35,358 research outputs found

    Three Hopf algebras from number theory, physics & topology, and their common background II: general categorical formulation

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    We consider three a priori totally different setups for Hopf algebras from number theory, mathematical physics and algebraic topology. These are the Hopf algebra of Goncharov for multiple zeta values, that of Connes-Kreimer for renormalization, and a Hopf algebra constructed by Baues to study double loop spaces. We show that these examples can be successively unified by considering simplicial objects, co-operads with multiplication and Feynman categories at the ultimate level. These considerations open the door to new constructions and reinterpretations of known constructions in a large common framework which is presented step-by-step with examples throughout. In this second part of two papers, we give the general categorical formulation

    Renormalization and Computation II: Time Cut-off and the Halting Problem

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    This is the second installment to the project initiated in [Ma3]. In the first Part, I argued that both philosophy and technique of the perturbative renormalization in quantum field theory could be meaningfully transplanted to the theory of computation, and sketched several contexts supporting this view. In this second part, I address some of the issues raised in [Ma3] and provide their development in three contexts: a categorification of the algorithmic computations; time cut--off and Anytime Algorithms; and finally, a Hopf algebra renormalization of the Halting Problem.Comment: 28 page

    Equivariant infinite loop space theory, I. The space level story

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    We rework and generalize equivariant infinite loop space theory, which shows how to construct G-spectra from G-spaces with suitable structure. There is a naive version which gives naive G-spectra for any topological group G, but our focus is on the construction of genuine G-spectra when G is finite. We give new information about the Segal and operadic equivariant infinite loop space machines, supplying many details that are missing from the literature, and we prove by direct comparison that the two machines give equivalent output when fed equivalent input. The proof of the corresponding nonequivariant uniqueness theorem, due to May and Thomason, works for naive G-spectra for general G but fails hopelessly for genuine G-spectra when G is finite. Even in the nonequivariant case, our comparison theorem is considerably more precise, giving a direct point-set level comparison. We have taken the opportunity to update this general area, equivariant and nonequivariant, giving many new proofs, filling in some gaps, and giving some corrections to results in the literature.Comment: 94 page

    Feynman Categories

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    In this paper we give a new foundational, categorical formulation for operations and relations and objects parameterizing them. This generalizes and unifies the theory of operads and all their cousins including but not limited to PROPs, modular operads, twisted (modular) operads, properads, hyperoperads, their colored versions, as well as algebras over operads and an abundance of other related structures, such as crossed simplicial groups, the augmented simplicial category or FI--modules. The usefulness of this approach is that it allows us to handle all the classical as well as more esoteric structures under a common framework and we can treat all the situations simultaneously. Many of the known constructions simply become Kan extensions. In this common framework, we also derive universal operations, such as those underlying Deligne's conjecture, construct Hopf algebras as well as perform resolutions, (co)bar transforms and Feynman transforms which are related to master equations. For these applications, we construct the relevant model category structures. This produces many new examples.Comment: Expanded version. New introduction, new arrangement of text, more details on several constructions. New figure

    Renormalisation and computation II: time cut-off and the Halting Problem

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