22,106 research outputs found

    Satellites at work (Space in the seventies)

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    The use of satellites in the areas of communications, meteorology, geodesy, navigation, air traffic control, and earth resources technology is discussed. NASA contributions to various programs are reviewed

    Space, the new frontier

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    Space program - high thrust boosters with greater payload capabilities, superior guidance and control, and astronaut trainin

    Origins of NASA names

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    Names are selected for NASA spaceflight projects and programs from various sources. Some have their foundations in mythology and astrology or legend and folklore. Some have historic connotations; others are based on a description of their mission, often resulting in an acronym. Included are names of launch vehicles, spacecraft, manned spaceflight programs, sounding rockets, and NASA field installations. This study is limited to names of approved projects through 1974; it does not include names of numerous projects which have been or are being studied or projects that were canceled or postponed before reaching actual flight

    Meteorological Satellites and Sounding Rockets

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    TIROS and Nimbus meteorological satellites, and small and large meteorological sounding rocket experiment

    America in space - The first decade. NASA spacecraft

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    Overview on NASA spacecraft subsystems and performanc

    Data Requirements for Oceanic Processes in the Open Ocean, Coastal Zone, and Cryosphere

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    The type of information system that is needed to meet the requirements of ocean, coastal, and polar region users was examined. The requisite qualities of the system are: (1) availability, (2) accessibility, (3) responsiveness, (4) utility, (5) continuity, and (6) NASA participation. The system would not displace existing capabilities, but would have to integrate and expand the capabilities of existing systems and resolve the deficiencies that currently exist in producer-to-user information delivery options