385 research outputs found

    First-Order System Least Squares and the Energetic Variational Approach for Two-Phase Flow

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    This paper develops a first-order system least-squares (FOSLS) formulation for equations of two-phase flow. The main goal is to show that this discretization, along with numerical techniques such as nested iteration, algebraic multigrid, and adaptive local refinement, can be used to solve these types of complex fluid flow problems. In addition, from an energetic variational approach, it can be shown that an important quantity to preserve in a given simulation is the energy law. We discuss the energy law and inherent structure for two-phase flow using the Allen-Cahn interface model and indicate how it is related to other complex fluid models, such as magnetohydrodynamics. Finally, we show that, using the FOSLS framework, one can still satisfy the appropriate energy law globally while using well-known numerical techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Influence of the Hall effect on the reconnection rate at line-tied magnetic X-points

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    Context. The role of the Hall term in magnetic reconnection at line-tied planar magnetic X-points is explored. Aims. The goal is to determine the reconnection scaling laws and to investigate how the reconnection rate depends on the size of the system in Hall magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Methods. The evolution of reconnective disturbances is determined numerically by solving the linearized compressible Hall MHD equations. Scaling laws are derived for the decay rate as a function of the dimensionless resistivity and ion inertial length. Results. Although the Hall effect leads to an increase in the decay rate, this increase is shown to be moderated in larger systems. A key finding is that the Hall term contribution to the decay rate, normalized by the resistive decay rate, scales inversely with the system size L, approximately as L-2. Conclusions. The evidence suggests that decay rate enhancements due to Hall effects in line-tied X-points are weakened for large-scale systems. The result may have important implications for modeling energy release in large-scale astrophysical plasma environments, such as solar flares

    Monolithic Multigrid for Magnetohydrodynamics

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    The magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations model a wide range of plasma physics applications and are characterized by a nonlinear system of partial differential equations that strongly couples a charged fluid with the evolution of electromagnetic fields. After discretization and linearization, the resulting system of equations is generally difficult to solve due to the coupling between variables, and the heterogeneous coefficients induced by the linearization process. In this paper, we investigate multigrid preconditioners for this system based on specialized relaxation schemes that properly address the system structure and coupling. Three extensions of Vanka relaxation are proposed and applied to problems with up to 170 million degrees of freedom and fluid and magnetic Reynolds numbers up to 400 for stationary problems and up to 20,000 for time-dependent problems

    Toroidal Vortices in Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibria

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    Resistive steady states in toroidal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), where Ohm's law must be taken into account, differ considerably from ideal ones. Only for special (and probably unphysical) resistivity profiles can the Lorentz force, in the static force-balance equation, be expressed as the gradient of a scalar and thus cancel the gradient of a scalar pressure. In general, the Lorentz force has a curl directed so as to generate toroidal vorticity. Here, we calculate, for a collisional, highly viscous magnetofluid, the flows that are required for an axisymmetric toroidal steady state, assuming uniform scalar resistivity and viscosity. The flows originate from paired toroidal vortices (in what might be called a ``double smoke ring'' configuration), and are thought likely to be ubiquitous in the interior of toroidally driven magnetofluids of this type. The existence of such vortices is conjectured to characterize magnetofluids beyond the high-viscosity limit in which they are readily calculable.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    The onset of a small-scale turbulent dynamo at low magnetic Prandtl numbers

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    We study numerically the dependence of the critical magnetic Reynolds number Rmc for the turbulent small-scale dynamo on the hydrodynamic Reynolds number Re. The turbulence is statistically homogeneous, isotropic, and mirror--symmetric. We are interested in the regime of low magnetic Prandtl number Pm=Rm/Re<1, which is relevant for stellar convective zones, protostellar disks, and laboratory liquid-metal experiments. The two asymptotic possibilities are Rmc->const as Re->infinity (a small-scale dynamo exists at low Pm) or Rmc/Re=Pmc->const as Re->infinity (no small-scale dynamo exists at low Pm). Results obtained in two independent sets of simulations of MHD turbulence using grid and spectral codes are brought together and found to be in quantitative agreement. We find that at currently accessible resolutions, Rmc grows with Re with no sign of approaching a constant limit. We reach the maximum values of Rmc~500 for Re~3000. By comparing simulations with Laplacian viscosity, fourth-, sixth-, and eighth-order hyperviscosity and Smagorinsky large-eddy viscosity, we find that Rmc is not sensitive to the particular form of the viscous cutoff. This work represents a significant extension of the studies previously published by Schekochihin et al. 2004, PRL 92, 054502 and Haugen et al. 2004, PRE, 70, 016308 and the first detailed scan of the numerically accessible part of the stability curve Rmc(Re).Comment: 4 pages, emulateapj aastex, 2 figures; final version as published in ApJL (but with colour figures