71,834 research outputs found

    Online Bin Packing with Advice

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    We consider the online bin packing problem under the advice complexity model where the 'online constraint' is relaxed and an algorithm receives partial information about the future requests. We provide tight upper and lower bounds for the amount of advice an algorithm needs to achieve an optimal packing. We also introduce an algorithm that, when provided with log n + o(log n) bits of advice, achieves a competitive ratio of 3/2 for the general problem. This algorithm is simple and is expected to find real-world applications. We introduce another algorithm that receives 2n + o(n) bits of advice and achieves a competitive ratio of 4/3 + {\epsilon}. Finally, we provide a lower bound argument that implies that advice of linear size is required for an algorithm to achieve a competitive ratio better than 9/8.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure (2 subfigures

    Approximating Dynamic Time Warping and Edit Distance for a Pair of Point Sequences

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    We give the first subquadratic-time approximation schemes for dynamic time warping (DTW) and edit distance (ED) of several natural families of point sequences in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, for any fixed d≥1d \ge 1. In particular, our algorithms compute (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximations of DTW and ED in time near-linear for point sequences drawn from k-packed or k-bounded curves, and subquadratic for backbone sequences. Roughly speaking, a curve is κ\kappa-packed if the length of its intersection with any ball of radius rr is at most κ⋅r\kappa \cdot r, and a curve is κ\kappa-bounded if the sub-curve between two curve points does not go too far from the two points compared to the distance between the two points. In backbone sequences, consecutive points are spaced at approximately equal distances apart, and no two points lie very close together. Recent results suggest that a subquadratic algorithm for DTW or ED is unlikely for an arbitrary pair of point sequences even for d=1d=1. Our algorithms work by constructing a small set of rectangular regions that cover the entries of the dynamic programming table commonly used for these distance measures. The weights of entries inside each rectangle are roughly the same, so we are able to use efficient procedures to approximately compute the cheapest paths through these rectangles
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