2 research outputs found

    EDF-Like Scheduling for Self-Suspending Real-Time Tasks

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    In real-time systems, schedulability tests are utilized to provide timing guarantees. However, for self-suspending task sets, current suspension-aware schedulability tests are limited to Task-Level Fixed-Priority~(TFP) scheduling or Earliest-Deadline-First~(EDF) with constrained-deadline task systems. In this work we provide a unifying schedulability test for the uniprocessor version of Global EDF-Like (GEL) schedulers and arbitrary-deadline task sets. A large body of existing scheduling algorithms can be considered as EDF-Like, such as EDF, First-In-First-Out~(FIFO), Earliest-Quasi-Deadline-First~(EQDF) and Suspension-Aware EDF~(SAEDF). Therefore, the unifying schedulability test is applicable to those algorithms. Moreover, the schedulability test can be applied to TFP scheduling as well. Our analysis is the first suspension-aware schedulability test applicable to arbitrary-deadline sporadic real-time task systems under Job-Level Fixed-Priority (JFP) scheduling, such as EDF. Moreover, it is the first unifying suspension-aware schedulability test framework that covers a wide range of scheduling algorithms. Through numerical simulations, we show that the schedulability test outperforms the state of the art for EDF under constrained-deadline scenarios. Moreover, we demonstrate the performance of different configurations under EQDF and SAEDF

    A Unifying Response Time Analysis Framework for Dynamic Self-Suspending Tasks

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    28th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 16). 5 to 8, Jul, 2016. Toulouse, France.For real-time embedded systems, self-suspending behaviors can cause substantial performance/schedulability degradations. In this paper, we focus on preemptive fixed-priority scheduling for the dynamic self-suspension task model on uniprocessor. This model assumes that a job of a task can dynamically suspend itself during its execution (for instance, to wait for shared resources or access co-processors or external devices). The total suspension time of a job is upper-bounded, but this dynamic behavior drastically influences the interference generated by this task on lower-priority tasks. The state-of-the-art results for this task model can be classified into three categories (i) modeling suspension as computation, (ii) modeling suspension as release jitter, and (iii) modeling suspension as a blocking term. However, several results associated to the release jitter approach have been recently proven to be erroneous, and the concept of modeling suspension as blocking was never formally proven correct. This paper presents a unifying response time analysis framework for the dynamic self-suspending task model. We provide a rigorous proof and show that the existing analyses pertaining to the three categories mentioned above are analytically dominated by our proposed solution. Therefore, all those techniques are in fact correct, but they are inferior to the proposed response time analysis in this paper. The evaluation results show that our analysis framework can generate huge improvements (an increase of up to 50% of the number of task sets deemed schedulable) over these state-of-the-art analyses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio