers have shown superior performance on various vision tasks. Their large receptive field endows Transformer models with higher representation power than their CNN counterparts. Nevertheless, simply enlarging the receptive field also raises several concerns. On the one hand, using dense attention in ViT leads to excessive memory and computational cost, and features can be influenced by irrelevant parts that are beyond the region of interests. On the other hand, the handcrafted attention adopted in PVT or Swin Transformer is data agnostic and may limit the ability to model long-range relations. To solve this dilemma, we propose a novel deformable multi-head attention module, where the positions of key and value pairs in self-attention are adaptively allocated in a data-dependent way. This flexible scheme enables the proposed deformable attention to dynamically focus on relevant regions while maintains the representation power of global attention. On this basis, we present Deformable Attention Transformer (DAT), a general vision backbone efficient and effective for visual recognition. We further build an enhanced version DAT++. Extensive experiments show that our DAT++ achieves state-of-the-art results on various visual recognition benchmarks, with 85.9% ImageNet accuracy, 54.5 and 47.0 MS-COCO instance segmentation mAP, and 51.5 ADE20K semantic segmentation mIoU.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 11 table

    Accurate Segmentation of CT Pelvic Organs via Incremental Cascade Learning and Regression-based Deformable Models

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    Accurate segmentation of male pelvic organs from computed tomography (CT) images is important in image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) of prostate cancer. The efficacy of radiation treatment highly depends on the segmentation accuracy of planning and treatment CT images. Clinically manual delineation is still generally performed in most hospitals. However, it is time consuming and suffers large inter-operator variability due to the low tissue contrast of CT images. To reduce the manual efforts and improve the consistency of segmentation, it is desirable to develop an automatic method for rapid and accurate segmentation of pelvic organs from planning and treatment CT images. This dissertation marries machine learning and medical image analysis for addressing two fundamental yet challenging segmentation problems in image guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer. Planning-CT Segmentation. Deformable models are popular methods for planning-CT segmentation. However, they are well known to be sensitive to initialization and ineffective in segmenting organs with complex shapes. To address these limitations, this dissertation investigates a novel deformable model named regression-based deformable model (RDM). Instead of locally deforming the shape model, in RDM the deformation at each model point is explicitly estimated from local image appearance and used to guide deformable segmentation. As the estimated deformation can be long-distance and is spatially adaptive to each model point, RDM is insensitive to initialization and more flexible than conventional deformable models. These properties render it very suitable for CT pelvic organ segmentation, where initialization is difficult to get and organs may have complex shapes. Treatment-CT Segmentation. Most existing methods have two limitations when they are applied to treatment-CT segmentation. First, they have a limited accuracy because they overlook the availability of patient-specific data in the IGRT workflow. Second, they are time consuming and may take minutes or even longer for segmentation. To improve both accuracy and efficiency, this dissertation combines incremental learning with anatomical landmark detection for fast localization of the prostate in treatment CT images. Specifically, cascade classifiers are learned from a population to automatically detect several anatomical landmarks in the image. Based on these landmarks, the prostate is quickly localized by aligning and then fusing previous segmented prostate shapes of the same patient. To improve the performance of landmark detection, a novel learning scheme named "incremental learning with selective memory" is proposed to personalize the population-based cascade classifiers to the patient under treatment. Extensive experiments on a large dataset show that the proposed method achieves comparable accuracy to the state of the art methods while substantially reducing runtime from minutes to just 4 seconds.Doctor of Philosoph

    Calibration-free Pedestrian Partial Pose Estimation Using a High-mounted Kinect

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    Les applications de l’analyse du comportement humain ont subit de rapides développements durant les dernières décades, tant au niveau des systèmes de divertissements que pour des applications professionnelles comme les interfaces humain-machine, les systèmes d’assistance de conduite automobile ou des systèmes de protection des piétons. Cette thèse traite du problème de reconnaissance de piétons ainsi qu’à l’estimation de leur orientation en 3D. Cette estimation est faite dans l’optique que la connaissance de cette orientation est bénéfique tant au niveau de l’analyse que de la prédiction du comportement des piétons. De ce fait, cette thèse propose à la fois une nouvelle méthode pour détecter les piétons et une manière d’estimer leur orientation, par l’intégration séquentielle d’un module de détection et un module d’estimation d’orientation. Pour effectuer cette détection de piéton, nous avons conçu un classificateur en cascade qui génère automatiquement une boîte autour des piétons détectés dans l’image. Suivant cela, des régions sont extraites d’un nuage de points 3D afin de classifier l’orientation du torse du piéton. Cette classification se base sur une image synthétique grossière par tramage (rasterization) qui simule une caméra virtuelle placée immédiatement au-dessus du piéton détecté. Une machine à vecteurs de support effectue la classification à partir de cette image de synthèse, pour l’une des 10 orientations discrètes utilisées lors de l’entrainement (incréments de 30 degrés). Afin de valider les performances de notre approche d’estimation d’orientation, nous avons construit une base de données de référence contenant 764 nuages de points. Ces données furent capturées à l’aide d’une caméra Kinect de Microsoft pour 30 volontaires différents, et la vérité-terrain sur l’orientation fut établie par l’entremise d’un système de capture de mouvement Vicon. Finalement, nous avons démontré les améliorations apportées par notre approche. En particulier, nous pouvons détecter des piétons avec une précision de 95.29% et estimer l’orientation du corps (dans un intervalle de 30 degrés) avec une précision de 88.88%. Nous espérons ainsi que nos résultats de recherche puissent servir de point de départ à d’autres recherches futures.The application of human behavior analysis has undergone rapid development during the last decades from entertainment system to professional one, as Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), Pedestrian Protection System (PPS), etc. Meanwhile, this thesis addresses the problem of recognizing pedestrians and estimating their body orientation in 3D based on the fact that estimating a person’s orientation is beneficial in determining their behavior. In this thesis, a new method is proposed for detecting and estimating the orientation, in which the result of a pedestrian detection module and a orientation estimation module are integrated sequentially. For the goal of pedestrian detection, a cascade classifier is designed to draw a bounding box around the detected pedestrian. Following this, extracted regions are given to a discrete orientation classifier to estimate pedestrian body’s orientation. This classification is based on a coarse, rasterized depth image simulating a top-view virtual camera, and uses a support vector machine classifier that was trained to distinguish 10 orientations (30 degrees increments). In order to test the performance of our approach, a new benchmark database contains 764 sets of point cloud for body-orientation classification was captured. For this benchmark, a Kinect recorded the point cloud of 30 participants and a marker-based motion capture system (Vicon) provided the ground truth on their orientation. Finally we demonstrated the improvements brought by our system, as it detected pedestrian with an accuracy of 95:29% and estimated the body orientation with an accuracy of 88:88%.We hope it can provide a new foundation for future researches
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