783 research outputs found

    First- and Second-Order Hypothesis Testing for Mixed Memoryless Sources with General Mixture

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    The first- and second-order optimum achievable exponents in the simple hypothesis testing problem are investigated. The optimum achievable exponent for type II error probability, under the constraint that the type I error probability is allowed asymptotically up to epsilon, is called the epsilon-optimum exponent. In this paper, we first give the second-order epsilon-exponent in the case where the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are a mixed memoryless source and a stationary memoryless source, respectively. We next generalize this setting to the case where the alternative hypothesis is also a mixed memoryless source. We address the first-order epsilon-optimum exponent in this setting. In addition, an extension of our results to more general setting such as the hypothesis testing with mixed general source and the relationship with the general compound hypothesis testing problem are also discussed.Comment: 23 page

    Second-Order Asymptotics of Visible Mixed Quantum Source Coding via Universal Codes

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TIT.2016.2571662The simplest example of a quantum information source with memory is a mixed source which emits signals entirely from one of two memoryless quantum sources with given a priori probabilities. Considering a mixed source consisting of a general one-parameter family of memoryless sources, we derive the second order asymptotic rate for fixed-length visible source coding. Furthermore, we specialize our main result to a mixed source consisting of two memoryless sources. Our results provide the first example of second order asymptotics for a quantum information-processing task employing a resource with memory. For the case of a classical mixed source (using a finite alphabet), our results reduce to those obtained by Nomura and Han [IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th. 59.1 (2013), pp. 1-16]. To prove the achievability part of our main result, we introduce universal quantum source codes achieving second order asymptotic rates. These are obtained by an extension of Hayashi's construction [IEEE Trans. on Inf. Th. 54.10 (2008), pp. 4619-4637] of their classical counterparts

    Guessing Revisited: A Large Deviations Approach

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    The problem of guessing a random string is revisited. A close relation between guessing and compression is first established. Then it is shown that if the sequence of distributions of the information spectrum satisfies the large deviation property with a certain rate function, then the limiting guessing exponent exists and is a scalar multiple of the Legendre-Fenchel dual of the rate function. Other sufficient conditions related to certain continuity properties of the information spectrum are briefly discussed. This approach highlights the importance of the information spectrum in determining the limiting guessing exponent. All known prior results are then re-derived as example applications of our unifying approach.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in IEEE Transaction on Information Theor

    Data Discovery and Anomaly Detection Using Atypicality: Theory

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    A central question in the era of 'big data' is what to do with the enormous amount of information. One possibility is to characterize it through statistics, e.g., averages, or classify it using machine learning, in order to understand the general structure of the overall data. The perspective in this paper is the opposite, namely that most of the value in the information in some applications is in the parts that deviate from the average, that are unusual, atypical. We define what we mean by 'atypical' in an axiomatic way as data that can be encoded with fewer bits in itself rather than using the code for the typical data. We show that this definition has good theoretical properties. We then develop an implementation based on universal source coding, and apply this to a number of real world data sets.Comment: 40 page

    A vector quantization approach to universal noiseless coding and quantization

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    A two-stage code is a block code in which each block of data is coded in two stages: the first stage codes the identity of a block code among a collection of codes, and the second stage codes the data using the identified code. The collection of codes may be noiseless codes, fixed-rate quantizers, or variable-rate quantizers. We take a vector quantization approach to two-stage coding, in which the first stage code can be regarded as a vector quantizer that “quantizes” the input data of length n to one of a fixed collection of block codes. We apply the generalized Lloyd algorithm to the first-stage quantizer, using induced measures of rate and distortion, to design locally optimal two-stage codes. On a source of medical images, two-stage variable-rate vector quantizers designed in this way outperform standard (one-stage) fixed-rate vector quantizers by over 9 dB. The tail of the operational distortion-rate function of the first-stage quantizer determines the optimal rate of convergence of the redundancy of a universal sequence of two-stage codes. We show that there exist two-stage universal noiseless codes, fixed-rate quantizers, and variable-rate quantizers whose per-letter rate and distortion redundancies converge to zero as (k/2)n -1 log n, when the universe of sources has finite dimension k. This extends the achievability part of Rissanen's theorem from universal noiseless codes to universal quantizers. Further, we show that the redundancies converge as O(n-1) when the universe of sources is countable, and as O(n-1+ϵ) when the universe of sources is infinite-dimensional, under appropriate conditions

    Tema Con Variazioni: Quantum Channel Capacity

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    Channel capacity describes the size of the nearly ideal channels, which can be obtained from many uses of a given channel, using an optimal error correcting code. In this paper we collect and compare minor and major variations in the mathematically precise statements of this idea which have been put forward in the literature. We show that all the variations considered lead to equivalent capacity definitions. In particular, it makes no difference whether one requires mean or maximal errors to go to zero, and it makes no difference whether errors are required to vanish for any sequence of block sizes compatible with the rate, or only for one infinite sequence.Comment: 32 pages, uses iopart.cl