3,607 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Implicit Models and Likelihood-Free Variational Inference

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    Implicit probabilistic models are a flexible class of models defined by a simulation process for data. They form the basis for theories which encompass our understanding of the physical world. Despite this fundamental nature, the use of implicit models remains limited due to challenges in specifying complex latent structure in them, and in performing inferences in such models with large data sets. In this paper, we first introduce hierarchical implicit models (HIMs). HIMs combine the idea of implicit densities with hierarchical Bayesian modeling, thereby defining models via simulators of data with rich hidden structure. Next, we develop likelihood-free variational inference (LFVI), a scalable variational inference algorithm for HIMs. Key to LFVI is specifying a variational family that is also implicit. This matches the model's flexibility and allows for accurate approximation of the posterior. We demonstrate diverse applications: a large-scale physical simulator for predator-prey populations in ecology; a Bayesian generative adversarial network for discrete data; and a deep implicit model for text generation.Comment: Appears in Neural Information Processing Systems, 201

    Learning Generative Models with Sinkhorn Divergences

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    The ability to compare two degenerate probability distributions (i.e. two probability distributions supported on two distinct low-dimensional manifolds living in a much higher-dimensional space) is a crucial problem arising in the estimation of generative models for high-dimensional observations such as those arising in computer vision or natural language. It is known that optimal transport metrics can represent a cure for this problem, since they were specifically designed as an alternative to information divergences to handle such problematic scenarios. Unfortunately, training generative machines using OT raises formidable computational and statistical challenges, because of (i) the computational burden of evaluating OT losses, (ii) the instability and lack of smoothness of these losses, (iii) the difficulty to estimate robustly these losses and their gradients in high dimension. This paper presents the first tractable computational method to train large scale generative models using an optimal transport loss, and tackles these three issues by relying on two key ideas: (a) entropic smoothing, which turns the original OT loss into one that can be computed using Sinkhorn fixed point iterations; (b) algorithmic (automatic) differentiation of these iterations. These two approximations result in a robust and differentiable approximation of the OT loss with streamlined GPU execution. Entropic smoothing generates a family of losses interpolating between Wasserstein (OT) and Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), thus allowing to find a sweet spot leveraging the geometry of OT and the favorable high-dimensional sample complexity of MMD which comes with unbiased gradient estimates. The resulting computational architecture complements nicely standard deep network generative models by a stack of extra layers implementing the loss function

    SurfNet: Generating 3D shape surfaces using deep residual networks

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    3D shape models are naturally parameterized using vertices and faces, \ie, composed of polygons forming a surface. However, current 3D learning paradigms for predictive and generative tasks using convolutional neural networks focus on a voxelized representation of the object. Lifting convolution operators from the traditional 2D to 3D results in high computational overhead with little additional benefit as most of the geometry information is contained on the surface boundary. Here we study the problem of directly generating the 3D shape surface of rigid and non-rigid shapes using deep convolutional neural networks. We develop a procedure to create consistent `geometry images' representing the shape surface of a category of 3D objects. We then use this consistent representation for category-specific shape surface generation from a parametric representation or an image by developing novel extensions of deep residual networks for the task of geometry image generation. Our experiments indicate that our network learns a meaningful representation of shape surfaces allowing it to interpolate between shape orientations and poses, invent new shape surfaces and reconstruct 3D shape surfaces from previously unseen images.Comment: CVPR 2017 pape

    Learning Disentangled Representations with Latent Variation Predictability

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    Latent traversal is a popular approach to visualize the disentangled latent representations. Given a bunch of variations in a single unit of the latent representation, it is expected that there is a change in a single factor of variation of the data while others are fixed. However, this impressive experimental observation is rarely explicitly encoded in the objective function of learning disentangled representations. This paper defines the variation predictability of latent disentangled representations. Given image pairs generated by latent codes varying in a single dimension, this varied dimension could be closely correlated with these image pairs if the representation is well disentangled. Within an adversarial generation process, we encourage variation predictability by maximizing the mutual information between latent variations and corresponding image pairs. We further develop an evaluation metric that does not rely on the ground-truth generative factors to measure the disentanglement of latent representations. The proposed variation predictability is a general constraint that is applicable to the VAE and GAN frameworks for boosting disentanglement of latent representations. Experiments show that the proposed variation predictability correlates well with existing ground-truth-required metrics and the proposed algorithm is effective for disentanglement learning.Comment: 14 pages, ECCV2

    Data-Optimized Coronal Field Model: I. Proof of Concept

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    Deriving the strength and direction of the three-dimensional (3D) magnetic field in the solar atmosphere is fundamental for understanding its dynamics. Volume information on the magnetic field mostly relies on coupling 3D reconstruction methods with photospheric and/or chromospheric surface vector magnetic fields. Infrared coronal polarimetry could provide additional information to better constrain magnetic field reconstructions. However, combining such data with reconstruction methods is challenging, e.g., because of the optical-thinness of the solar corona and the lack and limitations of stereoscopic polarimetry. To address these issues, we introduce the Data-Optimized Coronal Field Model (DOCFM) framework, a model-data fitting approach that combines a parametrized 3D generative model, e.g., a magnetic field extrapolation or a magnetohydrodynamic model, with forward modeling of coronal data. We test it with a parametrized flux rope insertion method and infrared coronal polarimetry where synthetic observations are created from a known "ground truth" physical state. We show that this framework allows us to accurately retrieve the ground truth 3D magnetic field of a set of force-free field solutions from the flux rope insertion method. In observational studies, the DOCFM will provide a means to force the solutions derived with different reconstruction methods to satisfy additional, common, coronal constraints. The DOCFM framework therefore opens new perspectives for the exploitation of coronal polarimetry in magnetic field reconstructions and for developing new techniques to more reliably infer the 3D magnetic fields that trigger solar flares and coronal mass ejections.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap
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