19,118 research outputs found

    Uncovering the impact of organisational culture types on the willingness to share knowledge between projects

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    Current literature has established that organisational culture influences knowledge management efforts; however, it is only recently that research on project management has focused its interest on organisational culture in the context of knowledge sharing and some preliminary studies have been conducted. In response, this paper adds a significant contribution by providing rich empirical evidence of the relationships between culture and the willingness to share knowledge, demonstrating which cultural values are more and which are less likely to improve inter-project knowledge sharing behaviours. The use of interviews and the Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) (Cameron & Quinn, 2005) in the cross-case examination of culture in four participating cases has resulted in rich empirical contributions. Furthermore, this paper adds to the project management literature by introducing the Competing Values Framework (CVF) of Cameron and Quinn (2005) to evaluate knowledge sharing in the inter-project context

    Harnessing Intellectual Resources in a Collaborative Context to Create Value

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    The value of electronic collaboration has arisen as successful organisations recognize that they need to convert their intellectual resources into customized services. The shift from personal computing to interpersonal or collaborative computing has given rise to ways of working that may bring about better and more effective use of intellectual resources. Current efforts in managing knowledge have concentrated on producing; sharing and storing knowledge while business problems require the combined use of these intellectual resources to enable organisations to provide innovative and customized services. In this chapter the collaborative context is developed using a model for electronic collaboration through the use of which organisations may mobilse collaborative technologies and intellectual resources towards achieving joint effect.electronic collaboration;value creation;collaborative computing;knowledge management and intellectual resources

    The strategic relevance of business relationships: a preliminary assessment

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    The ubiquitous contention within the Industrial Networks literature - that business relationships are one of the firm®s most important resources - has not been, in our viewpoint, thoroughly explored. Hence we argue that the ‘Resource-based View of the Firm’ (‘RBV’) may complement the network-based reasoning on the strategic relevance of business relationships. A theoretical framework is proposed – a competence-based view of the firm – which solves RBV®s terminological and inconsistency problems and, more importantly, assures compatibility with the network perspective®s assumptions. The possibility of cross-fertilizing the Industrial Networks and RBV theories seems not only real, but also conceptually profitable for both theoretical fields.Business Relationships, Industrial Networks, Resource-Based View of the Firm, Competence-Based View of the Firm

    Phase transitions in project scheduling.

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    The analysis of the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems has led to the distinction between problems which are solvable in a polynomially bounded amount of time (classified in P) and problems which are not (classified in NP). This implies that the problems in NP are hard to solve whereas the problems in P are not. However, this analysis is based on worst-case scenarios. The fact that a decision problem is shown to be NP-complete or the fact that an optimization problem is shown to be NP-hard implies that, in the worst case, solving it is very hard. Recent computational results obtained with a well known NP-hard problem, namely the resource-constrained project scheduling problem, indicate that many instances are actually easy to solve. These results are in line with those recently obtained by researchers in the area of artificial intelligence, which show that many NP-complete problemsexhibit so-called phase transitions, resulting in a sudden and dramatic change of computational complexity based on one or more order parameters that are characteristic of the system as a whole. In this paper we provide evidence for the existence of phase transitions in various resource-constrained project scheduling problems. We discuss the use of network complexity measures and resource parameters as potential order parameters. We show that while the network complexity measures seem to reveal continuous easy-hard or hard-easy phase-transitions, the resource parameters exhibit an easy-hard-easy transition behaviour.Networks; Problems; Scheduling; Algorithms;

    An overview of recent research results and future research avenues using simulation studies in project management

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    This paper gives an overview of three simulation studies in dynamic project scheduling integrating baseline scheduling with risk analysis and project control. This integration is known in the literature as dynamic scheduling. An integrated project control method is presented using a project control simulation approach that combines the three topics into a single decision support system. The method makes use of Monte Carlo simulations and connects schedule risk analysis (SRA) with earned value management (EVM). A corrective action mechanism is added to the simulation model to measure the efficiency of two alternative project control methods. At the end of the paper, a summary of recent and state-of-the-art results is given, and directions for future research based on a new research study are presented
